
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Water Seed of Ether: Synergy

 "Water Seed of Ether: Synergy, presages a coming cycle of enthusiasm followed by a temporary plateau (allowing recuperation & regrouping) & then a sudden growth spurt, ending with a conclusive settlement. What ever you can do or dream, you can. Boldness has Genius, Power, & Magic in it.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Synergy, such a rare and wonderful breath, and so delicious when it aligns in my life. I felt it, even before I got up, even before realizing I had a delicious night. Synergy, a breath of the Self, uninterrupted. Alchemy, a wonderful gesture when it moves into Synergy. I feel it and all its acres, and I surface for the synergy I already feel, even before I put my feet to the floor. Water Seed of Ether, Synergy. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Celtic Imprint 14

This Imprint works with matrix clarity. The clarity held within Avalon was to safeguard the seed essence energy that guided and helped shape events towards Highest Potential.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy

 "The Cubic Stone is being fired in the furnace of desire. Too much heat & it cracks; too little & it is half-baked & will not survive seasonal inclemencies. Everything moves in phases & the Chaos you may be experiencing is but an appearance overlaying order & rhythm. A human success results from the discernment of patterns in nature. Tend the oven, sustain the flames, & keep sight of the desired end.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. "Great works are performed not by strength but perseverance.", Samuel Johnson, Rasseld's:XIII.

Life seems to me to be Rubik's Cube, and I have learned to trust my instincts, my answers, my questions, but sometimes the wisdom doesn't show up immediately, and perseverance is needed. Everything usually gets cranky before it gets happy, so when I move something powerful, there is usually a bit of crankiness afterwards. I climbed three flights of stairs two days ago, and the crankiness stepped in in the night, and I forgot what it was from, so illness, pain, began to name everything. What I've learned is to let it settle, and not to lock it down into a larger landscape of disorder. In doing this, I continue to speak my own language and it passes on through, and begins to negotiate a whole new level, that I would not have seen if I had let it lock down and become something old, medicated, and diagnosed. Yep, I stretched up the Cathedric Climb, and now I'll give it room to rest and multiply my desire. Fire Seed of Earth, Alchemy. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Manifestation 11

This Imprint notarizes sound form, into momentual seen tone, mobilized into form seen, from within the without. This enables the manifested form seen to move potential as calculated, through number set, mobilized to zero.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Fire Seed of Air: Perseverance

 "Fire and Air are natural friends & mutually interdependent. Air vitalizes & vivifies Fire, encouraging Fire to burn ever brighter & the children, flames, to leap higher. Stick-ability can be more important than ability.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I sit inside the early seed of this day, excited about the exchange of perseverance, movement, realization, and a new pattern for 2023 starting to lay down its grid for me. Robert & I, Air & Fire, patiently begin this Rubik's Cube, that will eventually give us a whole new picture. Excited, curious, a bit overwhelmed. Let the adventure begin. Fire Seed of Air, Perseverance. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Body Zero 21

“This Imprinsial Pattern is a causal equalizer. This works with causal sound vibrations that create what the Body Zero permits to pass through its immuniary system. These causal sound vibrations are limited in their vibratory capacity and cause Body Zero to expand its volume flow, beyond the volume indicator. This in turn creates the Body Zero's distorted releasial patterns that are not in harmony with Body Zero's flow of movement.”

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

 "This is the time to progress through extroverted self-expression coupled with reaching out & engaging other people in a cooperative endeavor that suits your plans, but will be beneficial to others. Thoroughly mix Fiery Water with equal amounts of Watery Fire; such a conjunction bodes well for all undertakings.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Woke up early, but laying delightfully in my nestle self. Pulling up my dream body next to Robert's, bringing back the colors of the night. Did more of my Yoga before rising from the bed, and then moving through the house with what has become my sustenance. Delighting in the small things, and large things that I did yesterday to suit the pattern of change that January brings. Taking it in, so the enthusiasm rises and the bubbling of content registers, effervescence. My excitement, my enthusiastic doer, my cosy soother, just feeling this day bubbling inside of me. I am so grateful for vaporization, my morning coffee, and meditation space. Fire Seed of Water, Vaporization. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Recognitional 14

