"If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.", Wm. Blake. "The road to excess leads to the palace of Wisdom.", Wm. Blake.
We are so judged in this world, and we are so afraid of being the fool, but it is in our preferred state of difference that makes us so potent. To be so committed and in love with someone, an idea, a creative perspective, is more risky as you dare more, and get closer and closer to being over the top.
This is where you Dare to be the fool who went so far to make it real. We are now as a whole world, planet, and galaxy, daring the risk of gaining or losing it all.
We connect with each fiber of our Being, to Desire our way so greatly, that we forget the fool and become wiser. You cannot become wise unless you are willing to step into the world of the fool.
Invention is the beginning of every daring potential. We open ourselves to potential, we become daring, and we begin to invent our future. I am ready today to dare to invent myself even more. "It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.", Anonymous.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#5 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
The momentum overwhelm responsorial pattern, that keeps the thought ideas concerning unlimitedness from materializing, is resolved through this imprint, and the state of abundance of senses in bliss can be processed, without interferencial patterns of overwhelm.
[Visit our site for more: www.situlacodex.com/holographic-codex ]
What an awesome reminder of how effective we can be with daring to make a difference somewhere!! I appreciate this reminder...thank you!!