
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle

"The square is the Earth, the only womb in which the seed of an idea can be materialized, crystalized, & actualized. 'Squaring the Circle' is the mental alchemical process of transferring an Airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension, so that objective conception & birth become a demonstrable reality. Esoteric geometry is the  'measurement of man', the human sprung from Earth (Adam--man of Earth), the humus (soil), whose destiny is to become 'humane'.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

"This morning more resolute within me, I begin to allow what is & is not to join & filter through each other, till I felt fully squared in my perspective.

The living awareness of life is that we are consumed with cause & never separated from it, even if others think so. We are here to become our own cause & never be separated from it.

In this we learn to live inside our own circumference & attitude. We are sovereign to ourselves & our world. We create a solitary mode of expression that is our own.

We are alchemy in motion, thought, & word. We make it so in our living awareness, as it speaks to our mycelial fibers of Listening in all levels of hearing.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

 #9 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Momentual awareness of quantrlized light body projection, into Body Zero Holographic Projection, is moved into the sight seen vibration speed rate that qualifies the notal concordial requirements of materialization form set, that will allow the known felt to move recognition into desired level awareness, for manifestation. [Visit our site for more: ]

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Earth Seed of Ether:Renewal

"A growing conflict over change. The desire to move beyond personal limits, coupled with fear of escaping from a safe & comfortable rut. To move is always to make a completion, by sacrificing the part for a potentially more rewarding future. A project under consideration needs a change or modification to produce a stable growth foundation, Vesica Pisces gives both to a positive result.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up early this beautiful morning to allow more room around all that I need to come to me. I sit in cool water in the garden, listen to 'Gabrielle's Sounds' beautiful music, doing some yoga in the cool water.

I then sit to write. Everything comes to gather gracefully, if we let it. This is not an exactly easy task. My very organized bossy self is quite miffed with me. Some things settle & some things start.

I engage myself more vitally renewed by this morning's essences of moon, flower, & plant. Allowing myself to live more outside than inside. I am finding the layers of life more enfolding one into another, like a very soft bed.

Yes, there are consequences to this & they are many; breeze, cloth, sacred sound of the Garden, hearing poetry inside, feeling the art inside, & a simpler life. 

To be quiet to the morning, & allow it to create a new day of your being.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#13 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Angel's Trumpet, Orchid, Primrose Yellow

This trinity flower essence vibrational concept works in aligning all matrix systems, to facilitate full penetration of all vibrational essences, so that their resonalization vibratory patterns can move freely through the molecular Body Zero bone, tissue, & organ systems. These essences work in concordance with the angelic vibrational resonation of the dream felt, heard, & seen at full vibratory pattern sequence, without hesitation vacuum. [Visit our site for more: ]

Monday, June 28, 2021

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

 "This is the time to progress through extroverted self-expression, coupled with reaching out & engaging other people, in a cooperative endeavor that suits your plans, but will be mutually beneficial to others. Thoroughly mix Fiery Water with equal amounts of Watery Fire; such a conjunction bodes well for all understanding.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I don't actually right now feel extroverted, but it is amazing that through this day I will organically move into this, & this helps me to begin moving toward it with love.

Yesterday we made our place to sit in water more deeply in the Garden, that will assist us in applying fiery water, mixing it with watery fire. Allowing everything to come to me, rather than going to it, is amazing & absolutely magical to experience.

If something feels hard or you cannot seem to start it, is because it is not quite time. When we try to force it, it will wear us out & we will start using vile words, like procrastination, lazy, cannot complete, a put-offer. This is not a reality, but there is a point of timing, primary, allowing, gratefulness, & willing to be true to your Dream.

Truly begin to allow it to come to you, chill out, slow down, & allow room for it fully, not partially. Wear a token or write a word to remind you. I have found that different modes begin to combine, that make the brilliance of a balanced dream, including all.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#2 Recogitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Sound Beyond Sound From Center

Hear the words of truth beyond the sounds of misperception & feel the clarity of center. [Visit our site for more: ]

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

 "In the world of the mind the consciousness is the masculine, while the unconscious is the feminine, receptive, Earth awaiting the seed of thought. To become pregnant with a thought means we can give birth to mental progeny. Now is the cycle to start.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. "Resolute--imagination is the beginning of all Magical operations.", Paracelsus, 1493-1541.

Sitting in the studio this morning with Robert, as he awaits for me to complete my writing, so he can share in it & prepare it, as an Alchemical Mind I enter & share each day with you, I pause to be grateful.

The quiet of early morning is something. I lean into this day kind of carefully, but solidly. I realize what a gift of time a day is, & I try to enter sleep more gratefully.

I must give time around my sleep & wait for it to come to me gently. The foundation of next day depends on it. If there are little images of guilt, then I must empty the vacuum sweeper of what I believed about myself, that was not true, or told twice.

