
Friday, December 31, 2021

Air Seed of Water: Calm

 "Air & Water are neither friends nor enemies; they are neutral. Keep in touch with your feelings (Air) your intuitive needs (Water). Perseverance preserves what you have already established & permits the cycle to roll-over into new opportunity.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 Crocodile, totemic, stays in the calm of water holding its hunger in a quiet space of resolve, until what it needs comes into place, & then it rolls over ferociously to feed itself, & then returns to the calm and waits again. Crocodile wants the meat of an idea, & that is the alchemy of what I feel today on New Year's Eve. Quietly I wait with my ferocious hunger & become ready for this New Year. Calm, a place of ready. ~ Raven, Su.Sane, Clarity

#11 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Ask And Know Trust

Asking is all that is asked. Trusting is all that is required. Grace is all that is given. Joy is all that is received. Home is all for the asking. [Visit our site for more: ].

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word

 "A successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective is dependent upon paying attention to details & planning carefully. It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings, & speak from deep inside. When the head occludes the heart, intuition (inner tutor) is smothered.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Opening up my own heart, listening for the inner tutor, always announcing the Word, the Logos, that is speaking deep within me. I begin to occur differently in this world. I occur as someone distanced, but yet up close. I take all the distance & crease it over & over again, so I can hear the Logos up close. I do this in ways of love, creativity, expression, & I honestly portray who I am, who I have been, & who I will be. Logos, the Word that creates the future. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

#4 Pleiadian Inner Creativity Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This creates the particlization of molecular energy into projected movement through dimensional space & time. [Visit our site for more: ].

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Air Seed of Air: The Supernal Nurturer

"Air feeds Fire, sparkles Water, & nourishes Earth. Air is a Jacob's two way ladder, from above to below & below to above. The present situation requires a two-way stretch. Become like Janus, looking both back & forward, simultaneously. Make sure the right nostril is clear before proceeding.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas 

I sit here & realize how much the body will do on its own when not forced. That is when we let the body habituate itself inside of Air Seed of Air. It can breathe through many things when not forced. As divine as the body is it is not here to be what we call human. It has no downfall within it, it has no original sin marked on it from within. To allow our bodies to breathe & habituate itself without force is pure magic. It is when something happens magically when something happens that you did not plan in any way, this is what this year is about, & I am preparing for it in the most gentle way I can find. Your body is no longer your slave, my body is no longer my slave, we have already begun to free our world. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#5 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprintsial pattern creates the processional equalizer. This facilitates Body Zero organ readjustment, form, time, & space. Body, form, time & space is spacialized so that organ response can be adjusted in a more acclimatic calculation. [Visit our site for more: ].

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy

"The Cubic Stone is being fired in the furnace of desire. Everything moves in phases, & the chaos you may be experiencing is but an appearance overlaying order & rhythm. The alchemist's Lab Oratory is a temple of unceasing work & prayer.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 Yesterday felt like we, as a family, walked into the mouth of the lions. We all pocketed ourselves in the moment, our dearest friend & sister had fallen & was in great pain with her shoulder. We sat with her, worked on her meridians, gave her arnica, & all those things we knew to do. We realized then that she would need more. We all stepped through & to our surprise, what seemed very hard, became gentler than we could imagine, & it was as if we had come to a new level of trust. Under all the disorder was a beautiful new order, & she is now home all tucked in our wings, & salved into her own comfort zone. When you allow the moment to sit & become something much easier than you can realize, you are in a process of alchemy that has purpose, direction, & potency. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#18 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Madia, Pansy, Violet

This trinities circumferol vibrational essencesalization works in support of Body Zero consciousness rotational movement. This supports the circumferic movement of each rotation of each molecule of Body Zero conscious knowing & feeling level to present, the present status equation of the total calculation. This enables the body to move transcendently when new calculation is achieved. The new calculation is what enables the Body Zero to appear changed in this dimension of 3. [Visit: ].