Recognize The Effort Spent

Recognize the message of every movement of center to reach the Self through each and every sound heard, color seen, and word spoken. Through this recognition one has the opportunity to truly Be and return home.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle

"'Squaring the Circle' is the mental alchemical process of transferring an Airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension, so the objective conception & birth become a demonstrative reality.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

This is a breakthrough piece in alchemy, and we have found that's utilized in every alchemical position, it's posable thumb. After many years I learned the power of asking for this with every question, we call it Squaring the Perspective. Once this is asked for, an origami process begins automatically, and the window opens and closes many times, until you have a Squared Perspective, that holds the answer within it. 35 years and presto. How many other alchemical positions can you ask to help, with the one you are in? One of the most powerful things we have ever discovered in our work. Air Seed of Earth, Squaring the Circle. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

 Flower Imprint 15

St. John’s Wort, Foxglove, Iris

This trinity of flower essential vibrations create, the momentum for penetration, of dream known and felt, inside and outside merging, into the omnidirectional flow of tantrum moletics.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Earth Seed of Fire: Potential

"Start and emphasize creativity. Carefully evaluate what alchemical tools and resources you have, rather than what you haven't. Be creative, original & innovative with what is right there now. It is not what you have, but how you use what you have.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

In January, every year, we get the pattern for potential. It rises up gradually in the first few weeks. Usually a deep dive in December, a completion of the year before, and then a rising of the pattern of a whole new potential. I'm in the middle of it, exciting, everything is coming apart in the dining room, and our studio. We have not actually painted since our last December show, 2019. With no longer having a landing place for a year's body's work, we found another way to create. Now, so happy we are beginning to return to the paint potential rising in our hands. Grateful. Earth Seed of Fire, Potential. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Body Zero 19

“This Imprintsial Pattern is a succinctionary calculatory resonator. This supports the succinctionary calculation, so that the Body Zero can go beyond the resonational eclipsing of the binary level of Body Zero, which has worked with the binary code system. This creates the 'mis' of all sound.”

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

  "This is a time to rearrange your plans carefully, & go gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant and which are not. Sift the chaff from the wheat. It is important to discriminate between between change as a verb or noun. Ultimately, this change can be very beneficial, allowing you to tie up loose ends, bury the past, & enter a new positive phase.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

This is a smoking gun for me today, yes it is all happening, kind of hidden, but I can see the smoke from it. Smoke is a signal for so many things, smoke, a new pope has been found, smoke, tribal gathering, smoke, someone hiding having a cigarette, yes, it's all happening here. I am my new pope, I'm gathering my tribe for a fire and dancing. I might try to smoke more than my clothes, I feel a volcanic eruption about to run me off my island, well, I'll pack up and get ready. The smoke has landed and an underground stir is building a monolith for me to read. Air Seed of Ether, Transformation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Manifestation 5

This Imprint vibrationally heals the creative memory recognition of dream manifesting in third dimensional recognition.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Air Seed of Air: Supernal Nurturer

  "Air feeds Fire, sparkles Water, & nourishes Earth. Air is a Jacob's two-way ladder, from above to below & below to above. The present situation requires a conscious two-way stretch. Become like Janus, the Roman god of the New Year, who looks both back & forward, simultaneously. The future grows out of the present, which in turn, is a product of the past.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

This is the beauty of it all, if you pay attention to the present, you will pay attention to the past, and your future will be present. Sitting inside the present, knowing that I have built a past that will easily engage a future, I know deeply if you build in the present they will come. I don't know when and how, but I do know all is set into place, so I begin to relax in my mornings, because I've already made my day rich, heard, and willing. Air Seed of Air: The Supernal Nurturer. ~ Ravens Su.Sane, Clarity.

Body Zero 12

“This Imprintsial Pattern works with the formulizational solar system removal of Body Zero's belief system, that keeps it attached to the reversal. This belief system is manifested in form in the tissue level of the Body Zero, and is called the red blood cell. White blood cells are the calculatorial energy that move the system release of the reversal out of the Dream vibration. Calculatorial energy enters the blood stream through the bliss infused during the upward spiral of Dream Felt.”

