"Success is assured when you bathe with Fire and dry with Water", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. Up in the night to participate in the World Meditation. How the mind, body, and spirit collaborate together to move what needs to be moved amazes me each and every day.
Today I need quiet to find myself more. The creative tension of this time can be tasted, smelled, felt, and is ripe to be used to anchor oneself and step out of illusion.
I count from 1-10, each one a breath in or out. Do you breathe in with water or fire? I breathe in with water and out with fire. Yes, a form of Tonglen. I accept this day, even in my felt fragility. I acquire more of who I am truly, and know where I stand on all things.
I stand inside the wealth of who I am and all I love, and the forgiven of the space we need in this world to express love, and create. Creative tension, the building of arching angles of precision for Strength and Compassion.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#21 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Sequential editing of processed thought ideas must be done before quantralized momentum can build, in Holographic Porjectional requirement speed rate. This Imprint activates this into trinary code, so the exactness fo desired form can be exacted into speed rate.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Monday, June 29, 2020
Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy
"Everything moves in phases and the chaos you may be experiencing is but an appearance overlaying order and rhythm." Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. Kind of a rumpled night and definitely attending to a new pattern in my sleep.
To dream yourself awake is definitely what is now moving in layers. What is now ready is sitting between and I can feel it, but cannot, as of yet, quite see it all. Order and disorder all pushing for 1st place and I am watching it rock back and forth in my life.
The creative spark is much deeper held within me. Our time now is woven through our emotions and the hope and desires we have are rising, whether we are ready to not. I kind of hide and seek, one minute you have and the next you don't.
I must remember, have I played this as a child? She will show me how this still is a fun game. Discovery, all part of its nature. Alchemy, a game of Discovery with a bit of hide and seek.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#22 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Germinational Essentiality of Limitless Perception of Bliss State
Vibration Imprint that is essential from Beyond Source, to enable one to allow and enjoy the State of Unlimited Wellness and stop the duality of what goes up must come down. How to germinate the essence of Bliss.
To dream yourself awake is definitely what is now moving in layers. What is now ready is sitting between and I can feel it, but cannot, as of yet, quite see it all. Order and disorder all pushing for 1st place and I am watching it rock back and forth in my life.
The creative spark is much deeper held within me. Our time now is woven through our emotions and the hope and desires we have are rising, whether we are ready to not. I kind of hide and seek, one minute you have and the next you don't.
I must remember, have I played this as a child? She will show me how this still is a fun game. Discovery, all part of its nature. Alchemy, a game of Discovery with a bit of hide and seek.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#22 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Germinational Essentiality of Limitless Perception of Bliss State
Vibration Imprint that is essential from Beyond Source, to enable one to allow and enjoy the State of Unlimited Wellness and stop the duality of what goes up must come down. How to germinate the essence of Bliss.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Air Seed of Ether: Transformation
Endings and beginnings, all happening in the same current. This is a time to 'sift the chaff from the wheat", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. What parts of my life do I want to decrease and what parts do I want to increase?
I will sit with this today. I will remember all the kindness, love, gentleness I receive. I will increase my ability to see what I am given each day. I will forgive myself for what I do not see that I could, but was so distracted I could not.
I will increase my laughter, smiles, swinging, and belief in. I could carry this more throughout my life. I see gold because it Is. I dream of colors that change me and the world. I will sort through my loves and allow more of this and acquire less fear, unsaid, untold.
What we do not say with a bow of gratitude is what we are not present to. I want to become more present to my own beautiful Presence, transformation- to travel across and through my own formation.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#6 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint activates the cellular memory matrix on all levels. This allows the Highest Potential for Self, to vibrate into manifested wholeness, which potentizes the Dream into Beingness.
I will sit with this today. I will remember all the kindness, love, gentleness I receive. I will increase my ability to see what I am given each day. I will forgive myself for what I do not see that I could, but was so distracted I could not.
