Today, in a state of enthusiasm, I will burn away the dross. My situla will hold this gold and the waters of my memory will console my dreams into being.
I open the door of my confinement and the creativity of my resolve. The courting gesture of past will now marry the enthusiastic doer of all my dreamings. I hold naked the square and bind up the corners, so they will survive the accelerated speed needed to square my perspective.
What was once held undone is now free to move forward in resolve and power. The work of 30 years should now apply to my future and those we collaborate with to transform, transmute, and illuminate. Fire Seed of Fire, my position of resolve and enthusiastic burning off the dross.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity

#3 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Oak, Sesame Seed, Phlox
This trinity works in support of the calculatorial process, of formulizational transcendence of Body Zero tissue level concordance with the patternizatiolns of the harmonical flow, of pattern envelopment into sound felt, and sonar scan achieved, through the harmonization of thought pattern limitations, changed into the omnidirectional sensation of bliss felt.
The future awaits...lets go!!