
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve

"Fire is the most primeval Element of all. Fire is a manifest archetype of creation, power, and birth. If the embers are dying you need Resolve to 'stoke the fire' of enthusiasm", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Well, fire sure has been busy in my life lately, and I need more resolve to stoke the fire of enthusiasm. So many layers shifting at once and the current needs to be utilized. I am writing, editing, and moving the house and garden around, and preparing for what is now needed.

We are being arranged into a new order like a bouquet of flowers, but I am used to folding into an old order and I must give myself room for resolve. All parts of me long for a moving ease, as the Distance corrugates and comes closer.

The rhythm of our work is a pulse that I feel, and it resolves so much in this, that all I need is to utilize it in so many other ways. After 30 years I am awaking to so many more levels of it.

Instead of being outside looking in, I am inside the very middle of it, but cannot actually see how immense it is, and always has been in its concise timing, design, and rhythm for this specific time in my life and the whole world and galaxy.

George Washington Carver, my most beloved mentor says eat more peanuts. He should know. His work alone has changed our whole world before.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity

To see, and understand more about our Healing Light Imprintsial Patterns visit our site: there you will see a 'situla codices' tab where all the healing patterns are; 
Body Zero Codex, Celtic Codex, Pleiadian Creativity Codex, Ancient Fey Codex, Flower Codex, Holographic Codex, Mainfestational Codex, Omnidirectional Codex, and Recognitional Codex

#7 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint creates the vortexial essencing of requirement of what Body Zero processes fulfillment energy. Voidial acclimation of new motivation calculatorial response is patterned into Body Zero's Holographic Projection form.

1 comment:

  1. As always you hit the mark of truth and constructive solutions to pressing needs in this time...bless you and all your supportive guidance!!


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