I will increase my laughter, smiles, swinging, and belief in. I could carry this more throughout my life. I see gold because it Is. I dream of colors that change me and the world. I will sort through my loves and allow more of this and acquire less fear, unsaid, untold.
What we do not say with a bow of gratitude is what we are not present to. I want to become more present to my own beautiful Presence, transformation- to travel across and through my own formation.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#6 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint activates the cellular memory matrix on all levels. This allows the Highest Potential for Self, to vibrate into manifested wholeness, which potentizes the Dream into Beingness.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Air Seed of Water: Calm
How, in the middle of everything, does a point of calm happen, but always does, and that I am grateful for. Perseverance was key and still is. Working on large intuitive pieces on written work, and knowing we must see it through to our great joy.
There are many times a fragile piece of work will move through us and we know we too are affected by it and the insight is immense. A bit unnerving it can be, because you have to sit just a bit outside yourself, and even your comfort zone.
This is part of a creative force that runs through our collaboration and we both find we are in the very space we have dreamed of. It does take a point of calm to see it undistorted and in its present beauty. I love this creative life that challenges me to receive each day, until I calm all my curiosity.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#22 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint allows. light vortexial patterning through the emotional matrix, which moves the Self beyond old patterns into the clarity of omnidirectional guidance.
There are many times a fragile piece of work will move through us and we know we too are affected by it and the insight is immense. A bit unnerving it can be, because you have to sit just a bit outside yourself, and even your comfort zone.
This is part of a creative force that runs through our collaboration and we both find we are in the very space we have dreamed of. It does take a point of calm to see it undistorted and in its present beauty. I love this creative life that challenges me to receive each day, until I calm all my curiosity.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#22 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint allows. light vortexial patterning through the emotional matrix, which moves the Self beyond old patterns into the clarity of omnidirectional guidance.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization
Completely turning things around, and upside down, is a movement helpful in Fire seed of Water. The holy becomes inside out and the unholy becomes Sacred.
Working in the garden, what was seen as necessary is now less important, and what was seen as less important becomes essential. To become involved with dirt, and be dirty, were things that were, at one time more hidden, are now seen by all.
I wear pajamas every day and even go for a walk in them, because I can garden better. What was extremely important in my day is not, because I am more with myself and family, so I let down.
In this I also travel more, while being still. I move between Chi Gong, Yoga, gardening, writing, reading, cleaning, and swinging. Travel is more within than without. This is not just where I am, but where I am going.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#3 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint is the gateway into etherial fluidial pathway system.
This system allows the present body holograph to adjust its vibration into harmony with the Land of Enchantment.
Working in the garden, what was seen as necessary is now less important, and what was seen as less important becomes essential. To become involved with dirt, and be dirty, were things that were, at one time more hidden, are now seen by all.
I wear pajamas every day and even go for a walk in them, because I can garden better. What was extremely important in my day is not, because I am more with myself and family, so I let down.
In this I also travel more, while being still. I move between Chi Gong, Yoga, gardening, writing, reading, cleaning, and swinging. Travel is more within than without. This is not just where I am, but where I am going.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#3 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint is the gateway into etherial fluidial pathway system.
This system allows the present body holograph to adjust its vibration into harmony with the Land of Enchantment.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Fire Seed of Air : Perserverance
"The time is not good for rash decisions or impulsive actions. An appropriate course is to 'weather the storm' without changing direction or 'abandoning ship'", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
In this I take great solace in my stubborn forward and dare to believe more. In our work there is always great mystery, and the circumference of this mystery is larger at times than we feel our capacity to understand.
Even in this not understanding there is a perseverance that we contain that is willing to wait, because that is magic in itself. Elementals move in waves of forgiveness and are always receding to the next level that grants us room and evolving consciousness, and new perspective of the so called impossible.
We are at the bottom of this wave and we must endure as it rises back into our minds, as understood and changed. There is an opulence in this and we both know its meaning and current.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#13 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint works with the vortexial realignment necessary to equalize the difference of discernment between levels of Knowing, Feeling, Recognition, and Understanding through all levels of existence.
