"The time is not good for rash decisions or impulsive actions. An appropriate course is to 'weather the storm' without changing direction or 'abandoning ship'", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
In this I take great solace in my stubborn forward and dare to believe more. In our work there is always great mystery, and the circumference of this mystery is larger at times than we feel our capacity to understand.
Even in this not understanding there is a perseverance that we contain that is willing to wait, because that is magic in itself. Elementals move in waves of forgiveness and are always receding to the next level that grants us room and evolving consciousness, and new perspective of the so called impossible.
We are at the bottom of this wave and we must endure as it rises back into our minds, as understood and changed. There is an opulence in this and we both know its meaning and current.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#13 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint works with the vortexial realignment necessary to equalize the difference of discernment between levels of Knowing, Feeling, Recognition, and Understanding through all levels of existence.
wow..this sure hits the mark of recognition of what this time has brought us. We will hold and wait and let the insights come as they may to take us to the next level!! Thank you!!!