
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fire Seed of Ether: Transformation
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“Fire Seed of Ether (Space), this portends a beneficial change in your current situation.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

This is a time when the flame needs tending. Not too low and not too high. I often felt a void in this time and the sacred enfolds me, so I can hold the flame steady.

I am gathering the volume of process needed for the movement of deeper understanding in my life, and it has left me filled but not yet fully assimilated. To assimilate volume one must make room and time, and this making of room often for me creates a creative tension that does yield room.

I have to become keenly aware of my body and its surrounding environment. If I don’t I become more aware I will become ill and usually in the area of my body that needs to speak.

I have learned over the years and I have become aware faster and with more capability. Life is such an alchemical process that the fire of transmutation demands your attention and increasing acuity.

The season shifts , which is a huge pattern of transmutation, affects me profoundly and I must focus on the flow needed to breathe into it with comfort. To hear, to write, to feel the current enter and radiate down my mind into my understanding in words, and volume into writing is a currency that names its own price.

It is what I seek, but the price is cast and it requires a change in consciousness or perspective. It is as if someone tells you a secret or shares with you a new idea. To hear it you must pay the price of your ignorance and assimilate it and be affected by the new knowledge.

Living is about knowledge and the experience of knowing which has a price of expansion and expansion requires change.

You cannot lock the door to change as long as you live.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

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“Fire Seed of Water, this is a time to progress through extroverted self-expression coupled with reaching out and engaging other people in a cooperative endeavor that suits your plans, but will be mutually beneficial to others.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

This day has been totally the communication of this alchemical fire in the fire phase and the acceptance has been on many levels of enthusiasm.

The fall is deep and brilliant today and we spent the day playing with our children and grand-children at Beth’s White Oak Farm. Hayrides, apple crisp, corn maze, hay pyramids, picking out pumpkins, and fresh vegetables. Little alchemists all making the most of the vaporization, creating a germination followed by sprouting.

I have felt the rise of aspiration as it meets with fire and water. We now have a car in place of our Jeep and it is such a surprise for both of us. We would never have had this boundless piece with surrender to the Aqua Vita of deep listening.

It is a 2001 Saab convertible, we wanted a small Saab that got good mileage and we asked it to make itself clear to us. It was the best and least expensive on the lot. What a fun little journey boat and Robert & I are still awakening to this gift.

It is a transformer and the grand-children love this. It transforms its shape to become more inspired by air. They call the healing decks they love to use in the morning, “The Transformers”. In this there is an alchemical transmutation that allows us to turn what “is” into a usable piece of what we now need.

So our Jeep transformed into a Saab and the Saab transforms into a convertible that allows more air, aspiration, in our movement’s travel. What fun it is to have an imagination about the serious of our lives. Afterall, we are from Sirius.

Ether Seed of Ether: Space, Rebirth

Celebrating our 100th entry!
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“Ether Seed of Ether, always forecasts an optimum period for dramatic shifts in regard to person, places, or things. The theme now is change, fresh starts, renewal, expansion of business, or personal pursuits, rebirth, travel, rejuvenation, & regeneration.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

This quote has been so forward today, and it has granted much in the way of comfort, as we move through many levels of change. Sometimes I feel I am not quite in touch with what is fully moving. I find myself grasping to reach something solid.

We are now in the last trimester of the earth’s peeling and the forming of her sides for birth is quite a force of energy to be within.

The circling of the moon is more noticeable to me than was before in my life. I feel the current of this time and rest is more difficult at times. I have had to make sure I take more time to meditate and stretch deep into this motion, so that I can stay balanced, but able to stand on one foot.

Sometimes I lose sight of the light and don’t even know that I am in a process of rebirth. I have had five children and know that there is some disorientation that happens during the birthing process, as the focus becomes narrower and narrower and everything else of life seems to disappear. 

You are alone with the full force of the moment. You are no longer a free spirit, but a part of this force and can only flow into its need. The need to birth what has become so willed that it will not remain silent any longer and must have a room of its own.

I feel our work has come to this space in my life, and I don’t quite know how to adjust to this child who needs its own space and all my attention. I am struggling to remain present somewhere else and no longer can. What is this child who wakes me in the night and will no longer settle for only part of me?

If I go completely into this new life I am afraid I will completely disappear and no longer be able to come home. I will be lost in the land of fay and never return. I am crowning and cannot return to unborn. There is much more under the veil than shopping for groceries, buying a car, and cleaning the basement.

