"The necessary "Cubic Stone" is being fired in the furnace of desire. I must watch the heat, too much and the egg will crack, too little and it is half baked and will not survive the seasonal inclemencies.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Alchemy, the Seed of our work is always deepening our understanding. How can one be inside a body of work for 30 years and yet still know so little about it? Every phase of my life I must allow its chaos, because under it is the rhythm of a new choice that we'll create a new pattern of desire.
Life is our Alchemical lab and we use it to transform, realize, and create. No one can change us except ourselves and how we perceive ourselves is so key.
The power we have within is the commanding force of how we perceive. One builds perception like one builds a home, Angle by Angle, bend by bend, fold by fold, crease by crease, all building the strength of Place.
Oz is all about the heart of Home and what it gives to our fragility.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#9 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Conceptual Reconstruction of Life Experiencing
Vibration of harmonic transferal of information from past on into. present, and the re-patterning of this information at its Highest Potential of Discernment.
Oh, wow...this sure ties in with what is now being constructed for our future and the doings of now...thank you for some really clear thoughts to process!!