"In the world of mind the consciousness is masculine, active seed, while the Unconscious is the female, receptive. Earth waiting the seed of thought. To become pregnant with a thought means we can give birth to mental progeny.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
We are now in a time of much foundational shift and the mental progeny is still forming. I am so aware of need to make enough room for this, and that I need to be more open and less decided up.
All the colors of our world are taking new places and we must give them more room and support. Robert and I cleared our palette many years ago. We had to change our attitude and altitude to our whole environment.
We had to tell the hold to let go. It changed everything so much that we had to change our whole foundational position. This is now happening on a much bigger scale for the whole world, planet, and galaxy.
How do we see now? How do we listen better and make what was into something that Matters More? What matters is most from your heart will change and matter your world differently.
Sitting with what matters to you most is the foundation you start from and scale the Impossible.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#2 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Morning Glory, Dianthus, Honeysuckle
This trinity of flowers work with and in support of the opening of the new conceptionalization perception that will envelope this planet and its tissue level. This works with the Body Zero's dilatational system and creates the florescent flow equational balance, so that the Body Zero tissue and muscle layers are balanced, so that no collapsing conceptionalizations, that carry misperception vortexial matrixes, can cause equational imbalances, to cause tissue pain felt.
[Visit our site for more: www.situlacodex.com/ flower-codex ]
Thank you for your continuance of sharing words and patterns that give me courage to keep letting go as those fragments sift to the foreground!!