In this I take great solace in my stubborn forward and dare to believe more. In our work there is always great mystery, and the circumference of this mystery is larger at times than we feel our capacity to understand.
Even in this not understanding there is a perseverance that we contain that is willing to wait, because that is magic in itself. Elementals move in waves of forgiveness and are always receding to the next level that grants us room and evolving consciousness, and new perspective of the so called impossible.
We are at the bottom of this wave and we must endure as it rises back into our minds, as understood and changed. There is an opulence in this and we both know its meaning and current.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#13 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint works with the vortexial realignment necessary to equalize the difference of discernment between levels of Knowing, Feeling, Recognition, and Understanding through all levels of existence.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Air Seed of Ether: Transformation
What is now seen is what is being shifted for transformation. Sometimes during this phase of the alchemy I myself become very thin. Thin is when I feel all the layers of the fields around me.
At this time I begin to unpeeled what it is I seek, and in doing this I feel the peeling away, too. Change does come from this, but total comfort is not always part of it. At these times of alchemical change I allow myself more room from the daily, and begin to move deeper into realization and motivation.
Deeper listening is needed and more insight is asked for. Each movement is made more aware and I begin to understand more than I have thought I already understood. I transform my expectation and seed a new perspective.
In these times I must be gentle with my body and deepen my practice even more. I am a Raven, so I am a bird who lives in transformation.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#6 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Floral Infiltration Through Cellular Molecular Structure for Maximum Release of Life Experiencing
Vibration that allows penetration of the flow of life's emotional flow to open and release, from cellular molecular stored memory misperceptions, that would limit and cause blockage of one's movement physically and emotionally.
At this time I begin to unpeeled what it is I seek, and in doing this I feel the peeling away, too. Change does come from this, but total comfort is not always part of it. At these times of alchemical change I allow myself more room from the daily, and begin to move deeper into realization and motivation.
Deeper listening is needed and more insight is asked for. Each movement is made more aware and I begin to understand more than I have thought I already understood. I transform my expectation and seed a new perspective.
In these times I must be gentle with my body and deepen my practice even more. I am a Raven, so I am a bird who lives in transformation.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#6 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Floral Infiltration Through Cellular Molecular Structure for Maximum Release of Life Experiencing
Vibration that allows penetration of the flow of life's emotional flow to open and release, from cellular molecular stored memory misperceptions, that would limit and cause blockage of one's movement physically and emotionally.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Air Seed of Ether: Transformation
The morning holds a rich traffic of change and I begin to look more forward than backward. This is a good time to rearrange my plan and gain a fresh perspective. I must never get so busy I cannot maintain my practice.
Sitting in my yoga and meditation I mark room for a new perspective. In this I can reach into my day with understanding rather than judgment. It is in a daily practice of some kind we make room for forgiveness, not criticism.
We listen beyond the silence that judgment brings. I take each part of my language with myself through the change and open to a deeper view of myself. In this deepening I become aware of what I need today to fulfill me and transform my sight.
I am called to the center of this structure to unstructure what builds not through recognition, but judgment instead. I create a cradling for myself that nurtures the transformed me. Each morning I need to cradle my new self into my life.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#9 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial pattern Deck
This Imprint potentizes the energy vibration of triaxillary dream recognition, as seen and wanted in highest potential vibrational manifesting.
Sitting in my yoga and meditation I mark room for a new perspective. In this I can reach into my day with understanding rather than judgment. It is in a daily practice of some kind we make room for forgiveness, not criticism.
We listen beyond the silence that judgment brings. I take each part of my language with myself through the change and open to a deeper view of myself. In this deepening I become aware of what I need today to fulfill me and transform my sight.
