
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Water Seed of Earth: Alliances

"Water nourishes Earth and Earth is Water's Chalice. Water and earth are lovers: a new associate can immeasurably help you activate your plans", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Earth is water's Situla: Water holds our dreaming code and our bodies are the Situlas for our dreaming waters. Water thick in the air and being held to nurture the earth.

When we use the Light Imprintsial Patterns we are imprinting them into our Situlas and our body of water. This is photonics and we can access our own codial registries through our ability to imprint change digitally.

I hold this day and its potential in my Situla, and I embody a new alliance with my own codial awareness. In this I can access my world more accurately. I come into alliance with my own imprinted volume.

We can bring forward our past to our present, our present to our future, our future to our past, and our past to future, till we are available to ourselves in all directions.

We are in alliance with our own time, timing, and timed.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity

#21 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Misconceptions Representation Realization
Vibration of completion of Omnidirectional process, and enables flow of realizatory waves to move through all bodies, so change can be created within all the universes of Self-- How to create change.


  1. Wow..I can feel the body in the process of registry...a little uncomfortable...but moving and I accept the change in my vessel!! Thank you!!

  2. Yes, sitting, feeling the mist as the fog passes
    Thank you


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