We must make room around ourselves, & sleep, by loving the Self we are, & trusting. The sleep will repair, mend, & care for us, for another grateful day. Foundation built through the night.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#12 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Manzanita, Red Carnation, Tulip

This trinity flower essence conceptual coloration is the color tone balancer that removes requirement limitation, so color expansion can be encompassed, in full compositional flow of the curve & flowing linearity of Body Zero's side to side profile. This will envelop the color symphony of sound seen & color heard. [Visit our site for more: ]

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Earth Seed of Water: Boldness

 "This is a good cycle in which to set forth boldly & energetically follow your ambitions. Any successful alchemical process for creating something out of nothing, or somebody out of nobody, is dependent upon building a firm platform, or infrastructure, upon solid ground. The Earth, in conjunction with Water, is good; not too much water, not too little-- just right.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas

I awaken this morning in a quiet place of secret unfolding that I do not even understand, & I observe my life on all sides. It is like moving from one dream to the next, & I am learning to watch its process.

The morning is quiet in the house, & the garden is in a mist of contemplation. Some thing's happening, but I feel different in it. I walk around in my mind, eyes, & heart.

Do you feel it? Do you hear the silence speaking & that part of you that observes breathing? Life seems to stand still observing itself, as if it itself is sentient & observing its own character.

Boldness is called for, but what, in which way. I must feel the specificateness & I will ask for a 'squared perspective', so my own geomatrica can calculate & emerge through more bold of its vision.

I am older, but younger each day, because each night I dream myself more awake to my own infinity.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#2 Pleiadian Creativity Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This creates the will necessary to engage in the function of Manifestation of Dream Discernment. [Visit our site for more: ]

Friday, June 25, 2021

Ether Seed of Fire: Incubation

"A change is ensuing which the flame is almost ready to reach across the abyss of space, on the back of the wind. Allowing yourself more freedom, extroversion, entertainment, & self-expression will assist your plans to be 'hatched out' of the Cosmic Egg (Ether). Let your problem become an alchemical great work in which your Fire, or optimism, is heating the incubator the Alembic glass egg (Ether) exactly the right way.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I rest & I dream & I rest & I dream in a constancy to thread & connect my life, work, & love into a continual red thread of awakened flow. To stop tiring of going to sleep & waking up, one must let go of going to sleep & waking up.

Be awake & dream your thread into a constancy of being. I have not always understood this, but in my incubation I have begun to see the butterfly before, after, & in-between.

When we transform we become shed & aware of continuancy. We then know the trianary of this & we become constancy of this awareness of all three, & we become a constancy, sovereign.

Our totality is Existial & we become one who knows we exist on all levels. Once a woman knows the entirety of her fertility, she becomes a Matriarch, because she has totally arched into herself & is a constant sovereignty.

This is her code for everything. That is why 'the operation, as the ancients say, is in truth for women.", Basil Valentine, cc 1500 A.D. 

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#17 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Flame of the Forest, Wallflower, Hollyhock

This trinity quantralistic vibration works with the speed rate & time set of informative knowing & feeling penetration, through the Body Zero manifestation vortexial apexes, which create the quantralized metamorphic tissue change, but allows the fludial interchange to stabilize instead of fluctuate. [Visit our site for more: ]

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

Yes, we once again return to transformation. 

"This is a time to rearrange your plans carefully, & go gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant & which are not. Change as a noun means the result of making something different, while change as a verb carries the implication to make something different. Are you going to become the actor-activator, or the reactor?", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I feel this morning as if I carried something from myself, & my day of yesterday, & today have become a continuous running thread. As the person dreaming in the night is the same person now writing, as if I rested, but continued my work & thread it now.

This is kind of new to me. Instead of the result, I have become the continuous running red thread. No loss of myself & awareness in my dreaming. I feel the time in my life has taken a more grounded curve.

I write from the flow of my connection with time more as one. Past, present, & future, all weaving like sweetgrass. This garden is more powerful for me than ever before & its life is so present, that it can convey the language of its growing intelligencia.

~ Raven SuSane



#16 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint delineates resonation of movement into center of movement, from movement through vibratory interference. [Visit our site for more: ]

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Fire Seed of Ether: Transmutation

"This portends a beneficial change in your current situation. This change may be an alteration of mental perspective. Such a change, if handled correctly, will be fruitful in the realms of company or personal re-organization, spiritual growth, & creative inspiration. Fire when combined with Ether (Space) becomes transformative, & even transmutative. Fire embodies the Soul of Desire, motivation, achievement, & enthusiasm. When combined with Ether (boundless space) it produces a current of limitlessness.", Dr. John  Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Moving into my day, carefully watching the foundation I am building upon. Caring more for myself, I realize that life can so quickly turn to something else, & I want an even stronger foundation within me, & on this I will bend to build.

This, the need of many, as we move into the next level of being in this world, but not of its holding ways. Time is closing in more closely & we must acquire it in a more personal way.

