
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

"The signal of this card is Start. New beginnings bring a fresh start. Mother Earth is the womb from which all our creations & projects can be born, for Terra Firma provides a secure foundation which, if carefully tended, can support a crop of projects.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

When we think of start, we usually think of movement, but I know this morning I have to start inside, and allow myself room to move the furniture in my head, then the alchemy from that will help me begin to move everything in my outer world. It's a bit like Fox, a bit cunning to move something here that will finally move something there. Yesterday I found a beautiful Fox cup, and I think I'll sip on it and enter today from a very open backdoor that will allow me to move everything here. Wonderful Totemic, Fox, my Raven understands. Earth Seed of Earth, Foundation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

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