
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

 "Resolute Imagination is the beginning of all Magical operations.", Paracelsus, 1493-1541. "The artist and magician have the common problem of crystalizing, actualizing, and materializing their mental conceptions into the objective world of matter.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Inside the wanting of position is a clear format enamored with our own dreaming position moving toward its own employment of power. I am making a curve of manifestation that will emerge from the foundation of this day.

I create each day and from this I am always beginning a foundation and completing another. I hold within my creative imagination a continual creative desire and process. Now is the cycle to Start.

I am at the finishing line and the beginning line at the same time on many different things, ideas, at one time. Then the listening, juggling begins and the sitting into is the answer held in the thread of our existence.

Moving each step after the other, I begin to seed the I am and raise the sprout into its growth. You plant the seed as you eat the fruit. Life is a twice told and I must make room for the harvest, as well.

I quicken the seeds of many things and build a foundation as well as maturing and harvesting of many other passages of need.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#4 Holographic Healing Light Inmprintsial Pattern Deck

Twice momentum regulation is activated once a thought idea has projected into calculated form, beyond once, so that interference is experienced in momentum felt, beyond first experiences, or first felt. This keeps the Holographic Projection from ever calculating the bliss maintained. This Imprint releases this momentum regulation from its hold on the responsible patterning, and allows the pattern to expand beyond once.

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1 comment:

  1. This is a full recognition for me for this day. The pattern is awesome not one I recognize but sure appreciate its work!! Thank you!!


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