How, in the middle of everything, does a point of calm happen, but always does, and that I am grateful for. Perseverance was key and still is. Working on large intuitive pieces on written work, and knowing we must see it through to our great joy.
There are many times a fragile piece of work will move through us and we know we too are affected by it and the insight is immense. A bit unnerving it can be, because you have to sit just a bit outside yourself, and even your comfort zone.
This is part of a creative force that runs through our collaboration and we both find we are in the very space we have dreamed of. It does take a point of calm to see it undistorted and in its present beauty. I love this creative life that challenges me to receive each day, until I calm all my curiosity.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#22 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint allows. light vortexial patterning through the emotional matrix, which moves the Self beyond old patterns into the clarity of omnidirectional guidance.
And you can see that joy in you both at completion reached..thank you for sharing its path!!