Monday, January 23, 2023

Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve

"Fire Seed of Fire, is the most primeval element of all. Fire is a manifest archetype of creation, power, & birth. Fire Seed of Fire is the alchemist's supreme tool & conundrum! Only by enthusiasm & resolve can a solution be reached. Resolve, dancing as a verb, allows you to solve the problem!", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Every now and then one's life enters a still point, and inside this still point is a resolve, a realization, a corrugation, a focus point. This is where we are right now. I know on my personal scale, the point of reference this morning is a great corrugation of my whole life into a very connected thread, and it seems to make everything make sense. My whole life has been inside the desire and memory of the initiatory process. I am an emotionary fairy tale inside a initiatory process in each moment in time. I asked for this when I was 34, and I realized the depth and length, and breadth now of what this means to be inside the consciousness of the greater knowing. It is immense, but it does create resolve, the alchemy of every moment in time. Ask for this and you'll never be the same. Fire Seed of Fire, Resolve. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Celtic Imprint 7

This Imprint correlates all past selves into wholeness of Being now.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Fire Seed of Ether: Transmutation

 "Fire Seed of Ether (Space): This portends a beneficial change in your current situation. The change may be one of physical locality or an alteration of mental perspective. Consider that prosperity follows upon geographical travel or 'flights of fancy '. Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

More of my travel, at present, has been 'flights of fancy'. Stay inside my own coastal reference, I am so grateful for this position today. A whole new plan is settling into place, even though, as of yet, I do not fully have all the details. Something is relating more clearly, and the magic of this I lay down in place. Ready. The alchemical cauldron boils, and potency matures. Fire Seed of Ether (Space), Transmutation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Omnidirectional 20

Equalizational Chamberalizational Imprint

Vibrational Imprint, of the harmony within, when one is in a state of total clarity, within and without, above and below, side to side. This Imprint creates the balance of quantralized pressure change, within the molecular structure, of the Holograph (body projection)…….How to balance body pressure.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Water Seed of Ether: Synergy

 "Water Seed of Ether, presages a coming cycle of enthusiasm followed by a temporary plateau (allowing recuperation & regrouping) & then a sudden growth spurt, ending with a conclusive settlement. Efforts should be redirected towards building solid bridges of communication & empathy.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Wow, that is a mouth full, so much to chew on and swallow. Sun so bright this morning, awesome synergy. Feeling this in my bones, cannot wait to stand out in the sun, much is starting to ripple into place. Snowing through the night, layering all the crystal amulets within each snowflake. I can always feel their presence since I was a child. Much is starting to come together, and it's kind of awesome how that happens, and the path starts laying out itself, and like a puzzle each piece starts fitting into the square, and once again, like a circle you feel that you can roll out the door. Water Seed of Ether, Synergy. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Fairie Imprint 4c

This is the System Key that evolves the Rotational Vortexical speed, for recalculatorial assimilation, of volume as unlimited in amount.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Water Seed of Earth: Alliances

"Water nourishes Earth & Earth is Water's chalice. Water & Earth are lovers. Positive action is called for. Initiative is the initiation of Reality. Vigorously pursuing your aim will bring bonuses. It is 'on the cards' & 'in the cards' as an auspicious time favoring an unexpected relationship developing.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Waking up and layering through a night of snow, Water Seed of Earth. Depths of water shallowed by the freezing tone of rain becoming snow, layering lightly on the Earth, creating magic through the geomatric wisdom of crystal patterns in snowflakes. I feel this day forming the same thing within me and out. I take the depth of point and connect it as a reference to the Earth. I am more willing now to align with a completely new nature of being. A bit more pointial but hitting the mark. Water Seed of Earth: Alliances. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Pleiadian Creativity Inner 3

This creates the light penetration into projected holographic Wholeness images.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Water Seed of Air: Effervescence

"Water Seed of Air can be an effervescent combination. You must be fully aware of the potential in the moment & take advantage of the 'sparkling' nature. Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm, & now is the time to prove it. 'Hold the rudder steady', & pleasantly interact with others, to ensure your goals are achieved.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up early, moving about, feeling that rise of enthusiasm moving through my heart. Blue skies, more room for stirring up a dream, more gratefulness for where I am, conjuring up, within the alchemical flow, a new body of work, a new body of me, a new body of Hope. What a pot to squat in front of, spit into, and rise the flames to a big new idea. Water Seed of Air, Effervescence. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

