
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Water Seed of Earth : Alliances


Water seed of earth is a time to procure a relationship with the deep waters of yourself, and the alliance is with your body, which is the chalice of the earth, that steps inside the rhythms of the tides.

To deeply take action, to become aware of this love between earth and water, is to be like a wave in your flow.

To breathe and take breath from the waters of this alliance is to become your own grail cup.

To initiate yourself is the attendance to your own body's deep magic.

To linger no longer in the door, but to step through to the awareness of how the body knows.

The body is the earth for your spirit, and it knows what the spirit knows. Trusting it is a whole integrity of love, and the language that speaks in the middle of everything.

Your body knows where you are going and when you will get there. The body never procrastinates, because it has no need to, it knows its own timing.

Life always questions the body, as if it is ignorant of itself, but it is life that is ignorant. The alliance of water seed of earth must start with the body, then it can move to other alliances which align with the body.

This way we will not need to delay, procrastinate, or miss the boat. We will instigate from a body that  is moving in its own time, the soul's time.

Today I have been quite, listening, and responsive, and flowing deeply with my body, her language, her needs, and I have made it a whole day. It takes a lot of time to have room for that in this world.

Nameste, from my body to yours.


  1. What a phenomenal, honoring, and empowering way of seeing the body! Every line of this entry is so beautiful & lyrical & inspiring -- the ideas of being your own grail cup and that the body is the earth to one's spirit made me take this incredible deep breath & I felt my body relax into the peace of finally being understood & fully recognized. To trust the body's wisdom, integrity & timing is a powerful thing to come to & as you said, not something that our world makes much time to have room for. I had to chuckle at the line about how life always questions the body as if it is ignorant of itself -- working so closely within the health care world for so many years, I can attest to how true (and sadly pathetic) that statement is! Thank you for putting so much pure truth out there in this blog so that we all have an opportunity to recalculate how we perceive and relate to our bodies!

  2. That is exactly what I did yesterday!! After good stretching time and getting some errands done with the kids, I sat and ate lunch at the Camden Harbor for almost 2 I didn't eat for 2 hours, the body couldn't handle that, but I sat there and watched the flow of the was high tide...and watching the boats balance themselves on the waters movement lulled me into such a calmness and peace and mindlessness that I felt I literally floated up to CPL as if in another world...even had a hard time talking when I arrived..Misty said "are you OK?"...then I realized that my body and I were together in another state of being. It was wonderful, actually stayed there rest of evening, yawning alot tho as the body recalculated the change. We are insync with these changing days........thanks for being there with me! xoxo

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Suzanne, thank you so much. We both laughed at your comment on the health care system, so true, so true. :-)

    Beautifully integrated, thank you.
    love, Su.Sane

  5. Sandra, I loved hearing this, so glad you took time to float.

    We are floating together.
    love, Su.Sane


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