"This is a good phase for starting and building the base for the future. Making curtain you have included all elements.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Twice Told is when something happens, and the first time it is not understood fully, and then later it comes back up again, and the understanding moves in place and it is dissolved, and it becomes a cornerstone of your life, and the key to your future decisions.
Everything we thought was real, or order, we now begin to see the real truth of it all, and it is always simple. I keep turning to the most simple, the fewest steps. I take time to hear more what is under, hidden, not clearly seen. We are unlikely to notice as much as we do now, because we have time to see what we have not before, as a nation, a planet, a galaxy.
We now are inside our future, building upon a twice told that will insure compassion. We make the percentages shift by our Presence. The timing right now is surfacing a new logarithm and we cast no shadow, but light, that multiplies our understanding of what we do next.
We are now climbing the octaves to a new level. We are climbing the Beanstalk to reach a higher world, where we can begin to understand our Higher Realm of Consciousness. There our highest self takes our hand and lifts us up.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#8 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Thought formulations are mobilized into pattern equations of dispensorial matter, so that movement can be seen as form, for register of recalculation. This Imprint motivates the equation into specifications desired. form.
[ for more info on Holographic Patterns visit:
www.situlacodex.com/holographic-codex ]
Wow! This set my thoughts in motion of the sycnronicities that are becoming apparent, and the gentleness of your words...thank you for inspiration!!