 Manifestation 19

This Imprint moves the systemic matrix system, of life form vibrational energy systems, into the next level of vibrational speed rate, at quantralized hyperspace speed. This enables the now of every moment to materialize in the same time and space.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word

 "A successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective upon paying attention to details & planning carefully. It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings, & speak from deep inside. When the head occludes the heart, intuition (inner tutor) is smothered. A window of opportunity is opening, the chance to make a fresh start. , Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up part of the night, using the Tapping Solution to help move all that needs to be moved in me, and all that needs to be moved in the world, knowing I am not separate, so when I tap, I tap for all of us. What organically moves is opened up and the truth emerges. This morning, much more opening and I can feel the window of opportunity's presence. Fresh start, new patterns that support that listens to the Heart, and finds Portals of Potential that I can now go through, and so can the world. Head and Heart made one, the Alchemy of the Soul. Ether Seed of Air, Logos, The Word. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Body Zero 5

“This Imprintsial Pattern creates the processional equalizer. This facilitates Body Zero organ readjustment of body, form, time, and space. Body, form, time, and space, is spacialized so that organ response can be adjusted in a more acclimatic calculation.”

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Air Seed of Fire: Mutual Harmony

 "Fire & Air are interdependent. Air fulfills itself by ever feeding Fire, & Fire is grateful! A new dimension of satisfaction can prevail by eschewing both dependent & independent stances for relationship of interdependence & creative cooperation. Take advantage of the consanguinity of the Sun & the Moon; when the solar & lunar bodies conjoin in the East, gold & silver may be extracted from the morning dew, & mutually beneficial 'alchemical conceptions' will abound", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Waking up, feeling the flow of ease and order within me, larger picture, with more grace, a larger Intention with more room, elements moving more harmoniously in my world. Air to Breath, fire the need, coming together, no resistance, all pulled into an awareness of Mutual Harmony, and what can ride on it. So worth my precious time, so worth not timing. Air Seed of Fire, Mutual Harmony. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Celtic Imprint 8

This Imprint calculates movement into Self, after Portal entry is granted. The calculation maintains holographic integrity throughout all dimensional movement.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Ether Seed of Ether (Space): Rebirth

 Space (Ether) is always pregnant with freedom & possibilities of fresh starts & new approaches. Ether Seed of Ether always forecasts an optimum period for dramatic shifts in regards to persons, places, or things. The theme now is change, fresh starts, renewal, expansion of business or personal pursuits, rebirth, travel, rejuvenation, & regeneration.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

When you think you are ready to begin, sometimes you find that you've already begun in a very new and different direction, and then your compass feels like it is in a tangle, and you must sit down and untangle it, and after you do this, then you begin, and this is the true way of things. At present, I am untangling this tangle, and it deserves my time, because it loves me even more than I love myself. This tangle is saying no, start here, this is the new way. Ether Seed of Ether,(Space): Rebirth. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Holographic Imprint 7

Totality foresight is the potentiality, of the momentum of uneclipsed patterning, when felt in exact position and place, for the quantralized hyperspace insightual mode. Time and space are formulated into position and place, through this imprint, which is necessary, for the Holographic Projection to express, in the moment, its potentiality awareness of dream calculation.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Earth Seed of Fire: Potential

"Start & emphasize creativity. Deep within the mountain is the alchemist's furnace containing the flame of your vision; the fire radiates the warmth that can germinate the seed of your aspiration. Make decisions based around your priorities while nurturing the seed & erecting the infrastructure.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 Perfect for today, it's all about priorities and I'm grateful for the threadings that are starting to appear. The threadings that I weave each day are now starting to build, you know sometimes you think your life is not really doing anything, but that's when it's most potent, and all at once the threadings starts to appear, and you begin the fun of working the colors together. Who knows what it will exactly be, and that is why it's alchemy. Earth  Seed of Fire, Potential; a potency that hunts me out. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Omnidirectional 9