Monday, December 27, 2021

Water Seed of Ether: Synergy

 "Water Seed of Ether, presages a coming cycle of enthusiasm followed by a temporary plateau (allowing recuperation & regrouping) & then a sudden growth spurt, ending with a conclusive settlement.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. "What  ever you can do or dream, you can. Boldness has Genius, Power, & Magic in it.", J.W. Goethe

Feel this starting to lift & set into place, more things unusual called forth in this boldness. Building a new wardrobe for a new level of being. Watching things spiral & weave around me. This boldness, unknown yet, but I feel I have already stepped into it months ago. Sometimes we put our feet into boldness & it builds up around our legs, until we are warped & weaved into this boldness, beyond even our own realization. So look around, look down at your feet, look around your body, see what boldness is already there, & beginning to build as a new level of you. ~ Raven Su.Sane  Clarity

#8b Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This imprint moves in support of Realm Awareness of Hyperspace Receivement of the Dream, & is increased into all dimensionality of Beingness, & the empowerment of the Recognition of Gift received is multiplied by Infinity. [Visit our site for more: ].

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

"This is the time to rearrange your plans carefully, & go gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant & which are not. Sift the chaff from the wheat.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

The sifting the chaff from the wheat is not such an easy thing, it requires much corrugation, creasing, & collaboration. One thing that thinks it must be, must be folded, & become part of something else. Nothing is really sifted from the wheat, because when it falls to the floor it becomes part of the next crop, so be kind to all that dwells as part of part of the past, present, & future, in a way it creates the distance that corrugates to be close so your Sovereignty becomes Sacred. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#11 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Pattern Fixative

Vibrational Imprint of the patterning essence that causes energy to set, & bring forth the change needed, in order to move from repeated experiencing, in order to create the Omnidirectional experiencing...How to set energy. [Visit our site for more: ].

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Fire Seed of Air: Perseverance

 "Fire and Air are natural friends & mutually interdependent. Air vitalizes & vivifies Fire, encouraging Fire to burn ever brighter & the children, flames, to leap higher. Stick-ability can be more important than ability.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Perseverance, what an alchemy for Christmas morning, although I do feel it. There was such a rumble last night & I had to persevere & pocket myself in such a way, so that I could keep the flame lit. Tiny thoughts, big breaths, grateful mind. Maybe it was just a piece of meat not digested well. Visited by a few spirits who wanted me to not worry, to pocket myself inside my Christmas stocking. A bit of light peeking out through the weave, a few bells to call me home. Perseverance, a piece of property worth owning for Christmas. Filling all my pockets & all my stockings with all the light I can hold. Merry Christmas & congratulations, we made it through, all in one the night. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#11 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprint balances the holographic vortexial energy systems that penetration of energy beyond Self can be received more easily. This allows the spirit of the Dream to enter into an intimate daily relationship with one's life. [ Visit our site for more: ].

Friday, December 24, 2021

Earth Seed of Water: Boldness

 "Dissatisfaction with your present circumstances can be overcome by putting a new venture into motion. Reassess your aims & situation. This is a good cycle in which to set forth boldly & energetically follow your ambitions. The Earth in conjunction with Water, is good; not too much Water, nor too little--just right!", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Sitting into the ancient wanderings of this sacred time of year, I agree to become more aware of the negative language that is forced out into this world. It is forced through our minds, like some thin piece of straw in a tornado. We are here for the beauty of giving, the brilliance of light, & the sounds of happiness. This is this time of year, & I rejoice in it, & all its abundance of sense, sounds, & smells. How bold it is & how bold it will continue to be. Happy Christmas Eve, with the sound of bells awakening our hearts. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#1 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Love the Self

Grow only from your own center, which is centered in recognition of the source of all, & ask that source to guide you back Home. Source is the part that recognizes center. [Visit our site for more: ].