I am called to the center of this structure to unstructure what builds not through recognition, but judgment instead. I create a cradling for myself that nurtures the transformed me. Each morning I need to cradle my new self into my life.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#9 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial pattern Deck
This Imprint potentizes the energy vibration of triaxillary dream recognition, as seen and wanted in highest potential vibrational manifesting.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle
"Squaring the circle is the mental Alchemical process of transferring an Airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension, so that the objective conception and birth become a demonstrative reality", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
This is where I sit and is where I begin to navigate myself forward. How can lines and colors in any way heal or assist the mind, heart, and body shift? I cannot understand it, but this work we do seems to be able to on so many levels.
How do we convey this in a time that seems so confusing and disabling, and these patterns seem to be able to convey and create clarity for us? Is some part broken or inconceivable?
I am not a genius, but I have learned to listen and trust what is. So simple, no learning, just imprinting. After imprinting, the learning increases and the words eventually start making sense and expand our potential, potency, exactness, and understanding.
How do we help people take time to see and hear? We are in this question now.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#19 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Quantralizing Speed Assimilator
Vibrational Imprint of the patterning of the molecular structure that enables the body vibration to move in new vibrational assimilatory speed, which is expressed in quantralized units of measurement, to enable one to move consciousness at a much greater acceleration than has been Known or Felt on this plane before.
This is where I sit and is where I begin to navigate myself forward. How can lines and colors in any way heal or assist the mind, heart, and body shift? I cannot understand it, but this work we do seems to be able to on so many levels.
How do we convey this in a time that seems so confusing and disabling, and these patterns seem to be able to convey and create clarity for us? Is some part broken or inconceivable?
I am not a genius, but I have learned to listen and trust what is. So simple, no learning, just imprinting. After imprinting, the learning increases and the words eventually start making sense and expand our potential, potency, exactness, and understanding.
How do we help people take time to see and hear? We are in this question now.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#19 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Quantralizing Speed Assimilator
Vibrational Imprint of the patterning of the molecular structure that enables the body vibration to move in new vibrational assimilatory speed, which is expressed in quantralized units of measurement, to enable one to move consciousness at a much greater acceleration than has been Known or Felt on this plane before.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation
"Resolute imagination is the beginning of all Magical operations", Paracelsus 1493-1541. Start, find, open, all is in the doorway of earth seed of earth.
I begin today to identify myself as what I have not known completely yet. I begin to inspire what I have been inspired by. I buy the equation, I purchase the ticket of meaning. I become known to my own work and I realize it has heard of me before.
I congregate the method of what I now need to accumulate all the factors of the details of what changes what. I become occupied with patterns that created the patterns of the patternizer I have become.
What projects us in the future to change its own calculations? I need to map my way and the way of our work, as seen and understood and changed in the future. I will center my angle from this point.
Late for the day, but just in time for dreamwork.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#7 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Quantralized Control of Molecular Resolution
Vibration which allows normal time and space perception to expand, and allows molecular resolution to be assimilated and recognized at a much more accelerated pace.
I begin today to identify myself as what I have not known completely yet. I begin to inspire what I have been inspired by. I buy the equation, I purchase the ticket of meaning. I become known to my own work and I realize it has heard of me before.
I congregate the method of what I now need to accumulate all the factors of the details of what changes what. I become occupied with patterns that created the patterns of the patternizer I have become.
What projects us in the future to change its own calculations? I need to map my way and the way of our work, as seen and understood and changed in the future. I will center my angle from this point.
Late for the day, but just in time for dreamwork.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#7 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Quantralized Control of Molecular Resolution
Vibration which allows normal time and space perception to expand, and allows molecular resolution to be assimilated and recognized at a much more accelerated pace.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Earth Seed of Fire: Potential
"It is not what you have, but how you use what you have." Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. This beautiful early morning wraps around me as I begin to imagine my time more shuffled. So much to see in my own home and I open my heart to what now needs heat.
I manage the heat and fire with attention to all I need in this day and what do I give. I confront no longer the outside, but move the inside of Intention and begin a foundation within it. I see myself as I am and not what I should have been.
I list it up and climb the fence 7 times, as I had done as a small child.