Once this is done we will become vital & strong enough to build a new world of love & compassion. I move to unlock some of the doorways to some of my deepest work, & Robert & I begin to share a much bigger piece of what we have been given to give, because it is time.

It is scary because we have been hidden for so long in our deepest most inherent knowledge. Transmutation, a folder of Sophiac Intelligencia Germatrica that now flows out.

Marigold, Nasturtium, Rose.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

 #8 Pleiadian Creativity Outer Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This symbol causes the Body Zero to open its interdimensional sight into momentual insight, beyond interdimensional blocks. [Visit our site for more: ]

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

 "The signal of this position is Start. We can conceive a physical child or an ideal. An idea is an ideal (perfect mental picture) & an idol is often a physical representation of a non-physical reality worthy of worship (worth ship) or attention. The artist & magician have the common problem of crystalizing, actualizing, & materializing their mental conceptions into the objective world of matter.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up in the night to measure my day & see if it got tall enough. This is what runs through my creative mind & it disappoints me as I see the pattern, & I realize I want to build my life on a new foundation.

In the fire of my own passion there is a way to cool it so I can settle within. I let go, I breathe, I mark myself in a different way. I hold the nature of my future more sacredly & descend into a new matter, more inside of my original pattern, & less inside the demand that growing up in this world has been.

I settle into my bones & become lighter, more allowing of time lost, remembered, & more touching of my sweetest graces. Foundation born anew in this night's quiet.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

# 21 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint actualizes the belief of the Unlimited State of Beingness, in the Molecular Beingness of all form that has hyperspaced its Beingness into the Center of the Golden Dream, Centered in the Heart of Gold of God/Goddess. [Visit our site for more: ]

Monday, June 21, 2021

Wee Ones Return, A Solstice Poem


The Mist of Avalon

Up earlier than the worm

Too early for most moist awareness

Quickening the paper of my awareness

I moisten the fold of night's remainders

Is it now time to dance through the fairy ring?

Mist is upon the land & in the fog of exploration I sit

I wait for the wee far cry of the other world

I will not be alone no more from my wee people

of the mist

wild world, wild wood, wild calls, and dances

of an ancient time

I sprout my fey & they no longer trim my ears

to keep me safe, safer is the plain than the moist

calling of this sea of wee wind and cockle shells

I sing the song of my past as the Morrigan

of the black hills of Avalon. A black goddess

of the Moors, the swan guarded mist of the Isle.

I hear the pitch in the mist, & there be no coins

on my eye.

~ Raven SuSane

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

"This is the time, rearrange your your plans carefully, & go gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant & which are not. Sift the chaff from the wheat. Any anxiety you may be experiencing is the result of an awareness of impending change, or resistance to this growing seed of modification or reworking. Ultimately, this change can be very beneficial, allowing you to tie up loose ends, bury the past, & enter a new positive phase.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up late last night fastening myself to the Shield. Slept well, but feeling a new traffic tryin to count my beat. I shower & begin to sit deeply into the unknowing air of this day.

I open myself to change & all its unknown & unseen treasures. Digging deeply yesterday, I current myself with a pulse that relays to my own fibers of Listening.

Pulse, a path to sovereignty. Swaying between the past, present, & future, helping me to become more open to the ritual of summer, & allowing it to heat up my passion for life.

The garden this morning smells of this heat & the moist layers of its folding moves through me. I will not make the question, I will move under the question & wait for it to come to me like a lover.

The conial precision of this time is keen to hear me breathe in more slowly what now is. Transformation, a lover of the butterfly. Happy Solstice.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity 

#9 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Conceptual Reconstruction of Life Experiencing
Vibration of harmonic transferal of information from past on into present, & the repatterining of this information, at its Highest Potential of Discernment-- How to re-pattern information. [Visit our site for more: ]

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Water Seed of Air: Effervescence

"Water Seed of Air can be an effervescence combination. You must take advantage of the 'sparkling' nature. Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm, & now is the time to prove it. Take a lesson from the fact that so few people are willing to exert themselves in an outgoing lively way.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

There are so many precautions in this alchemical position. How much to give, how much to sparkle without shaking things up too much or it will flatten.

I remember though when building our books on the computer, one must flatten the image in order to embed it so you can make an image more permanent, so one can build more with it later. So I realize that there is only one story that all can build on. So we must pick our story well.

There is just one story, it is the positive one. Sometimes I forget & allow something negative to try to start building on the positive. I hold the positive in my pocket & I gently touch it, to remember it is the only real story.

In fact, it is the real story I must build upon. I certify myself as expert, qualified nurse, doctor, therapist, psychiatrist, mother, mystic, code maker, code breaker, artist, master gardener, real, potent, writer, herbalist, magical, centered, deep listener, & kind & gentle person.