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve

 "Fire Seed of Fire is the most primeval Element of all. Fire is the alchemist's supreme tool & conundrum. Resolve as a noun means decisiveness & determination. Resolve dancing as a verb allows you to solve the problems.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Sitting inside the more elongated swing of the cycle, I prepare for a whole new year. I create resolve within me at the end of one cycle & the beginning of another. I look through all the creativity of my life & at this age I start to get more than an inkling of who I am & what it is all about. This is what it is what it is to sit inside of resolve. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#6 Pleiadian Outer Creativity Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This symbol causes the Body Zero to know the Self beyond third dimension limitations, to full dimensional awareness consciousness. [Visit our site for more: ].

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Fire Seed of Ether: Transmutation

 "Fire Seed of Ether (Space): This portends a beneficial change in your current situation. Consider that prosperity follows upon geographical travel or 'flights of fancy'. Such a change, if handled correctly, will be fruitful in the realms of company or personal re-organization, spiritual growth, & creative inspiration.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

When all seems to have folded, transmuted, re-positioned, it becomes an origamic presence, and this is what I wait for. In this, everything knows how to fold, crease, & flatten to make room for everything else. This is how our whole world becomes changed, & now we enter a new pattern of many folds & creases to compass even more light. This morning I feel present to this, & grateful. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#6c Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprint is the System Key for balancing Inner Galaxy beyond movement of planetary star system. The Holographic Projectional Aspectualization Profile can be balanced, reprojected, & tonal value changed, once this is done Omnidirectionally. [Visit our site for more: ].

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Water Seed of Earth: Alliances

 "Water nourishes Earth & Earth is Water's chalice. Water & Earth are lover's. Initiative is the initiation of reality. Vigorously pursuing your aim will bring bonuses.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

It is always nice when you get to this part of the alchemical process that you feel like it. Up early, loving this bright morning & feeling this initiation running through me. Alliances, such a great code for Solstice. A wonderful signal of the light returning & I am beginning to feel it in my bones, & that's always good, because it means something very wonderful has moved in many places in our world. I can feel those who carry the new light of the Solstice this morning. Robert & I got married 33 years ago in this light of Solstice & our work pours out of it. Blessed happy Solstice to all you who bear this in the world. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity 

#8 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprint calculates movement into Self after Portal entry is granted. The calculation maintains holographic integrity throughout all dimensional movement. [Visit : ].

Monday, December 20, 2021

Ether Seed of Ether (Space): Rebirth

"Space (Ether) is always pregnant with freedom & possibilities of fresh starts & new approaches. Ether always forecasts an optimum period for dramatic shifts in regards to persons, places, or things. The theme now is change, fresh starts, renewal, expansion of business or personal pursuits, rebirth, travel, rejuvenation, & regeneration.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Sitting inside the coils of a spiral, I climb up through the regeneration volumes of inner maturation & I feel the process of renewal beginning to run through my system. This is the passage one makes to be in a new rhythm, a new year, a new pattern, a new vision, a new landscape. 

This in its self is acreage, territory, & taking up space. I begin to take up space in a new way, even to me, & I learn to locate my compass in a very strong circumpheric manner. Eagle eye, raven wing, panther breath, owl's view, potency in one drop of need realized. This for me is renewal. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

 #14 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprintsial Pattern creates a rotational harmonica vocalizer. This allows Body Zero to respond tao the triaxillary vocal cord system, created through the trinity vibration of Self., speaking to Self, above & below, side to side, & inside outside. This will also facilitate the autonomic flow of the universal sound to balance Body Zero tissue tone. [Visit for more: ].

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle

 "The square is the Earth, the only womb in which the seed of an idea can be materialized, crystallized, & actualized. 'Squaring the Circle' is the mental alchemical process of transferring an Airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension so that objective conception & birth become a demonstrative reality.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Filling in all the corners of the square, I step into the round. The round sound, a circle helping me to see that there is even a deeper presence to time that we as a world are beginning to experience. We are living longer & claiming the right to many more lives within lives that build depth & character to us. 

