
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy

"Some can be best 'solved' by being 'dissolved' gently and subsequently 'absolved'. Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Allowing time to sift through my pours, I take in deeply the abundance needed to maintain diplomacy.

Patience, Listening, Openness, Compassion, are all the characters of this abundance. We are in the making right now, and we cannot quite see completely what is emerging and what it is dissolving.

Water in its pure essence moves this abundance and forgives many rough spots, as it dissolves the unforgiving layers. What is in the world we must dissolve, what of it is in us and allow the roughness to wash away in our emotions of dissolvement.

I am very ready to begin to observe change and a new constitutional rhythm within myself. There is much now that currents underneath what tries to be obvious, but is not. 

Clearing the way to listen to my heart and mind joined in a motion of relief. I take in more closely the integrity needed to Giant ourselves enough, that we can step over the confusion and help the people of Lilliput without squashing them.

Gentle ways, but sure footedness, and an eye for the small and its Value.

~Raven SuSane, Clarity

#8 Pleiadian Creativity Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This creates sound penetration , resolution, into Holographic Wholeness, from beyond misperceptional thought.
[ Visit  for more information ]

1 comment:

  1. the pattern looks like the white flag of safety waving us through the roughness of these times and situations....thank you for the waving of Hope!!


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