Put your real story of time in your pocket & always touch it when another story, that is not yours, tries to embed into your reality. You are the enthusiastic doer & receiver of your own magical Story. We must  stay sovereign to our real story.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#5 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

The momentual overwhelm responsorial pattern, that keeps the thought ideas concerning unlimitedness from materializing, is resolved through this Imprint, & the state of abundance, of senses in bliss, cane processed without interferencial patterns of overwhelm. [Visit our site for more: ]

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

"Water & Fire are mutually antagonistic, but both are necessary to drive the locomotive successfully. Water & Fire in the right proportions are needed for growth. Aqua Vita provides the moisture for the Seed needed in the Earth's womb, while Fire can bring a gentle heat, spurring the elements to harmoniously blend. The result is germination followed by sprouting, & shoots appearing above ground. You are the alchemical Fire in the Fire phase of development. Thoroughly mix Fiery Water with equal amounts of Watery Fire; such a conjunction bodes well for all undertakings.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

We had a very deep seeding of this yesterday & so grateful for the pure gold of understanding today. I have learned in many gentle & not gentle ways, but in the whole of it, what is not gentle becomes gentle as understood.

It is so hard to sit in the darkness of the void at times, but I find always light comes, & I am reminded to walk gently with myself. The current of life growing is always like tulip cutting through, but then becomes beautiful like pink rose, but there is always a few thorns that prick & wake us up, like the sleeping beauty we are.

When the Divine calls, we must get out our spinning wheel & prick ourselves on the needle, to thread ourselves awake. The thread is red because it was threaded through the prick of our pointed way, which bled us into our sacred pulse.

Like a young girl, we must accept the blood of our awakening into the future needs of our consciousness. Just like the first period, awakening can be messy, we all sit together in the beautiful messiness of awakening each day our sleeping beauty.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#12 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint recombines the elemental energies into a fixed set energy pattern. This set energy allows for manifesting the Highest Potential to actually be on all dimensional levels. [ Visit our site for more: ]

Friday, June 18, 2021

Ether Seed of Water: Daring

 "The Water element, as for all elements, is bounded by limitless space, the Ether. Water is cradled by Earth & in return nourishes the Earth. The current situation beckons you to courageously go outside your comfort zone, if inner growth is to be achieved.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Ether is such a path of transformation & even as it unfolds in life it is in a constant square of providing space. Ether being the curve itself is always taking us to a more transformative level of being.

I engage myself this morning to sit more into the curve without the seatbelt of safety. I unlock my lap of containment & allow the menopausal flow of deep wisdom, which often is not allowed to be heard after youth winds its way into the past.

There is no real 'were', because there is no real past. The present is always happening & moving forward. Time at present is seen as mercurial retrograde, but in real of truth, it is sharing the future & grading our ability to receive change & even volume.

This time has a metal taste & this mercurial position can sweeten our consuming forces into balance. I work with the metals in the dirt & sweeten them with the listening of mercury retrograde running forward, so we are no longer backward.

Must bend into the garden of yoga allowing of the fold. Fold into this time & dare to be limber to Cause.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#4b Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Calculatorial Rotational Movement enables the form that is being brought forth, from the Will of the Substance, to balance its interdimensionary movement. This balancing is essential for the deportment, of what is not Highest Potential in the manifested form, to release & move out of dimensional awareness. [Visit our site for more ]

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Water Seed of Fire: Creative Tension

 "This combination usually produces friction & its elements are in conflict. In such a relationship the tension it takes to hold things together is balanced precariously with the tension which blows things apart. Success is assured when you bathe with Fire and dry with Water.", Swami Ramananda, Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

"I feel my body is sitting inside this today & I loosen my hold on anything. I walked by the ocean & now I sit in the garden to write. I feel more open to doing little, & leaning deeper into the comfort of a stillness that commands my mind to open to the heart of myself.

This alchemical position is kind of tricky until we get the concept, dry with water bathe with fire down. Letting go of all our captive parts & digging deeper into what is behind them. Looking through time with release.

Old parts, not long visited, and no longer part of my weight & measure. I implore deep into my resonance for a deeper counter-cord.

I listen to the birds, no longer the bells & whistles of life, as it now is, & once was aeons ago. I implore the nasturtiums, iris, & clematis to infuse me deeply, even into my gut today. Robert, across from me at the table, writing. Sandra in the dining tent, getting my writing into a book-ready behavior. Suzanne & Kristina resting, harvesting, in a sacred conversation with each other & the garden.

I call this the pages of my living, inside & outside of creative tension.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#6 Pleiadian Creativity Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This creates Holographic projection into dimensionalizational Thought. [Visit our site for more: ]

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Ether Seed of Ether (Space): Rebirth

 "Ether Seed of Ether, always forecasts an optimum period for dramatic shifts in regard to personas, places, or things. The theme now is change, fresh starts, renewal, expansion of business or personal pursuits, rebirth, travel, rejuvenation, & regeneration. The chick, pecking its way out of the egg, is strengthening neck muscles, so the head will be supported upon escaping the broken shell. Now is the time for cracking the cosmic egg.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Sitting into the life, music, & medicine of one of my favorite woman mystics, Hildegard von Bingen, I write & immerse myself in the early garden & listen to its Greening Power.

