"We do not know what is really good or bad fortune.", Jean-Jaques Rousseau. "A window of opportunity is opening, the chance to make a fresh start. Consider, 'Life is short, Art is long, Judgment difficult, opportunity fleeting, & experience dangerous'.", Hippocrates, opening paragraph of his Instructions to Physicians, cc.500 BCE, Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Sweet morning with an easy rising. Not so locked down in my sleep. I feel a bit more calculated & assimilated. The garden has been growing profusely. Conversation, Logos, is very specific in the early beginnings of this day.
Where do we put our words when they start rising up? How do I summon up what is wise, when so much mystery surrounds me? I realize I must allow the allowing, listen to the birds, & pretend I understand every word they say, so I have the potential on the tip of my tongue.
This alchemical language starts each day & this fills our hearts before anything else. The language of birds, trees, nests, flowers, & mycelial cravings are all open to us every day, high or low.
I console my body by swinging in the balance. In every way our bodies need this rhythm of language, young or old, big or small, genius or not. The genius of life is held in this Logos & rhythm. Smell the seed of the Word, & the swing of thought as it emerges.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#11 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Dimension of five works in support of the instantaneous potential of Body Zero Holographic Projection to change sight seen in the dimension of three. This imprint moves the potential through the dimension of five without hesitation, & mobilizes the availability of time space total closure, for set Holographic Projection change. [Visit our site for more: www.situlacodex.com/holographic-codex ]
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