We are not just children growing into adults who raise children growing into adult,s but we are finding other lives that we now have time to live. So we are now beginning to square the circle many more times than our ancestors & even our lineages. We now clear our lineages to allow more room for acceptance. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#22 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Love Creates Harmony Without

Harmony is only found when one loves from their center, because in the center one finds the omnidirectional love that surrounds you & creates the support one needs to venture out & give. [ Visit our site for more: ].

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Earth Seed of Fire: Potential

 "Start & emphasize creativity. Deep within the mountain is the alchemist's furnace containing the flame of your vision; the fire radiates the warmth that can generate the seed of your aspiration. Earth is the womb; Fire is the seed; time gestates. It is not what you have, but how you use what you have.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Sometimes when we feel fixed, we find out that we are not as fixed as we thought. As a fixative we are more contagious to the movement forward than the movement backward. A fixative holds space & extends time. Sometimes we feel we've been stuck, we have actually been fixed as a fixative, & this in turn helps us give stability to the world around us. This is not always known & is frequently unknown, but that is the mystery of alchemy. As a fixative I have laid still and dissolved movement to hold space. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#2 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprint works the alignment of dream center actualization, into 3rd dimensional recognition, forwarded through the knowing & feeling of support seen in 3rd dimensional recognition. [ Visit our site for more: ].

Friday, December 17, 2021

Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation

"The Egg is well fertilized & has survived a prior testing phase. Soon the chick will break free & lay its own golden eggs, each a miniature Alembic. He who can navigate through one gale can navigate through all storms, & certainly hold the rudder steady in a squall.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 The gale & the squall comes in all manners & ways, & from this survival we gain many tools of strength & wonder within ourselves. What we thought we could not survive we do, & we add that to our belt. We strap up our boots even tighter & button up with courage, & move with our left foot forward, the Egyptian way. Grateful for gestation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#7 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprint correlates all past selves into Wholeness being now. [ Visit our site for more: ].

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration

"Earth & Air are neither friends nor enemies; they tend to exist in mutual exclusion; it requires great patience & coaxing to bring Earth & Air into a state of cohabitation. This is a good phase for starting & building the base for the future. Make certain you have included all elements.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Sitting into Gaia more deeply, I find the digging goes deeper than ever before. I take deep breaths to balance my way forward & it calms me. I am nestled & swaddled within the Earth as I travel forward through. Air fills me with hope as I uncover the treasures of my longing. We must include Water & Fire to make our way, & by bathing with Fire & drying with Water we succeed in building the foundation solid & our dreams reach upward. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

 #3 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Oneness of Centers Centered in Center

Bring forth from within the clarity of your center & you will find all centers centered in the one clairty. [Visit our site for more: ].

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

 "This is a time to progress through extroverted self-expression coupled with reaching out & engaging other people in a cooperative endeavor that suits your plans, but will be mutually beneficial to others. Water & Fire are mutually antagonistic, and both are needed to drive a locomotive successfully. Water & Fire in the right proportions, are needed for growth.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

"The gathering of winter wraps itself around me like a companion, I open myself to its voice & listen deeply to the gifts it unfolds. The day, for me, rises with hope & grace. I am making myself available to the friendship of this day as it reaches out and engages me to endeavor an open ear to the sounds of this season. Making sure I encounter the spirit of this time, I write into the day its measure & tone. The Watery emotion within time brings space its countenance as it drives forward the successful maneuvering through, over, & beyond illusions & obstacles. Resting in the warmth of December, I relish the rest.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#2 Pleiadian Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This creates the will necessary to engage in the function of Manifestation of Dream discernment. [Visit our site for more: ].