1st fence, time and its limitations, 2nd fence, size and gender, 3rd fence, take up as little room as you can, 4th fence, too small to be heard as wise, 5th fence, stay close the world is unsafe, 6th fence, it is not safe to travel in your dreams, 7th fence, if you get up high you might not be able to return home.
I have never visited that time before, but today I must, I am at my own door. I must jump off the high dive and land in deep delicious Water.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#10 Creativity Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This symbol causes the molecular transfer of thought idea from beyond source into source thought idea, through molecular recognition, into dream received.
I manage the heat and fire with attention to all I need in this day and what do I give. I confront no longer the outside, but move the inside of Intention and begin a foundation within it. I see myself as I am and not what I should have been.
I list it up and climb the fence 7 times, as I had done as a small child.
1st fence, time and its limitations, 2nd fence, size and gender, 3rd fence, take up as little room as you can, 4th fence, too small to be heard as wise, 5th fence, stay close the world is unsafe, 6th fence, it is not safe to travel in your dreams, 7th fence, if you get up high you might not be able to return home.
I have never visited that time before, but today I must, I am at my own door. I must jump off the high dive and land in deep delicious Water.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#10 Creativity Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This symbol causes the molecular transfer of thought idea from beyond source into source thought idea, through molecular recognition, into dream received.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word
The secrets of our lives occurs randomly and sometimes we are not prepared. Listening, for me, is key and room must be made to hear nothing before one hears anything.
The trinary code is always reaching and holding its 3rd part, its connecting factor to the divine. The code is scattered across time and space, and we must be keen to its presence. I make the Word of my time meant, reached, and honored, or it might not return again.
I do not need to understand it, I must instead just open to it. The word of sound continented is the rich worth I wait for. The Logos sits inside the Traveler ready for the Ger to be ignited and its heat dispersed to the full ignition of power and speed.
Do not retrograde this, this full nature. Pulling up my speed I engage my forward Word of Power and Need.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#24 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Commissionary Recollective Formulator
Vibrational Imprint of harmonical patterning, necessary for rememory of information necessary for transference of information that will enhance unlimited state of Knowing and Feeling.
The trinary code is always reaching and holding its 3rd part, its connecting factor to the divine. The code is scattered across time and space, and we must be keen to its presence. I make the Word of my time meant, reached, and honored, or it might not return again.
I do not need to understand it, I must instead just open to it. The word of sound continented is the rich worth I wait for. The Logos sits inside the Traveler ready for the Ger to be ignited and its heat dispersed to the full ignition of power and speed.
Do not retrograde this, this full nature. Pulling up my speed I engage my forward Word of Power and Need.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#24 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Commissionary Recollective Formulator
Vibrational Imprint of harmonical patterning, necessary for rememory of information necessary for transference of information that will enhance unlimited state of Knowing and Feeling.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy
"The necessary "Cubic Stone" is being fired in the furnace of desire. I must watch the heat, too much and the egg will crack, too little and it is half baked and will not survive the seasonal inclemencies.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Alchemy, the Seed of our work is always deepening our understanding. How can one be inside a body of work for 30 years and yet still know so little about it? Every phase of my life I must allow its chaos, because under it is the rhythm of a new choice that we'll create a new pattern of desire.
Life is our Alchemical lab and we use it to transform, realize, and create. No one can change us except ourselves and how we perceive ourselves is so key.
The power we have within is the commanding force of how we perceive. One builds perception like one builds a home, Angle by Angle, bend by bend, fold by fold, crease by crease, all building the strength of Place.
Oz is all about the heart of Home and what it gives to our fragility.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#9 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Conceptual Reconstruction of Life Experiencing
Vibration of harmonic transferal of information from past on into. present, and the re-patterning of this information at its Highest Potential of Discernment.
Alchemy, the Seed of our work is always deepening our understanding. How can one be inside a body of work for 30 years and yet still know so little about it? Every phase of my life I must allow its chaos, because under it is the rhythm of a new choice that we'll create a new pattern of desire.
Life is our Alchemical lab and we use it to transform, realize, and create. No one can change us except ourselves and how we perceive ourselves is so key.