Conceptual Reconstruction of Life Experiencing

Vibration of harmonic transferal, of information from past on into present, and the repatterining of this information, at it’s Highest Potential of Discernment……How to re-pattern information.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Earth Seed of Ether: Renewal

 "A wrapping up of the past with the present is necessary for advancement & the sight of new horizons. The bitter with the sweet, highs & lows, peaks & valleys, all coagulate at this time enabling personal integration & growth.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I love this alchemical position, and it's so wonderful, by the time you are there, you are there because you have been there. It does not sneak up on you, it gradually becomes, and that's what is so lovely. So the effort of renewal is already moving, by the time you realize it, so you've already packed and put on your boots, and you are ready for the gift of what renewal gives. Alchemy doesn't slip up on you, but instead it becomes you, you learn its language and you become in conversation with it. Earth Seed of Ether, Renewal. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Celtic Imprint 12

This Imprint recombines the elemental energies into a fixed set energy patterning. This set energy allows for manifesting the Highest Potential to actually be on all dimensional levels.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy

 "Water, sometimes described as the universal solvent, is the feminine power of cooperation opposed to masculine competition. All Water (liquid) flows, washes, adapts, & brings nurturing respite to the arid wastelands of our lives. This fluid mobility is the essence of adjusting to the ever-changing circumstances we experience,", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Waking up to the sounds of rain, Water Seed of Water, being consumed by its gentle raising of the morning sounds. I somehow feel safer surrounded by this wash, and there is permission inside of it to become vast, vaster than time, vaster than limit, becoming a total drop of rain ready to nest into this volume greater than me. Water Seed of Water, Diplomacy. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Recognitional 8

Harmonial Balanced Center

Harmony is only found when the clarity is one with your own center, then you create clarity and harmony in all your day, and all your day is without doubt, fear and judgement.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Water Seed of Earth: Alliances

 "Water nourishes Earth & Earth is Water's chalice. Water & Earth are lovers. Positive action is called for. Initiative is the initiation of Reality. Vigorously pursuing your aim will bring bonuses. It is 'on the cards' & 'in the cards' as an auspicious time favoring an unexpected relationship developing.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

How beautifully said this alchemical position, it's always centered inside a shift I actually feel. All nestled inside the seed of a shifting response, I feel the eloquence rise within me, and I reach up and there is always a hand that helps me pull up and out. I feel nurtured down deep into my soul, and for me this hand is always my beloved, that I have risked to know in the deepest of ways. Rising potency. Water Seed of Earth, Alliances. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Omnidirectional 7

Quantralized Control of Molecular Resolution

Vibration which allows normal time and space perception to expand, and allows molecular resolution to be assimilated, and recognized at a much more accelerated pace……How to expand time and space.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Fire Seed of Air: Perseverance

 "Fire & Air are natural friends & mutually interdependent. Air vitalizes & vivifies Fire, encouraging Fire to burn ever brighter & the children, flames, to leap higher. Patience & perseverance will result in a beneficial settlement. Stick-ability can be more important than ability.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Needing more resilience to persevere, and once the need is spoken, it begins to travel towards me. Resilience is a heart thing, and once this alchemical position is moved more into the heart, there's a motionary feeling of the stick-ability needed to realize the circumferic wisdom of perseverance. I engage Fire and Air, myself and beloved, to stay close and burn steadily. Fire Seed of Air, Perseverance. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Holographic Imprint 25

Quantralizied time span set, is hyperspaced on through the forceptional insight of thought processing, in alignment with dream bliss totality awareness. This imprint, quantralizes the molecular sequential layers, necessary for full penetration to the core seed essence of Self, so that full manifestation, in bone level of Holographic Projection, is achieved.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation

 "The Egg is well fertilized & has survived a prior testing phase. Soon the chick will break free & lay its own golden eggs, each a miniature Alembic. The current stress is actually a foreshadowing of successful futures.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

The idea of a Golden Egg, very Jack in the Beanstalk. About ready to climb that beanstalk and sit on my Golden Egg. Waiting for my greater self to come and sit beside me, and this time I'll try not to be afraid at how large someone can get up here, so that I don't forget to recognize myself when I climb down the vine and begin my day. Ether Seed of Earth, Gestation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Flower Imprint 17