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Water Seed of Earth: Alliances

 "Water nourishes Earth & Earth is Water's chalice. Water & Earth are lovers. A new associate or partner can immeasurably help you activate your plans. It is 'on the cards' & 'in the cards' as an auspicious time favoring an unexpected relationship developing.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Seeds in my hand, totems at my side, Sirian Feylines surround and midwife me so I can now move safely forward into acceptance. A new relationship of belief animating in our work.  Watch around the corner of your eye, there is someone of help there. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#15 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

The equalization need, for the Body Zero to rotate in a turnery code, is set through this imprint & motivates the omnidirectional recognition of trinary beingnes, that is to be calculated into the rotational flow of the Holographic Projection. [Visit our site for more: ].

Monday, December 13, 2021

Ether Seed of Water: Daring

 "The Water element, as for all elements, is bounded by limitless space (Ether). Water is cradled by the Earth & in return nourishes the Earth. Water, as an unconscious Lunar archetype,  symbolizes the forces within us seeking security, stability, & closeness nestling into Terra Firma.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I sit in my morning chair by the window & I pull together images to create a book, 'Meditation, Intention, Potency, & Creation: An Oracle for Our Times' & I'm washed through by the words that come, & the images that fill me. This is daring, to oracle your life & give it words for yourself & others. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#5c Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Interdimensionary Awareness is the System Key to this Unlimited Wellness State of Being. When one is Interdimesnionarily Aware , one is able to perceive oneself as more than Third Dimension. [ Visit our site for more: ].

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Water Seed of Air: Effervescence

"Water Seed of Air can be an effervescent combination. You must be fully aware of the potential in the moment & take advantage of the 'sparkling' nature. Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm, & now is the time to prove it. Take a lesson from the fact that so few people are willing to exert themselves in an outgoing, lively way.", Dr. John Mumford , Magical Tattwas.

Effervescence is where I live dangerously often, & over the years I have learned not to pop all the bubbles. I've learned to hold my enthusiasm & purposely heart it for others. I've learned to hear their reach, I've learned to accept their given, & relish it without judgment. This is an art form that is relished in expansion. Give someone a heart  today, when you see their reach in social media. It is quite dangerous for you & them. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#3 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Oak, Sesame Seed, Phlox

This trinity works in support of the calculatorial process of formulizational transcendence, of Body Zero tissue level concordance, with the sound patternizations of the harmonical flow of pattern envelopment, into sound felt & sonar scan achieved, through the harmonization of thought pattern limitations changed into the omnidirectional sensation of Bliss. [Visit our site for more: ].

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Earth Seed of Ether: Renewal

"The seed of dissatisfaction & restlessness is growing steadily in a rich soil of inertia, complacency, & apathy--the Vesica Pisces-- gives birth to a positive response. A germinal vision of the ideal will eventually lift you beyond any presently perceived circumstances of mediocrity.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 As the atmosphere of our Alchemical life shifts & changes we always come to a transformational equation of love. I am grateful today for this in my life & the galactic perspective shift.                                      ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#9 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Conceptual Reconstruction of Life Experiencing

Vibration of harmonic transferal of information from past on into present, & the re-patterning of this information at its Highest Potential of Discernment-- How to re-pattern information. [Visit our site for more: ].

Friday, December 10, 2021

Air Seed of Fire: Mutual Harmony

 "Fire & Air are interdependent. Air fulfills itself by ever feeding Fire, & Fire is grateful. Success is contingent upon finding the bridge joining the enthusiastic doer with the idealistic conceiver. An initial phase of introspection will resolve into a condition of beneficial settlement.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Bridging the self within one's own alchemy takes courage, time, & allowance. With snow drifted lightly on my world, I embody more heat & breath. 

Making sure I notice all that now surrounds me. I am content with the content that now employs my life.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#1 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprint works with the perceptional sequential force of thought form colloidal process, of being within the dream power of omnidirectional support. [Visit our site for more: ].