While writing this, on the iPod a Laurie Anderson song came on from her Big Science album with lyrics that said: “You were born and so you are free,  So Happy Birthday.”

Friday, October 22, 2010

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation
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The signal of Earth Seed of Earth is start. “We don’t need more strength or more ability, or greater opportunity. What we need is to use what we have.” Basil Walsh, From “Magical Tattwas”.

This time is somewhat overwhelming because there is so much new foundation being built and shifted over into that it seems almost as if there is no foundation at all.

Daily life has been so unroutined that the surface I walk on seems like water. There is a tide to this so sometimes it seems like stone, but not solid ground that I step on. I walk among the feelings and words of this time. I feel nurtured by the full expression of purpose as all shifts like castles in the air.

One moment the feeling of the whole, and the other the feeling of only the past. Much seems awakened to this motion and stillness combined. I take time to sit and hear.

There is much to know and this new space of float will require much more air to forgive the aloneness of this needed expression.

Robert & I move closer into each other as we mark this foundation with meaning. What is here is meant, and what is not here is meant. I realize that they are the same in will and purpose. Inside the full memory of full foundation is the beginning and it navigates its way towards us. 

The periwinkle now added to the bathroom floor in our Rockland home will allow more ease of flow and acceptance of the power of small. The change in the studio residence will bring forward more ease and awareness of the now present intensity of an out-pouring of intended grace. 

This grace has given me the easiest flow I have ever felt in communicating, asking, and feeling that is necessary to be in conversation with one’s world. I have asked each thing, each persona, each individual dweller, where it wants to be, and soon I have the answer. 

In this one needs to recognize the life and will in all things, and they will move themselves. Its kind of like in the Sword and the Stone, or Marry Poppins, when the magician asks everything to find its place and they do. Awesome fun.

More color is brought to the surface and the Intended Grace is portal entry made ready for the expression of the completion work for this year’s show, The Coming of Fairies, that we’ll hang December 1st at the Camden Library.

Ether Seed of Air: Logos The Word

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“A successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective, is dependant upon paying attention to details and planning carefully.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

“It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings, and speak deep from inside. When the head occludes the heart, intuition (inner tutor) is smothered.” Dr. John Munford.

The Word is the sacred space of the heart given to the voice. I have felt the sacred move through my mind, my memory, and my soul. To write intuitively is to write from the distance of the meaning and to find a truth that is beyond the ordinary.

To find a compassion that enfolds the mind and allows the voice a mansion of rooms not yet explored. This time has moved an immense focus for the travel of expression that will fill the future with the detail needed for the word to move about in the mind.

To feel an angelic course of will that knows the way and the reason is essential in this time. The hearing of wings is a gift that folds through the weave of letters and the motion of words, as the detail takes on the movement of all things that need room to breathe the breath of aspiration.

In the last two weeks we have have moved and cleaned so much in our Rockland home and this weekend we have done the same in the studio residence. All is created within the power of the Word that knows itself, and all things know the Word that is within them, and the Word that created them.

This knowing gives all things, all life, a life that wings itself into a mystical allowance. I have gotten so behind on my comments, but it is not a lack of interest, but an immense drive to move forward quickly in a small amount of time.

So much so that I am writing in the middle of the night. This is so all levels can move at once without delay.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Water Seed of Earth: Alliances

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“Water nourishes Earth and Earth is Water’s Chalice. Water and Earth are lovers. Grasp the Day.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

Today the open heart of timing makes room for us and we find that movement becomes easy, and once again I can feel the full rhythm of myself. I am able to clearly see what it is i want to change and the numbers give me room.

We spend much of the day between river and studio, both moving alliances to support what we want to become available. The sequence of the days comes to us and we begin to prepare and outline for our up-coming show at the library.

Listening to the Creative Life shows that we did together for two years ago, it was so nurturing to enter the creative process and choose one of the 21 that applied to this time in the creative process. Motion and Money. Listened on a bench by the river with the full sun down on my head.

We cooked for the family, organized the studio, talked, did Qigong, instead of what was hard to enter yesterday.

By evening our family picked up dinner and helped us re-arrange our sleeping space for more room. It was so fun talking and sharing and we all saw all the opening that all the movement had created.

The alliance between water (River) and earth (Studio) had grounded the flow of the creative day we needed to feel once again who we are.

The creativity of Air and Earth had finally aspired into an alliance of water seed of earth, and the flow of this has created more room for inspiration and imagination.