"Squaring the Circle is the mental alchemical process of transferring an Airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension, so that objective conception and birth become a demonstrable reality", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
This process has been a life work for us. As we move some of our most airy concepts forward, we are required to see how we can manage them as a reality.
The heart of matter is often hard for the mind to conceive as reality, but there is now a leap that must be made. As we round the curve of the circle, I can feel the turn and this is essential. Can Mary Poppins really pull something out of her bag?
Can we become subtle enough that we can feel change and subtle shifts? There is much now that is closing and very subtle things are opening. I must spend time with this subtleness, so I can be there for the rainbow, as well as the cleansing summer storms.
The largest rainbow I have ever seen up close and beautiful, was yesterday. Watch for the signals of beauty, hope, and change. Squaring the Circle-- New Sight.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
This is our website link to the Recognitional Imprints:
#5 Recognitional Healing Christ Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
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What is said must be done and what is done must be said, in order for one to come into clarity within oneself.
what a joy last night was!!! thank you for recording such an intimate concept that gives permission for being who we are and what we are determined to accomplish.thank you for recognizing the signals given!!