
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Earth Seed of Water: Boldness


The day of celebration of my birth has unfolded slowly, as if patient with my feelings. I take in deeply the simple pleasures of time and I feel kind of foggy, recovering, and pausing.

Boldness, not a feeling of this day, but a steady unfolding. Taking the sweetness of arrival into the pace of open, I take myself to the more resistant pleasure of room.

Boldness is part of a turning that conceives a spoken formation of current that evokes color.

This day is my birthday and I am in the beginning of a Saturn return, which calls for a total shift of currency, and one pays for life in a totally new way. I can see the pattern more, as it turns and the boldness is more evident. This pattern has more ease and less need for a charge.

The currency of my life before called for much more physical and emotional current, because I was carving out space for who I am and what I have come to do, be, and conceive.Now that has been paid, carved, and given life.

Now I must sit inside my own vessel and allow it to float with the accuracy of its own curves. No oars needed, because the carve has its own living movement. The boldness is on water, the boldness has no oars, the boldness has no effort. The ease of life, called to one's own need, is the memory of fay and how life has its own mobility.

The elements are at the bidding of our ease. They only come when the bidding is from the heart alone. This is a time of courage, blamelessness, essence, and seeing through the veil. Boldness to look through.


  1. You have helped me understand what is happening within our lives at this decade that we have reached, the changes that happen in our hearts and minds that seem to come from "out of the blue"....and they really do. You speak what I have been torn by these last years as my perspective changes but my intent does not and how do they meet again? What feels like maturity and croneness can be a sharp-edged sword, only through knowing this work I have been able to not butcher the world. But the idea of boldness being..."The boldness is on water, the boldness has no oars, the boldness has no effort."...soothes my frustrations with myself immensely. Thanks again sister for wrapping me up in safety.
    P.S. I have always loved the wood sculpture above - but this is a fresh look at her - and sometimes my head feels like it has that many layers to it!! Great dinner & sharing last nite xoxox

  2. Sandra,
    Oh, thank you, you have said so much that I have needed to hear.
    There is so much needed from us now, on the bigger picture and smaller.

    Sometimes more than our age feels that we can handle, and burn out is where I was, and close to where you and Suzanne were. Susanna's been there for a while, so in my leaving, I could refresh and feed back to you all what would refresh you.

    We are a "wolf pack" and we eat what each other has chewed, and grateful for it. We feed our little ones from our own mouths, and we call them all our very own. So maybe, instead of being crone butchers, we have become crone munchers,chewers, and ravenous ravens :-)

    It was a wonderful evening, and we are loved, watched over, taken care of, and honored.
    love, Su.Sane

  3. Thank you, thank you.....I would much rather see myself as a "crone muncher"! It makes me realize that this time has much needed insight that we may have been given at a younger age = but can't remember it effecting me = there seemed to be so little time for in-depth talks, only immediate life questioning talks- so I guess I hunger for having "real dialogue" with those around me and not social dialogue. SO I will now "munch" along and feel good in my skin....:)
    RAVENOUS RAVENS RISE UP! chew on all the goodness of the world.

  4. Sandra, Bravo, I shall do the same.

  5. Susanna, hey there girl.
    So glad you are following this along.
    It's so nice to have someone listen to someone be ravenous.

    I know your time is small and in-between, so thank you for "Love". :-)

  6. I have always thought of boldness as requiring some level of effort and exertion -- how wonderful to see it so differently! I am soothed and reassured by the idea of sitting into the vessel I have become and as Sandra said "feeling good in my skin" and now knowing that the boldness comes naturally & easily from this place.


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