I am more engendered into my own work & the power of the female voice. A voice of the balance of the male & female. In this collaboration you are always standing in the cauldron of Rebirth. It gives us both the space to be whole in our creative life.

We emerge each day inside this greening power & our relationship with the garden is in some form continual. Rebirth is not just an alchemical position in the alchemical process, but instead a continuancy that moves on all dimensions.

We are always in this position in one dimension or the other. It is a mind, body, soul commitment. In this we know we are, who we are, when we are, & how we are. The core within us is always in a space of space & our intricacies are always spoken for.

This is a time to build out who we are, & crack the cosmic egg through the love & compassion we are, will be, & have been.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#15 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprintsial Pattern creates a rotational harmonical vocalizer. This allows Body Zero to respond to the triaxillary vocal cord system, created through the trinity vibration of Self speaking to Self  above & below, side to side, & inside outside. This will also facilitate the autonomic flow of the universal sound to balance Body Zero tissue tone. [ Visit our site for more: ]

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle

"Esoteric geometry is the 'measurement of man', the humus (soil) whose destiny it is to become 'humane'. Squaring the Circle is the mental alchemical process of transferring an Airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension, so that objective conception & birth become a demonstrative reality.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

We do this in some level every day, & I believe I must have patience with this. I live in a mycelial way & I have a mycelial life, as each day I break down & compost my own mental alchemy.

All our work & patterns are about breaking down, digesting, & composting our ideas until we can integrate them into our daily living. Love & compassion are the daily requirement of our digestion.

If ideas are not broken down & understood, they become a facade we build our lives around. When we become awake to our own alchemical process we become mindful, fully.

We feel the Circle, we feel the Square, & our bodies become aware of our own alchemical process of living. This relates our life in a way we can assimilate, even the most complicated parts of ourselves, that we are sometime afraid of.

Hildegard of Bingin was one who spoke of this in most intricate ways in her books & music. A 12th Century mystic abbess of a great creative imaginative mind that changed the world of her time & ours.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity 

#6 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

The Knowing is the Grace of Self

The Self of each center is recognized & understood through the knowing, brought through the feeling, & expressed outward through our creativity. [Visit our site for more: ]

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy

 "All water (liquid) flows, washes, adapts, & brings nurturing respite to the arid wastelands of our lives. This fluid mobility is the essence of adjusting to the ever-changing circumstances we experience. When this symbol is drawn it behooves us to remember that some problems are best 'solved' by being 'dissolved' gently, & subsequently 'absolved'., Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up between the layers of this beautiful morning, like a cozy bed. Slept well, full night of gratefulness. Today we celebrate 4 birthdays & one graduation, in the garden.

Inside this time of garden we are more deeply touched with feminine nature of what a garden gives. Nourishment, beauty, conversation, a place of dissolvement. The Garden is becoming my place of dissolvement. This fluid mobilization gives us a way to adjust to our every changing world.

Here we can fold & bend our way to release & acceptance. Here there is diplomacy & companionship. It takes our minds inside outside & our outside inside, a very powerful alchemical position to be minded within.

The heart reigns here & possibility is more fluid. Build a garden around you, even if it is only one pot, one flower. Congratulate yourself for your diversity. The diversity will enable all your diplomatic needs. The conversation of love, allowance, & commitment goes on in the garden day & night.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#2 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Patter Deck

Morning Glory, Dianthus, Honeysuckle

This trinity of flowers work with, & in support of the opening, of the new conceptualization perception, that will envelope this planet & its tissue level. This works with the Body Zero's dilatational system & creates the florescent flow equational balance, so that Body Zero tissue & muscle layers are balanced, so that no collapsing conceptionalizations, that carry misperception vortexial matrixes, can cause equational imbalances, to cause tissue pain felt. This trinity also mobilizes the vortexial misperception matrixes out, through the Body Zero's present releasing patterns. ]Visit our site for more: ]

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

 "This is a time to progress through extroverted self-expression, coupled with reaching out & engaging other people in a cooperative endeavor that suits your plans, but will be beneficial to others.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

The feeling of Intention needs to be fully engaged during these times, & the clarity of the compassion needed to set this into place. One must be aware of what is held safe in this alchemical position & the need to, in a self-directed manner.

This garden is the blueprint for a 10 year plan, & I had not fully realized till now how vital it is. It took my breath away, as I walked through it. Everything is more thriving, growing, & the air in it is more than magical.

This seems more its own world & rhythm than I have experienced before. It is way beyond any plan I could have conceived. The Devas are very large & revitalizing.

In this I surrender to its vitality, & the vitality it is expressing for the next 10 years. More need for the ease of assimilation than I have ever experienced before. This is the most vital garden I have ever sat in. 

