
Monday, August 30, 2010

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle


Squaring the circle can only be approached through the mental alchemy, and it is about the compass of our lives that works totally within the esoteric realm, before becoming manifested in the physical dimension.

The airy castles of our soul, as it designs the fine structure of our physical dimension, is held within air seed of earth.

Robert & I saw a film last night of the life of a very mystical architect, Louis Kahn. The movie’s title is “My Architect- A Son’s Journey”, a film about a man, his buildings, and his secret lives.  

It was about the journey of a son to find his father through his creativity and his mysticism. Nathaniel Kahn, a film maker and the architect’s son, created this award-winning film. 

It was so much about air seed of earth. The whole problem of understanding someone, who knew the mental alchemy, that cannot be solved with the straight edge and compass. 

Esoteric geometry is what this architect was about, and his life design that continuously reached to squaring the circle. His last design was the capital of Bangladesh, and it was the culmination of all his life’s work. He squared the circle. 

“Squaring the circle is the mental alchemy of transferring an airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension, so the objective conception, and birth, become a demonstrative reality.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

Louis Kahn, in the capital of Bangladesh, took the airy concept of democracy, and built a space that was the pattern it could conceive, germinate, and become a reality in. He did this in collaboration with the dreams of the Bangladesh government at that time.

He squared the circle and his design reveals it completely. He did not live the acceptable, conventional life that creates many good buildings, but he lived an un-ordinary, somewhat unacceptable life, that created magnificent architectures that changed all that went within them. He studied Jewish Mysticism, Buddhism, Christianity, and other mysteries. He was considered a Mystic by other fellow architects.

I have thought of all the changes, acceptable and unacceptable, that I have lived through, and the importance of realizing the truly real work often requires one’s life to follow and accept that squaring the circle is a height, that often requires a change in form, that can adapt to the shift in light, temperature, and oxygen.

This new form does not always comply with the world’s standards. Louis Kahn lived inside the mysteries of sacred structure, so he lived outside the standards of daily life, still creating from a sacred geometry of the soul. 

He always had a dialogue with the life within his work. “Before you build, you need to know what the brick wants.” Louis Kahn.

I am inspired by this day, this man’s life, and fortunately my own.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Water Seed of earth: Alliances


Water nourishes Earth ,and Earth is Water’s Chalice. Water and Earth are lovers.

“A new associate or pattern can immeasurably help you to activate your plan, cease dreaming. Grasp the Day”, Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

The day of water seed of earth moved into its full flow surprisingly well. There was much feeling of cooperation and the timing felt delicious in its ease of character.

Timing can be such a tricky thing and where it is off, it can trip you up and make you feel so lost.Today, though, it was like glass smooth.

I have needed a day like this, so badly. You can feel the chalice of earth supporting the water of your life, and the grounded pleasures of relief that make the body let down into the flow of itself.

In this time you can begin to grasp the small seed of what is growing in partnership. The simple knowing of what is needed in a greater volume in one’s life. I know I need to stay present to who I am, so I don’t get lost in the filters of life’s delusion of one’s deep flow of meaning.

Under the surface of daily tasks, interactions, and feelings, is a deep well of water that imprints sounds, visions, and intentions. This deep well is chaliced by the earth and is our own grail cup.

We are the sound of our own intention, and we are imprinted by the words of our own living. We are the chalice that holds the waters of our beingness.

We float within our memories, visions, and we cradle our dreams in the waters of our largest vast ocean of the body.

We are our own body of work, and can choose an alliance with the sacredness of these waters.

We cannot purify the waters of the earth till we purify the waters of our own being. We must choose what we imprint upon the oceans of our being.

I remember a time when I knew fully the imprint of my true essence, and I call into myself the code of that essence. Water seed of earth, an alliance with my own vast ocean.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Air Seed of Water: Calm


Today, a time of slow motion, easy gestures, and gentle ways of being with myself.

Air seed of water is a time to be cautious with the rushed pushing of one’s life. Perseverance is the weather of this time. A steady deep connection with your intuitive feeling self is necessary, so life does not become too foggy to find clarity.

This perseverance allows you to care for what you have already built, and permits the cycle of life to roll over into a new opportunity.

The calm after much froth and bubble can often feel somewhat flat, but it is the reclamation, after much potential has levitated into the sacred window of dreaming creatively.

You should ground yourself fully and take time to feel the corners of the foundation of your life.

I have come to know that during this time I must see myself from above, like a rising essence that can be aware of my full environment.

Look between the moments, to get a broader square of your life to land upon.

