"Space is always pregnant with freedom & possibilities of fresh starts & new approaches." "Nature tolerates no empty spaces"., Latin proverb., Dr.John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
I so love to fill up space & also linger in its emptiness. I am Ether, Raven, & sparklies are a rich part of my life. Many think a space is at its most empty & they discover minimalism. It is interesting that nature seems to fill up with trees, plants, weeds, & reclaim ancient ruins as it own table setting.
The desert looks empty, but if you look closely it is completely full of sand or rock. Those are the same. Nature loves presence. Creation is Presence, & it is as much within as without. It is very crowdy space, Nature. It is never empty, we just do not always see its immense populations.
In these times I must learn to sit with the Immense of the minute. Aloneness is only a part of a fractal of Immense. The invisible fills our world inside & out, & if we learn to hear it we will, like in Dr. Suess's Who, we will realize we must always move over to make room.
I am moving over to make room for the Immense Rebirth all around me. You are always sitting in someone else's seat, so let's get over it & make room.
Raven SuSane, Clarity
#5 Pleiadian Creativity Outer Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This symbol causes movement to penetrate beyond sound distortions. Imprint this when Clarity is needed. [Visit our site for more: www.situlacodex.com/pleiadian-creativity-codex ]
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