
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle


Squaring the circle is the mental alchemical process of forming the sacred, in a geometrical circumference of time and space.

The cellular memory transfers the fluidity of ideas, into the conceptual allowance of reality.

To mark this place we live in, with the full metric component of vision, the visual confers with the mind of mental alchemy, to conjunct the two into an actual formational format of manifested reality, that can function in space with mass.

We often are thrust into one reality, from the miscalculation of another, and the bridge between the two is not stable.

In this part of the alchemical process, we begin to make square, the foundation of an airy concept, that we realize needs a stable alignment with time and space, so we can change our thin surface to a broader thicker one, and a firm bridge is made between the airy castles and the terra firma of mother earth.

The child that is conceptual becomes fleshed, and a full mind is calculated for the ease of a constitutional awareness.

This is kind of like when a country finally creates a constitution of its wholeness and an awareness of what it is.

It is when we begin to know more of our destiny and intend finally to become it fully in a body.


  1. " we can change our thin surface to a broader thicker one, and a firm bridge is made between the airy castles and the terra firma of mother earth."....what poetry that is in words and in concept! We really have moved our lives into that thin space to experiment and to flesh it. That is when we jumped off the edge isn't it? and then found the moat that carried us into the airy castle until it was safe to venture out....that is what this time is about too....we can't depend on ANYONE but ourselves as a family! You are very brave sister.

  2. Sandra, brave is not the word for this, sister, it's crazy, that is the word, crazy! :-)
    love, Su.Sane


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