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation

 "The Egg is well fertilized & has survived a prior testing phase. Soon the chick will break free & lay its own golden eggs, each a miniature Alembic. The current stress is actually a foreshadowing of successful futures.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Swaddling myself early; in meditation, lymphatic massage, vertigo points, acupressure points, ice to the back of my head, chakra meditation, all part of loving myself in gestation inside of the Alembic Egg. I potentize my awareness of the heart-mind-body flow. All sequences emerging & creative images sitting quietly within me. I employ gestation as a real place in time. Allowing a Squared Perspective to emerge. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#6 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprint activates the cellular memory matrix on all levels. This allows highest Potential for Self to vibrate into manifested Wholeness, which potentates the Dream into Beingness. [Visit our site for more: ].

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Earth Seed of Ether: Renewal

 "The bitter with the sweet, highs & lows, peaks & valleys, all coagulate at this time enabling personal integration & growth. A germinal vision of the ideal will eventually lift you beyond any presently perceived circumstances of mediocrity.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Keeping the flow steady I hold this germinal vision in the palm of my hand, in the heart of my heart, the sound of my soul. I occupy a new space inside the fold, a fold that pockets me so I can begin. I begin with image, I begin with word, I begin with renewal. I put my foot down on the Earth & I allow the Ethers to roll through me, above & below, inside to outside. Let the images & words flow.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#2 Pleiadian Outer Creativity Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This symbol causes this movement to the field of doubt. Apply it when misunderstanding is misperceived. [Visit our site for more: ].

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word

 "A successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective is dependent upon paying attention to details & planning carefully. A window of opportunity is opening, the chance to make a fresh start. When the head occludes the heart, intuition (inner tutor) is smothered.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Walking through all my body parts I sit down & see if I'm ready. Where can the heart move within me that allows the most permission, the most room, the most intuitive perspective? Where can the Word be that it can reside gently within me? Where can I give myself permission to speak beyond all the language requirements held within English? 

Where is there room for the grunt & the growl, the elation, & the full nectar of relationship with the Word? I conquer language every day when I begin to write. The mind has to take the back seat in my car. My heart wraps around me & I begin.  The heart never moves words the way they are defined by the mind. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#31 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Tribinary focus is the Imprintsial momentum of this Imprint & it focuses the tribinary axis into the exact angle for penetrational formulation of time spent into Trinary speed calculation. [Visit our site for more: ].

Monday, December 6, 2021

Fire Seed of Ether: Transmutation

 "Fire Seed of Ether (Space), this portends a beneficial change in your current situation. The change may be one of physical locality or an alteration of mental perspective. Such a change, if handled correctly, will be fruitful in the realms of company or personal re-organization, spiritual growth, & creative inspiration.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I am learning to POCKET myself. This is focusing myself right into the center of what is within me, here now. This is what I do know, feel, & understand. This is the seed of the moment. This I have learned in the last three weeks & it is in itself a vast immense understanding. When I POCKET myself, I come to what is real, squared, & ready. All else is not in this place. I am staying within it faster & faster, as I accommodate myself differently. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#6 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Rosemary, Bluebell, Dandelion 

This trinity system mobilizes the accentual volume coordinator that creates the volume flow cubism, that tranquilizes the Body Zero response system, so that skin tone changes can occur with minimal discomfortal responses. [Visit: ]

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Ether Seed of Water: Daring

 "The Water element , as for all elements, is bounded by limitless space (Ether). Water & Earth are natural friends ; Water as an unconscious Lunar archetype, symbolizes the forces within us seeking security, stability, & closeness nestling into Terra Firma.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Folding forces before me, living in the between, I become more aware of the now moment, the pocket of time that we are here for. We are here for the smell, we're here for the warmth, we're here for the taste, we're here for the hearing, we're here for the sight of color, we're here for what sits right in front of us, and life seems more afraid of this than anything. To live in the pocket of the moment, to be thrust between the layers of living, this is the daring many resist. I pocket myself in this moment in time. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#36 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 


Being is beyond belief, & it can stand before All. [Visit our site for more: ].