Flame of the Forest, Wallflower, Hollyhock

This trinity quantralistic vibration, works with the speed rate and time set, of informative knowing and feeling penetration, through the Body Zero manifestational vortexial apexes, which create the quantralized metamorphic tissue change, but allows the fluidial interchange to stabilize, instead of fluctuate.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

 "Earth Seed of Earth is the terminus. The signal is start. New beginnings bring a fresh start. Mother Earth is the womb from which all our creations & projects can be born.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Foundation, what a wonderful word in alchemy, it's like you found a Shem to build and climb up from, something that will hold you and the weight of your life, your dreams, your fantastic ideas. I feel this this morning, a bit. I know from past the bit is Real, and I let it build from under me this morning. So I'm up at 4:30, and I've already had 8 1/2 hrs. sleep. I love this rhythm, I see the very seed of the day, and I watch it come up out of the dark, and begin to build itself as a new feeling, a new idea. Awesome to be inside the thread of something that as built itself overnight. Earth Seed of Earth, Foundation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Manifestation 22

This Imprint is the essencesorial key for the system actualization, of the Is of manifested form in the now, of the exact moment in tonal concordance, with the notal tonal value matrix, of concordial beingness.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle

 "Air Seed of Earth is an ideogram for the classic problem of Greek geometry; to construct a square whose area is equal to that of a given circle, or 'Squaring the Circle'. The Circle is the kingdom of the mind, the Square is the Earth, the only womb in which the seed of an idea can be materialized, crystallized, & actualized.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Squaring the Circle is one of the most essential parts of the alchemical process. To make four corners around an idea, is to pull in all the directions, so that a solid foundation can be built for the new project. And if its many layered; there are many doors, and windows, and closets, that you must go through, to get a new perspective, and then once again Square the Circle; pull in the corners, go through the red door, pick up the red thread, and build again, on a whole new Circle squared. This is one of the most origamic phases of alchemy. Air Seed of Earth, Squaring the Circle. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Celtic Imprint 9

This Imprint completes the Light Speed calibration, that works with fairy sight. This sight allows those who work with Highest Potential guidance to know the Land of Enchantment. This Imprint maintains the sight, as long as guidance is asked.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Ether Seed of Fire: Incubation

 "A change is ensuing in which the flame is almost ready to reach across the abyss on the back of the wind. Allowing yourself more freedom, extroversion, entertainment, & self-expression will assist your plan to be 'hatched out' of the Cosmic Egg (Ether). Injecting light heartedness & gaiety into the atmosphere will also reduce the tendency of wildfires turning into infernos.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Each day courage comes, whether you are young, middle-aged, or old. It comes like a lover, and shows you how to partake more fully in the world that you live in. It nourishes you with kindness when you feel raw, it employee your hopes and dreams, even after you fall. I am willing to sit inside what now incubates within me, and I will give it the time it needs to heat up my life in the most creative of ways. Ether Seed of Fire, Incubation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Pleiadian Creativity Outer 2

This symbol causes this movement to penetrate, the field of doubt. Apply it when understanding is misperceived.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

 "This is a time to rearrange your plans carefully, & gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant & which are not. Sift the chaff from the wheat. Change as a noun, means the result of making something different, while change as a verb carries the implication to make something different.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Sitting between yes and no, in every moment in time, is a point of reference for this point of alchemical position. I'm very grateful for the choice. Coming out of the flu, and all its time spent shifting codes, I feel this alchemical position delicious. Sitting down into it, is my gift today. Air Seed of Ether, Transformation~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Body Zero 21

“This Imprinsial Pattern is a causal equalizer. This works with causal sound vibrations that create what the Body Zero permits to pass through its immuniary system. These causal sound vibrations are limited in their vibratory capacity and cause Body Zero to expand its volume flow, beyond the volume indicator. This in turn creates the Body Zero's distorted releasial patterns that are not in harmony with Body Zero's flow of movement.”

