
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Water Seed of Ether: Synergy


Synergy is marked by a time of detailed communication, which relates empathy, compassion, and deep listening. This stage should be navigated thoughtfully, keeping a steady synergy with all parts of one's life.

Building solid bridges of diplomacy will create an easier volume of communication, so one can be able to give and receive support as a natural flow and rhythm.

Water dissolves the struggles and helps us adjust to the environment we are working, being, and moving in.

This time does not need complete understanding, and the real ease is giving yourself room to adjust to the water levels and movement of the tides.

My day quickly moves from meditation to full movement, to rest, to conversation, frustration, upset in the outer atmosphere, and once again to enlightenment, motion, and meditation.

The task is effortless synergy of all these, in a rhythm of staying in the moment.


  1. Love your expression of the flow of a REAL day -- from meditation & calm, centered intention to & through busyness, irritations, frustrations, and back to & through moments of calm & peace & rest. Through your words I finally saw the element of water in daily living. And with that recognition, I can call upon water to dissolve the struggles, help me adjust to the changes within a day, and see the thread of real communication. Great insight!

  2. Wow! this feels like a great morning stretch...amazing what thoughts come into your body and its ability to go a little further, it tells you what it wants AND in what order. Thanks for pushing me along into the has made my synergy definitely move with ease.

  3. Suzanne,thank you for connecting on so many levels, this helps me also connect on more levels for myself. It also encourages me to continue to allow the free form of this blog, in addition to the more mental alchemy of the process.
    love, Su.Sane

  4. Sandra,I love the morning stretch. I think the words are becoming more part of our morning stretch, as we reach out further to claim more chi in our day.

    love, Su.Sane


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