Vision requires meaning at some point, and at this time one gathers the landscape of one’s property.
You need to potentize the manifested wisdom of how things truly are, without the illusion of what speaks to the needs of the world, but not necessarily yours. In this way you make visible a new way of being in your life, that provides comfort, agility, and deep meaning.

To confer with the ages is a wisdom of the timing of air seed of water-- the calm of seeing from above yourself.

Earth Seed of Ether: Renewal


“Because men do not perfectly believe or imagine, the result is that arts are uncertain when they might be wholly certain.” Paracelsus 1493-1541, Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas” “

Today the future embodies us. The center of my mind begins to struggle less with the moving vessel of change, and I feel the deep rich inertia of this time.

Mercury is Retrograde, so the speed of life is so enhanced, that one seems to not be moving at all, and even backwards, in a forward way. The alchemy of thought stretches across me and I see that the fuse has not been lighted.

There is space (ether) now for me in this rich soil of potential, as I listen for the clicks of my own timing. To know the clicks of your own timing is to know that when things are vastly speeded up, they often look as if they are standing still, or even going backwards.

The position in life is often felt not grounded enough to hold weight, but actually it is taking on enough real surface to build a full foundation upon.

There is a germinal vision that sits transfixed within the heart of this time, and it awaits the gesture of renewal.

The Vesica Pisces can then give birth to a horizon that correlates our lives into an ideal, that circumnavigates our needs and desires. Earth seed of ether is an exquisite portal onto and into the now present, where we realize we have what we need in our hands.

The cure/antidote is always ten feet within the need.

I feel that this day holds me in its hands, and it cradles the sweet innocence of my creative life , till I can know and feel fully what I have in my hands.

“What is here is elsewhere; what is not here is nowhere.” Visvasara Tantra, Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve


The glass egg, or Alembic, is the focus, and embodied in the patience of the alchemical position, of watching and keeping the flame at just the optimum volume, yet not so much it overwhelms the glassness of fragility, that is our exquisiteness.

To resolve what needs to be solved is a commitment  of our primal flame.

Impotence is the greatest threat to the enthusiasm of fire, and it is a persistent sound in this world we live. Impotence, the threat to the innocent child of creation within us.

I have met with the anger of this sweet innocence, as it finds the tooth of repressed creation, the root of what the world of judgment cannot find worth with, the discarded voice of our sacred innocence, that creates only out of play.

When we begin to market our play, the muse, like a fairy, dies, as each viewer says I do not believe in the value of fairy play.

The market rides on the back of what can be seen now. It has no way of showing the Indians the presence of ships. The market can only muse with a muse that has stabilized centuries ago.

How long did you work and I will count the time in dollars?

I must resolve myself with this sweet innocence who creates everything I love. Where is the payment, is it in doing, imagining, sharing, selling, or is it simply being present in form in one’s life?

Many stop creating if the right payment isn’t given. Many hurt from the sharing and loss of value. Some, the value never even approaches, because the fire is turned up too high with expectation, and burned up in the furnace of disappointment, judgment, and demand to produce product.

Our eyes curve around this fragility, and the egg cracks from the disturbance of our environment, as it quenches no thirst, cools no heat, and feeds no beauty.

The innocence lays weeping in my jaw, and each night I clamp down on her swaddled feelings, till I lock out the sounds of worth and property.

I must own her as my own property and resolve my relationship with her sweet innocence.

I spoke to Robert of this and he said it is like one who has sacred seed of a sacred wheat. You plough the land, you plant the seeds, and when the wheat grows beautifully, you harvest it perfectly, you bundle it and take it to market, and no one wants to pay for a bundle of sacred wheat, and you begin to feel you had wasted your time, your seeds, your feeling of worth.

What do you do? The muse says, Well I ploughed the field, I potentized the seed, I nurtured its growth, and harvested its beauty for you. Is that not enough? Why do you market your beauty and allow beauty to become worthless through other’s blind refusal?

Is the answer that it is only for me and to share only with those who honor the sweet innocence in themselves? Is the market a tight noose for meaning?

Does the fire come and visit more gently, when you allow its worth to expand beyond the dollar? Is there earthy nurturance of food and support, for a life that frees the sacred innocence of an audience?

I don’t know how to become a creator with no audience, but I need to learn to become a blank canvas for the muse to play once again upon, always inside the work, never standing back with an audience, that has not yet been inside so deeply, and cannot fall into the rabbit hole of this kind of integrity with the Divine.

Fired seed of fire: resolve.

I think I will throw off the veil of impotence and ask. Who is truly impotent, me, or the market that cannot potentize a single sowed seed, that cannot germinate the sight of a single ship on the ocean?