The power we have within is the commanding force of how we perceive. One builds perception like one builds a home, Angle by Angle, bend by bend, fold by fold, crease by crease, all building the strength of Place.
Oz is all about the heart of Home and what it gives to our fragility.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#9 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Conceptual Reconstruction of Life Experiencing
Vibration of harmonic transferal of information from past on into. present, and the re-patterning of this information at its Highest Potential of Discernment.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration
Inside the turmoil of this time is much effort to center, and the openings that appear scale up our tree of life. We encounter more each day that becomes more aware of itself.
We are a world in the middle of what is potency. I realize that to aspire is to reach into a new creative way of reason. Reason alone cannot endure us through, but creative intuitive reason can help us manage to pull open our way of thinking.
Today I begin with the exploration of what my creativity looks like in this time of my life. I am writing and gardening more than painting. I need the color, the water, the paper, the flow of my own creative and mental alchemy.
Taking hold of my thought, I loosen my mind and allow the air to loosen dirt of my settness. I enslave myself in old obstacles of structure that do not allow me to play fully. Play is the most political act we can do. In play, we find all the answers.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#6 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Floral Infiltration, Through Cellular Molecular Structure, For Maximum Release of Life Experiencing
Vibration that allows penetration of the flow of life's emotional flow, to open and release from cellular molecular stored memory, misperceptions that would limit and cause blockage of one's movement, physically and emotionally.
We are a world in the middle of what is potency. I realize that to aspire is to reach into a new creative way of reason. Reason alone cannot endure us through, but creative intuitive reason can help us manage to pull open our way of thinking.
Today I begin with the exploration of what my creativity looks like in this time of my life. I am writing and gardening more than painting. I need the color, the water, the paper, the flow of my own creative and mental alchemy.
Taking hold of my thought, I loosen my mind and allow the air to loosen dirt of my settness. I enslave myself in old obstacles of structure that do not allow me to play fully. Play is the most political act we can do. In play, we find all the answers.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#6 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Floral Infiltration, Through Cellular Molecular Structure, For Maximum Release of Life Experiencing
Vibration that allows penetration of the flow of life's emotional flow, to open and release from cellular molecular stored memory, misperceptions that would limit and cause blockage of one's movement, physically and emotionally.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Air Seed of Fire: Mutual Harmony
"Success is contingent upon finding the bridge which connects the enthusiastic doer with the idealistic conceiver. A shift from passion to compassion is required.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Robert is Air and I am Fire, and I am so grateful the ease that this combination of elements bring to us and our continuously creative relationship. Breath is such an important vehicle for me to embrace, in order to balance my fire.
The conscious, and unconscious activity, our work requires, and the vehicles we must use daily to prepare our passage, is key right now. All that we are moving in this world, and our own worlds, requires us to balance in "the temple of our heart atop the summit mountain of the diaphragm", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
We start out with Chi Gong, then I move to my yoga practice and the Stillpoint meditation. Robert, after Chi Gong, makes our breakfast, we talk in the Garden with all our new life, I write, and Robert puts this on, and we begin to walk our bridge to connect our enthusiastic doer to our idealistic conceiver. Mutual Harmony.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
Vibrational Imprint of the harmony within, when one is in a state of total clarity, within and without, above and below, side to side.
This imprint creates the balance of quantralized pressure change, within the molecular structure of the Holograph (body projection).
Monday, June 15, 2020
Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy
Waiting for the solace of what Water gives. This time is for making more out of the flow. When it begins, connections begin to be ready and the source of all movement is in the heart of the matter. What is the heart of the matter in our lives right now?
When you feel the connection, allow the heart to emerge. Whatever one dreams is part of the needed motion and the flow connects. Our fluidity is needed now. Whatever flows I will connect to. If it is stiff and too tight, allow the flow to connect in its own element.
Whatever creates flow, I know, is in time and if it is not in time, it will not flow. We are taught to connect with hard and it will make us strong, but this is a distortion. Flow with what is easy, because that means it is ready and in time.