There is a new vitality that will be given to us all & the need for assimilation will be great, so we must play & allow ourselves time to rest. Play is the most political act we can do.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#2 Pleiadian Creativity Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This creates the will necessary to engage in the function of Manifestation of Dream discernment. [Visit our site for more: ]

Friday, June 11, 2021

Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word

"A window of opportunity is opening the chance to make a fresh start. It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings, & speak from deep inside. When the head occludes the heart, intuition (inner tutor) is smothered.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

The Logos sounds like a lasso rounding up oneself in a cowboy movie. Where is the Word that yields to our truth? Does it grow somewhere in our youth?

I sit inside the potentiality of my childhood & that mix of magical words, that drop their dust into our most prolific imaginings. How do our words come to us? Are they from thought or some sacred geometric passage of shapes, & intention, & dreams?

If we allow our words to be magic itself, as we did in childhood, we can create logos. We can be one of the magic ones that words are from the college of the mind, not the brain.

We begin to sink them into a sacred formation of what is needed in this time. Abra Cadabra spelled any way will open the doors to the most innate powers that the voice is. We barter our words for food, love, sharing, understanding, forgiveness, & inspiration.

We barter our tongue for the taste of Ether Seed of Air. The Logos, the Word, the power of creation. 

Today I will spell my words backwards, forwards, sideways, & inside out, & create a new wardrobe for The Word my voice occupies.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity 

#22 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint is the essencesorial key for the system actualization of the Is of manifested form in the now, of exact moment in tonal concordance, with the notal tonal value matrix, of concordial beingness. [Visit our site for more: ]

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Fire Seed of Air: Perseverance

 “Fire and Air are natural friends & mutually interdependent. Air vitalizes & vivifies Fire, encouraging Fire to burn even brighter & the children, flames, to leap higher. The yoga of couples is the most difficult.”, Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up early to sit in the garden, yoga & meditation in the garden light, easy and gentle. Walked to the farmer’s market with Hopscotch, our puppy, and back home to begin to enter new plans together, for  a presentation & shifts in our website.

This is the yoga as Fire & Air we must enter together.We will sit in the garden in the dining tent while we have lunch & begin our bends and fold overs of Fire and Air in our journey through technology.

To embroader ones life with many colors and types of threads is necessary to have a position in and on technology. Perseverance is the position needed & the alchemical passage is of essence.

We are not any longer young as we were, but instead we are acclimated to its heat & have had to really learn the yoga of couples. This work requires it, the your of partnership, collaboration, & deep listening creates great compassion & an unlovable commitment.

The garden breezes blow & we rock gently with each other on the Sea of Clarity & its consistent reach.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#15 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint works with the penetration of Light Speed vortexial essence from Celtic rememory matrix system. This brings past information into consciousness. [Visit our site for more: ]

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Fire Seed of Ether: Transmutation

"Fire Seed of Ether (space) portends a beneficial change in your current situation. Fire when combined with Ether (space) becomes transformative & even transmutative. Fire embodies the Soul of Desire, motivation, achievement, & enthusiasm. When combined with Ether (Boundless space) it produces a current of limitlessness. Enthusiasm is the key to success.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

A point of change in space has arrived & is sitting in my vision with the key I have been waiting for. I had thought we had missed the train or had the wrong ticket.

We do not seem to fit in many locks. We had stopped trying the key of ourselves & this work as if the only home it had was us. We had to tear up the bag of who we were, so we could find a new potent power of who we are & why.

We have found our work generates itself & the power to listen is ours. We are reaching across the abyss of space to see if there is a connecting fiber. In this heat of fire we become limitless space.

Yes, we are not pretty, young, or genius, but we do match the intensity of what is now needed. We kneel before ourselves, ignite the fire of our passion & Intention. The Garden surrounds herself with heat & nasturtiums for absolute assimilation of our faces facing.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

 #27 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern

Impatience, Garlic, Clove

This vibratory trinity moves the sound of judgement out of the molecular resonation response, & creates the harmonies of sound vibration that is felt as onement, instead of division. The diversionary energy is what creates stress felt in the body Zero, as it battles with the sounds of judgement, judged into its beingness. This judgement creates pain, guilt, & loss felt. [Visit our site for more: ]

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Water Seed of Ether: Synergy

 "Water seed of Ether, presages a coming cycle of enthusiasm, followed by a temporary plateau ( allowing recuperation & regrouping), & then a sudden growth spurt, ending with a conclusive settlement. It is advisable to navigate each stage steadily & thoughtfully, creating a synergy with others.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I sit here in the center of the night, because I can. I am so grateful for questions that come fully with their own answers. Answers come at so many different times of day & night.

One must honor the effort, be grateful for the patience, & ready for the cycle shift. I am awake to the synergy that happens when one listens carefully. Listen for light shifting angles & resonate sounds of wonder that begin to upset your old system values.

When the light begins to spread out your day into all colors, there is a new volume of answers. In the garden yesterday shifting colors, rhythms, allowances, & longings.

