
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Earth Seed of Water: Boldness


Dalai Lama's Birthday. Hang flags in garden.

We kayaked yesterday evening as it cooled and while on water found out the toilet seals on both toilets broke.
Earlier we had put a water displacer (1/2 jug) to save on water in each toilet.
Today we tell the plumber to install two new water saver toilets, using only 1.5 gal. per flush.

Earth seed of water once again needs boldness from our lives, and we begin to shift our own needs to what we truly want. In this time, what seems a problem can be dissolved, by allowing a new basis of operation. Coming from a whole new format, creating a whole new place of operation, and coming out emotionally. Earth seed of water creates a timing that forces the secret ally to come forward and bring forth the occasion of a firmer palette, or infrastructure, upon more solid ground.

Within the world of fay, the nature spirits of water emotionalize us, as the tide and the moon wax and wane together, in an elbowing swing of up and down, high and low, rise and lower. The boldness is catching the high and riding into the low, thus saving water, as the current of living moves with the vision of what was once invisible becomes visible. You realize you are on its solid ground, lifted up from all dangers.

Today is the Dalai Lama's birthday and we will bless our gardens, hang new prayer flags, and ring bells for our Ocean of Compassion.


  1. You have taken a traumatic (for me) event and seen all the rightness in it and the vision that it has given us as a family.This is not a theoretical play on words but a very true emotional registry....thank more time!

  2. Sandra, you make us laugh with this comment.
    Glad that things worked out so well. I have a longer distance to this, ten minutes away, just as you have so many times, seen the silliness in me and the beauty, from your distance.
    love, Su.Sane

  3. I really love this way of seeing Boldness. I appreciate also seeing how we can conserve our emotional energy (water) by allowing & recognizing our secret allies to show us the new & safe pathways/infrastructure to ride upon. More & more I see & feel the incredible support of the Fay/Natural World -- this made the blessing of the gardens & hanging of the new prayer flags & recognition of the Dalai Lama's birthday all the more joyful!


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