
Monday, April 27, 2020

Earth Seed of Fire: Incubation

The folding moment sits quietly in my lap. I reach across my memory and embody my day, as if I know it so well. Turning Time into memories, I make the ready form I still embody, more honored in time, movement, and creativity.

Many years of my life have been in taking care of others, as a nurse and mother, but now I incubate a new pattern of my life, and it is taking care of myself.

It is as much trouble as taking care of small children. Yoga, Chi Gong, meditation, walking, writing, eating carefully, and being gentle with who I am.

I care for my work, destiny, authentic language, and my beloved Robert, who equally cares for me. I have planted the seeds of a whole new life, and the pattern sits in my lap, as I allow it to cover me and direct my future way.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#33 Recognition Healing Imrpintsial Pattern Deck
Be and Achieve
It is in the being that one is.
It is in the being that one achieves.
It is in the being that one speaks clearly.
It is in the clarity of center that one is, achieves,
and speaks in the completeness of one being.

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