We allowed ourselves the Roll Exqusite. Reading, swinging, laughing, & deeply listening. The flowers reign in a year that I planned on more vegetables. They have created a synergy with each other that I have never dreamed of seeing.

Nasturtiums, spinach, cornflower, lettuce, cilantro, zinnias, radishes, calendulas,& kale, mayapples, swiss chard. They all talk the talk, so we can walk the walk.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#17 Pleiadian Creativity Outer Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This is the time span set that moves time space out of present state, & enables it to be set into another dimensionary awareness space, for more exact position & placement, for recognition acceleration. [Visit our site for more: ]

Monday, June 7, 2021

Air Seed of Fire: Mutual Harmony

"A new dimension of satisfaction can prevail, by eschewing both dependent & independent stances, for a relationship of interdependence & creative cooperation. Success is contingent upon finding the bridge joining the enthusiastic doer with the idealistic conceiver. A shift from passion to compassion is required; take time to contemplate in the temple of the heart atop the summit mountain of the diaphragm.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Taking time this morning to ask to have a squared perspective of thought & its relationship with Sacred Geometry. I realize all thought does not feel sacred, & I wonder how can I understand & respond to my thought differently, creating more mutual harmony within & without.

How can I turn it inside out & make it more understood within me, thought in our lives is having to change & longs to feel its reach of sacred structure in geometric equation? 

As I wake up & listen to my frame, & push the covers off my feet, & say sweet words of prayer to myself, I start framing my day into a squared perspective & that reveals the changing truth of perspective. So many things to live for, & so much less to die for. Living for takes so much Intention & stoking & tending the fire, but breath is so much more able to fill our lungs.

I fill my lungs so much more with Intention, than tension. I want to hear the full potential of the Harmony of the Sacred Geometry of thought.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity 

#4b Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Calculatorial Rotation Movement enables form that is being brought forth from the Will of the Substance, to balance its interdimensionary movement. This balancing is essential for the deportment of what is not Highest Potential in the manifested form to release, & move out of dimensional awareness. [Visit our site for more: ]

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Water Seed of Air: Effervescence

 "Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm & now is the time to prove it. Take a lesson from the fact that so few people are willing to exert themselves in an out going lively way. This also is not a time to shake things up.", Dr. John Mumford.

Trying a new pattern, forming a new perception, a Feng shui within & without. Do I stay up late, get up later, or go to bed early & get up early? Do we work while everyone is asleep, or get up early, before the world awakens?

Do I do yoga before I go to bed, or outside early in the morning? Where is there a hole I can create in, that helps me enter at a new speed? We were up late talking about how we can fit art in a very busy  creative life.

Now that I am older than I was, care of myself has to have more room & swinging is very essential, too. I know it is in the perspective, not in the time only. Once the garden is laid into place the tending must happen. Life is Immense & it is as if we are a whole galaxy in ourselves, & all planetary systems must be seen & tended to.

Maybe a new telescope or binoculars, that works with extended sight. When the excitement becomes so great that all we can do is sit down & breathe.

This is when we peer into the answer & see what a Leviathan we are, we are large enough to go to be deepest depths & console ourselves, to become a rising force once again. Enthusiasm flushes the depths to rise.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#19 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprintsial Pattern is a succinctionary calculatory resonator. This supports the succinctionary calculation, so that Body Zero can go beyond the resonational eclipsing of the binary level of Body Zero, which has worked with the binary code system. The creates the 'mis' of all sound. 

[Visit our site for more: ]

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word

"A successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective is dependent upon paying attention to details & planning carefully. It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings, & speak from deep inside. When the head occludes the heart, intuition (inner tutor) is smothered.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Open the ground, plant the seed, & drum it into a firm space. Then wait for the rhythm to emerge. The beat, the pulse, the signature of life. Wait & watch for the hold to take place within you.

The passion of life to start to emerge within you & expressing out. What will it be, from above or below you, from your heart or your mind? Will they join or separate? Each rootlet confirms the growth.

Do not separate yourself from it, but merge with it. From below to above, above to below it is circumferic & the Word will emerge from it. Gentle to the seed, gentle to the Word. Word acclaimed for its rhythm & gentle behavior in a time of need.

I let go of the expected & allow the unexpected to breathe the Logos. The word comes out of the same gentle seed & we begin to allow more in our spoken that matches the heart of real matter.

We must become the stage, not any longer the audience only.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity 

#12 Recognition Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Joy Is Yours

Joy is your gift. Joy is your truth. Joy is your center. Joy is Highest Potential felt. [Visit our site for more: ]

Friday, June 4, 2021

Ether Seed of Ether: Rebirth

 "Space is always pregnant with freedom & possibilities of fresh starts & new approaches." "Nature tolerates no empty spaces"., Latin proverb., Dr.John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I so love to fill up space & also linger in its emptiness. I am Ether, Raven, & sparklies are a rich part of my life. Many think a space is at its most empty & they discover minimalism. It is interesting that nature seems to fill up with trees, plants, weeds, & reclaim ancient ruins as it own table setting.

