"Water and Fire are natural enemies-opposing forces. Fire boils water and water attempts to drown fire- a never-ending battle in which neither fully wins.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. "In such a relationship the tension it takes to hold together is balanced precariously with the tension which blows things apart. Where differences are RECOGNIZED and the intuitive properties of the Water element are combined with the cognitive faculties of the Fire element, the result may be productive in the outer world.", Swami Ramanada. "Success is assured when you bathe with Fire and dry with Water.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
The perfect position to explain this time and I sit inside the Imprintsial Pattern that assists us all today in this time of Creative Tension. As a family, we hold ourselves focused on this alchemical process of balance.
After I finish writing I will sit in my own language with my body, chi gong, yoga, and meditation. Robert and I will focus on hearing more clearly and go for a small walk.
In all this we will be cradling our world and a new nestial layer to comfort, inform, and hold us, so we can bathe with Fire and dry with Water, which takes focus and skill.
We cradle the world that is in Creative Tension and hold it into a firmament of Love. This Imprintsial Pattern will assist us all in this. Winged arms around us all as a country, world, planet, and Galaxy, and Universe.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#7 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Mountain Pennyroyal, Sunflower, Crown Imperial
This trinity of flowers moves processed informational concepts into triaxillary rotations, which in turn creates limitless conceptual molecular structure in Body Zero bone, tissue, and organ levels. These triaxillary rotational movements are what creates the momentum for the Body Zero projectional change, and are set at highest potential projectional form seen.
[Visit our site for more: www.situlacodex.com/flower-codex ]
Thank you for the support this day of unsettling change in our world...Peace to you!!