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy

 "Water, sometimes called the universal solvent, is the feminine power of cooperation, opposed to masculine competition. When this symbol is drawn it behooves us to remember that some problems can best be 'solved' by being 'dissolved' gently, & subsequently 'absolved'.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Carving out new time, carving out new ways to dissolve obstacles, levitating myself to a new structure of time in my life. Time to dissolve, rather than time to resolve. Sometimes dissolve takes more time, allowing this patiently in my life. A more fierce warrior of this time is one who allows time to wait. Beautiful morning to nurture diplomacy. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity 

#4c Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This is the System Key that evolves the Rotational Vortexial speed, for recalculatorial assimilation of volume as unlimited in amount. [Visit our site for more: ]. 

Friday, December 3, 2021

Fire Seed of Air: Perseverance

 "Fire & Air are natural friends & mutually interdependent. Air vivifies Fire, encouraging Fire to burn ever brighter & the children, flames, to leap higher. Patience & perseverance will result in a beneficial settlement.', Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Perseverance seems to be growing within me, a quality I call my Lion. Time in & time out of my life is constantly calling for perseverance. It is becoming a strength within me. As I become older I see the thread of it that runs through me over & over again. The length & breath of my life has encountered much need for the heat of this. My love is Air & he partners me perfectly, as we travel the alchemy of our work. 

Alchemy is not set to one grid, there are many pots boiling, & so there are many different positions that repeat. I've learned that one position is in completion & another position is just beginning. This is where I am in this position today, with this pot that is related to the whole world alchemy. Persevere, because you are ready. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#2 Pleiadian Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This creates the will necessary to engage in the function of Manifestation of Dream discernment. [Visit our site for more; ].

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Water Seed of Fire: Creative Tension

 "Water & Fire are natural enemies, opposing forces. Fire boils Water & Water attempts to drown Fire, a never-ending battle in which neither fully wins. It requires a very skillful alchemist to burn Fire under Water, & indeed to float Fire upon a bed of Water. Success is assured when you bathe with Fire & dry with Water!", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

"Raining today, building a cauldron between the drops, keeping close attention to the waves of water coming up from the ocean of emotion. Finding new ways to travel, new ways to be, new ways to care for myself, new ways of ease & comfort. Such a beautiful sequence coming into my daily routine. 

I will let go of the tension & allow it to rise within me. Being quickened organically, not by demand. Keeping in touch more with my mystical flow than the jobs I need to do. Moving the tension into a fine thread of a weaving loom. Here is where I float Fire upon a bed of Water, burn fire under Water & bathe with Fire & dry with Water. Setting the Alchemical Rede within me on my mantle for days to come. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#5 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprint transmutes the blocks that veil present perception. This removes blocks of misperception & misconception, either from Self or energy fields, that would block self movement. [Visit our site for more: ].

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Fire Seed of Air: Perseverance

 "Fire & Air are natural friends & mutually interdependent. Air vivifies Fire, encouraging Fire to burn ever brighter & the children, flames, to leap higher. Patience & perseverance will result in a beneficial settlement. Stick-ability can be more important than ability.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

"Trying to convey this more strongly in my daily life, I become more sticky at every corner. I stick more to my words, I stick more to my focus, I stick more to my mindfulness, I stick more to my potency, I stick more to my resilience, I stick more to my ability to persevere. 

I bring my thought back to these points over & over today & hope it will mature into a compassionate pattern of living. When the alchemy comes up in the beginning awarenesses of the day, it is always safe to sit inside the cauldron of attention to its voice. Sometimes one feels one doesn't have this kind of time, but actually this kind of time  makes time. The sun just moved more brightly out, & I think I'll have a swing to feel it more. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#26 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Respect Is Recognition, Not Fear

Be centered. Be guided. Be known. [Visit our site for more: ].