"Pay attention to the details, take no unnecessary risks, practice relaxation, meditation, autohypnosis, and enjoy saunas and massages. Keep in touch with your feelings (Air) and your intuitive needs (Water). Perseverance preserves what you have already established, and permits the cycle to roll over into a new opportunity.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
What now is unfolding takes some distance to unfold fully and with ease. We are so inside of this availability of change and we allow grace for ourselves.
I settle in with myself, so I can be more aware of what is needed for this time. When we move toward in the alchemical process, we need to be aware of what is under our feet and straight ahead.
We must fully embody the heard and allow it room. Stand still inside the moment and smell its environment. Use all your senses to feel the pulse as witness to this time, and what it requires and prepare ourselves with a consciousness that is fully tuned in.
Allowing a cycle to roll over into a new opportunity takes a lot of skill in the areas of intuitive evolvement. Taking a quickening to its own source is what is now needed.
Be Cause and sit into the very nature of it inside yourself. Ask Why, How, and When, and the calm will speak to you. What a beautiful day to allow this to roll over.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#5 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint transmutes the blocks that veil present perception. This removes blocks of misperception and misconception, either from Self or energy fields, that would block Self movement.
[Visit our site for more: www.situlacodex.com/celtic-codex ]
Thank you for the calmness needed for today, I will remember it during this day and await its gifts!!