"Everything moves in phases and the chaos you may be experiencing is but an appearance overlaying order and rhythm." Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. Kind of a rumpled night and definitely attending to a new pattern in my sleep.
To dream yourself awake is definitely what is now moving in layers. What is now ready is sitting between and I can feel it, but cannot, as of yet, quite see it all. Order and disorder all pushing for 1st place and I am watching it rock back and forth in my life.
The creative spark is much deeper held within me. Our time now is woven through our emotions and the hope and desires we have are rising, whether we are ready to not. I kind of hide and seek, one minute you have and the next you don't.
I must remember, have I played this as a child? She will show me how this still is a fun game. Discovery, all part of its nature. Alchemy, a game of Discovery with a bit of hide and seek.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#22 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Germinational Essentiality of Limitless Perception of Bliss State
Vibration Imprint that is essential from Beyond Source, to enable one to allow and enjoy the State of Unlimited Wellness and stop the duality of what goes up must come down. How to germinate the essence of Bliss.
I think I know the up and downs..my night was tossy and turny too..trying to figure everything out...with little result...the sound of the rain finally quieted me down..blessed rain...thank you for providing space to receive the more!!