
Monday, June 8, 2020

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle

The circle, such a magical shape. So round, so allowing, so holding, and expansive. Squaring the circle grounds the ideas of air and allows comfort to rearrange itself.

The sky is so blue and the garden awakens me to its silky flags of green. Now all lofty ideals must come into a precision of a square, so they can ground into our life. Freedom, consciousness expansion, compassion, love, unification must move down into the square and withstand the precision of our life.

How do I break it down till its completely part of my grounding day? I can intention each daily movement of cleaning, writing, painting, cooking, gardening, all be intentioned to create and support our airy, lofty ideals, to become a reality in our world.

This intentioning of every action makes every movement, no matter how small, huge in its power.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#4 Celtic Healing Imprintsial Light Pattern Deck
This Imprint opens the Intuitive Self of knowing and feeling into past remembered, through accessible processing. 
This processing is accomplished by imprinted Self desiring informational matrix expansion.

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