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Air Seed of Water: Calm

"Air & Water are neither friends nor enemies; they are neutral. When they mix, the situation is often 'froth & bubble' but no substance. It is just such plateaus that determine the strength of our resolve & the worthiness of our projects. Perseverance preserves what you have already established & permits the cycle to roll-over into new opportunity.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

This slow build feels colossal, but in actuality it's just building day by day, and I'm allowing each pebble that I put in the Water, to bring up my food. I am very Raven, and I have found that the slow build, that I'm in, allows me a much larger base of perseverance. I don't feel on the edge, I feel squat right in the center, and I'm going to continue to listen, one pebble at a time, all the answers rise, and I am fed. Air Seed Water, Calm. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Manifestation 8

This Imprint activates the processing of calculation, of dream recognition in energy support form, for exchange of energy.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Earth Seed of Water: Boldness

 "Dissatisfaction with your present circumstances can be overcome by putting a new venture into motion. Reassess your aims & situation. This is a good cycle in which to set forth boldly & energetically follow your ambitions. The Earth in conjunction with Water, is good; not too much Water, nor too little--just right!", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. 

Sitting inside the teaching of a lifetime, that boldness is pretentious, and if utilized too much, will you still be you? Will you still be working with your own organic matter? I have found that boldness is my natural causeway, and I've been told to shave off that edge of enthusiasm, so that I don't make other people uncomfortable, but what are we without it? We can't hardly cut up through anything, so I'm pulling back that lifelong veil, and cutting through to who I deeply am, the subtle knife that can go from one place to another through Intention. Earth Seed of Water, Boldness. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Flower Imprint 4

Mullein, Daffodil, Poppy

This trinity is the formulizational key to the requisitional conceptionalization of vibrational requirement, needed to facilitate the Body Zero circumference allowances. These allowances are necessary, for the Body Zero intake and outflow, of energy system matrix networking. This enables, Body Zero tissue exchange system, to maintain its integrity, even if in the presence of energy systems, that do not coordinate with its intake output calculations. Once one is able to facilitate the support changeover calculations, the system requirements will change, and enable one to effectively facilitate, the intake output of all matter in a balanced ratio.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Fire Seed of Ether: Transmutation

 "Fire Seed of Ether (Space); this portends a beneficial change in your current situation. The change may be one of physical locality or an alteration of mental perspective. Consider that prosperity follows upon geographical travel or 'flights of fancy'.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Perfect alchemical position for January 2nd, feeling this shift and grateful for the new found rising light. You wait for it to click into place, no shoving, no pushing, or it means nothing. It has to grow from deep down inside to on up through, because this and only this will know where its going, and how to land perfectly in your future. I trust myself in this, even with all the pushy chatter, and I let the day rise in me. Feeling the solid nature building. Fire Seed of Ether, Transmutation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Flower Imprint 13

Angels Trumpet, Orchid, Primrose Yellow

This trinity flower essence vibrational concept, works in aligning all matrix systems, to facilitate full penetration, of all vibrational essences, so that their resonalization vibratory patterns, can move freely through the molecular Body Zero bone, tissue, and organ systems. These essences work in concordance with the angelic vibrational resonation of the dream felt, heard, and seen at full vibratory pattern sequence, without hesitation vacuum.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve

  "Fire Seed of Fire is the most primeval Element of all. Fire is a manifest archetype of creation, power, & birth. In the human sphere, Fire elicits 'burning passion' & aspiration for illumination. Fire Seed of Fire, is the alchemist's supreme tool & conundrum. Only by enthusiasm & resolve can a solution be reached. Resolve, dancing as a verb, allows you to solve the problem.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Resolve, it can't be pretend, you can't try to be it, it just is, so what you do sit in a position to receive it. It will come, it is an organic matter of an organic pattern. Desire is necessary, do not skip it, you cannot afford to move resolve without desire, so I'll sit in this day and let the desire build, and burn its way into resolve. I never skip steps, that is unloving. Fire Seed of Fire, Resolve. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Recognitional 16

Fly Forward Toward The Light

Be like the birds of the air, who trust and ask for each day, the direction of what to say, do, create, and eat. It is in the eating that we assimilate life experiencing.