
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word

 "A successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective is dependent upon paying attention to details & planning carefully. It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings, & speak from deep inside.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

The power of the Word, that's why I love to write, especially intuitively, because it puts everything in sync, even if I even don't understand it. Trusting deeper, faster, clearer, all part of the of details of today. It calls for sensing your heart, listening to your feelings, and then speaking from deep inside. This is the way of a true Valkyrie, and this is the way I live, and seek to live. Ether Seed of Air, Logos, The Word. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

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