The desert looks empty, but if you look closely it is completely full of sand or rock. Those are the same. Nature loves presence. Creation is Presence, & it is as much within as without. It is very crowdy space, Nature. It is never empty, we just do not always see its immense populations.

In these times I must learn to sit with the Immense of the minute. Aloneness is only a part of a fractal of Immense. The invisible fills our world inside & out, & if we learn to hear it we will, like in Dr. Suess's Who, we will realize we must always move over to make room.

I am moving over to make room for the Immense Rebirth all around me. You are always sitting in someone else's seat, so let's get over it & make room.

 Raven SuSane, Clarity  

#5 Pleiadian Creativity Outer Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This symbol causes movement to penetrate beyond sound distortions. Imprint this when Clarity is needed. [Visit our site for more: ]

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

 "Water & Fire are mutually antagonistic, but both are necessary to drive a locomotive successfully. Water & Fire, in the right proportions, are needed for growth. Aqua vita provides the moisture for the seed in the Earth's womb, while Fire can bring a gentle heat, spurring the elements to harmoniously blend. The result is germination, followed by sprouting & shoots appearing above ground. You are the Fire in the Fire phase of development.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

A canopy of words fill this time & I am up very early. Early morning vapors fill the air as the sun rises slowly. On the lowlands of Kentucky early morning mists always meant a beautiful day, & I used to love walking among my fields of flowers & talk to them.

The garden is so many levels to me that has become my metaphor for my creative life. I had 5 children & with each child I learned more of practice & foundation, of how to become a writer.

In the pregnancy of outer life you can learn everything about the pregnancy of inner life. All the notes taken to understand are all the notes you use in your alchemy. The female alchemy of pregnancy is the pattern for creating life, loving life, & nurturing life.

After 5, the nurturing is now given back to me, & I inhale the morning dew & the moisture of a life, that finds compassion for even the smallest parts of Self. This creates locomotion.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#20 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint is a vibratory responder that opens the Holograph to sound beyond sound, allowing energy patternization of image from Highest Potential to occur. [Visit our site for more: ]

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word

"We do not know what is really good or bad fortune.", Jean-Jaques Rousseau. "A window of opportunity is opening, the chance to make a fresh start. Consider, 'Life is short, Art is long, Judgment difficult, opportunity fleeting, & experience dangerous'.", Hippocrates, opening paragraph of his Instructions to Physicians, cc.500 BCE, Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Sweet morning with an easy rising. Not so locked down in my sleep. I feel a bit more calculated & assimilated. The garden has been growing profusely. Conversation, Logos, is very specific in the early beginnings of this day.

Where do we put our words when they start rising up? How do I summon up what is wise, when so much mystery surrounds me?  I realize I must allow the allowing, listen to the birds, & pretend I understand every word they say, so I have the potential on the tip of my tongue.

This alchemical language starts each day & this fills our hearts before anything else. The language of birds, trees, nests, flowers, & mycelial cravings are all open to us every day, high or low.

I console my body by swinging in the balance. In every way our bodies need this rhythm of language, young or old, big or small, genius or not. The genius of life is held in this Logos & rhythm. Smell the seed of the Word, & the swing of thought as it emerges.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity  

#11 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Dimension of five works in support of the instantaneous potential of Body Zero Holographic Projection to change sight seen in the dimension of three. This imprint moves the potential through the dimension of five without hesitation, & mobilizes the availability of time space total closure, for set Holographic Projection change. [Visit our site for more: ]

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

 "When you are talking to a fool always get a third person to check who is a fool. He who sets out to make wise men of fools will be kept very busy. Reconciliation brings unexpected positive results & new starts. This permits you to throw out the old, making room for the new. An opportunity for an alchemical transmutation allows you to turn what 'is' into something usable.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I have opted out to be the fool rather than the doubter or the examiner of what has been examined. I felt my way through the dark many times & I find that the deep listening of a pattern will always reveal & reconcile.

A life pattern can be revealed in the vaporization because it does have a destination & destiny. You don't create a pattern that cannot be reached & you will find cause if you allow it time. I am not revealed through indecision, but instead, decision.

Destiny is reached through decision upon decision. The dice must be rolled even if you look like a fool. The wonder of permission is immense. If we are afraid of being the fool we will listen to very little. You will never veer from your course that was set by society at your first breath.

I was a fool at my first breath & I have been climbing big fences ever since. One finds ways to help climb big fences & we must all use them & once again become the fool that advices a great king. Our Cause. What is scarier, the fool or the one who never listens or trusts oneself?

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#3 Pleiadian Creativity Inner Healing Light imprintsial Pattern Deck

This creates the light penetration into projected holographic Wholeness images. [Visit our site for more: ]