"The tension it takes to hold together is balanced precariously with the tension which blows things apart. Where differences are recognized and the intuitive properties of Water elements are combined with the cognitive faculties of Fire element, the result may be productive in the outer world. Success is assured when you bathe with Fire and dry with Water.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
This is a little tricky and I must create this relationship in my life. Quite hot this morning and the signal for this day is a little vague. It is to not engage any more heat, so I must fold water in every motion.
Comfort is in the mind on these days, and I know that creative use is essential. Just adhere to the ease and the rest will flow and not fire up the unessential. Focus deeper under the skin and create less tension from the mind. Breathe in Love, potency, and ease, breathe out fear, irritation, and anxiety.
3 in 1 combination. The mind which holds things down the heart which makes things flow. "Breathe in 'I am safe, out, in 'I am healthy, out, I am happy, out, 'I live easily'. 'May you be safe' out, 'May you be healthy', out, 'may you be happy', out, 'may you live easily', out.", Daniel Hearn, Meditation Master.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#29 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Actions Of Center
Actions of center are the successive moments of stillness used to recognize highest potentiality of movement, from one's own center, not others' These actions are what creates the success of change in one's life.
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thank you for the breath release....it is a day that feels tension, but now this vision alters it to one of relief and mobility. Awesome menu for the Day!!!