
Monday, August 31, 2020

Fire Seed of Ether: Transmutation

"This portends a beneficial change in your current situation. Fire when combined with Ether (space) becomes transformative and even transmutative. Fire embodies the Soul of desire, motivation, achievement, and enthusiasm. When combined with Ether (boundless space) it produces a current of limitlessness.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

What is time anyway to each of us? I move time in my life like it is on wheels. Time being something precious, but can be rare. So truly rare it can seem that we never get used to having it.

Everyone right now has an opinion of what it is for them. This is only because we haven't had enough, and now after starting to have it we cannot swallow it, because we have starved too long.

We spit it out because we cannot swallow it. Many are mad, bored, or depressed, because they cannot feed it to themselves. We must feed each, til we can lift the spoon of time. Maybe all the hate is really about starvation of time and not being able to consume it.

I have been so grateful for time unchallenged. There is no pleasure in having time if its worth is erased as soon as it makes its mark in our lives. I open myself to more time, stop questioning how it got here.

Use it, Use it, Love it, explore it, sit into its mysteries. Consume it better by not questioning how and why it has come to you. I am grateful, for it is this time that be the greatest game changer in our lives.

Open your mouth and I will spoon feed you, as the Universe has spoon fed me year after year. This is a space of being fed Time in the mystery of your day.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

 #7 Pleiadian Creativity Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern

This creates the time and space magnificence necessary for form to be seen and heard. As Light passes through vibrational vortex matrixes it adjusts patterning essence, creating holographic form seen.

[Visit our site for more Pleiadian Imprints:  ]

1 comment:

  1. You are so exact in these words, thank you for taking time to share and energy to hold so much insight with the world..that moves universally to all time keepers!?


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