"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it's because we do not dare that things are difficult." Anonymous, Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas
The current is swift and fast at this level and we begin to encounter new steps, a new path, a different way of being. I must dare to step more forward into the unknown. I must step into my own ignorance and dare to ask for help.
We are all continents in ourselves, but we now must ask to see how we connect our own continent to others. We are not an island anymore, we are becoming many continents connecting together,
How do we ask for the hand of what we have not asked before to hold ours? In this we all become daring and I must allow breath to fold me. Like in the mythic tale of Wild Swans. We are being nettled up into the sky by our brothers and sisters who remember us from many lifetimes before.
We sit and knot and weave the herb stinging nettle into our minds, so we can heal what has been torn apart. We mend till we remember we are a coat of many colors and do not even want to be separated from black again. Black defines us, without it we are ghosts in this world.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#1 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint allows the Self to center with its vibratory patterning of Avalon. Recall is then accelerated, which brings the etheric realm into matched vibration of Intent of rememory, as guided by Highest Potential.
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