Why pick something hard, because that is a signal it is not ready. Pick the first thread seen, because all others flow with it. Diplomacy with ourselves.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#13 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Molecular Adjustment of Etheric Fluidial Change of pH Regarding Balance of Portal Harmonical Penetration
Vibration of the harmonic that controls the body pH, which in turn determines one's blood levels, acidity levels, and levels of ability to allow penetration of life nutrients, contained within the assimilatory process of the feelings experienced and projected forth, in emotional expression.
When you feel the connection, allow the heart to emerge. Whatever one dreams is part of the needed motion and the flow connects. Our fluidity is needed now. Whatever flows I will connect to. If it is stiff and too tight, allow the flow to connect in its own element.
Whatever creates flow, I know, is in time and if it is not in time, it will not flow. We are taught to connect with hard and it will make us strong, but this is a distortion. Flow with what is easy, because that means it is ready and in time.
Why pick something hard, because that is a signal it is not ready. Pick the first thread seen, because all others flow with it. Diplomacy with ourselves.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#13 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Molecular Adjustment of Etheric Fluidial Change of pH Regarding Balance of Portal Harmonical Penetration
Vibration of the harmonic that controls the body pH, which in turn determines one's blood levels, acidity levels, and levels of ability to allow penetration of life nutrients, contained within the assimilatory process of the feelings experienced and projected forth, in emotional expression.
Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle
"Square is the earth, the only womb in which the seed of an idea can be materialized, crystalized, and actualized. 'Squaring the circle' is the mental alchemical process of transferring an Airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension, so that objective conception and birth become a demonstrative reality.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
At this time I must translate pregnant thoughts into action and then prepare them for words. This is a time of deep listening to create a live content of all that I know and feel to be essential in the next phase of our work.
The most critical part is knowing where you are and where you begin. Creativity back to our beginnings and recognizing ourselves and not losing our Original Pattern, identity, and root cause.
In this we will square the circle and navigate our small self into the arms of our larger, original Self. I need to give myself time to travel back today and know I can endure this birth of the Unknown. 10 cm., 10 arching angles, 10 midwives.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#2 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Sensory Responder Adjuster
Vibrational Imprint of the opening of sensory assimilators, that enable one to expand one's ability to bring Feeling into Knowing, of quantralized speed, which dissolves the time space disfunctional frustrational response.
At this time I must translate pregnant thoughts into action and then prepare them for words. This is a time of deep listening to create a live content of all that I know and feel to be essential in the next phase of our work.
The most critical part is knowing where you are and where you begin. Creativity back to our beginnings and recognizing ourselves and not losing our Original Pattern, identity, and root cause.
In this we will square the circle and navigate our small self into the arms of our larger, original Self. I need to give myself time to travel back today and know I can endure this birth of the Unknown. 10 cm., 10 arching angles, 10 midwives.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#2 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Sensory Responder Adjuster
Vibrational Imprint of the opening of sensory assimilators, that enable one to expand one's ability to bring Feeling into Knowing, of quantralized speed, which dissolves the time space disfunctional frustrational response.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Earth Seed of Water: Boldness
A secret ally is within the alchemical partnership. Creating something as someone out of nothing depends upon your span of sight. I open myself to this boldness and I start putting anything trivial aside.
I close myself to distraction, of guilt, back-tracking, and fear. I call upon the brave in me and I begin boldly to see a much more vast picture. The Aqua Vita of water will nourish me and I think about the garden, Kayaking, and I sit by the small pond.
I employ a much more needed stance of the immediate day around me and ask for help to stay forward and yet letting go. I stay forward on setting down and not picking up what is not part of this now moment, day, and employ my imagination. I let go and fly free.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#15 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Sight Beyond Present Momentum Perceptional Tonality
Vibration of insight found within the harmony of clarity of the now present in life experiencing, and the ability to look from the Omnidirectional perception of sound experiencing, from within-without, above-below, side to side.
I close myself to distraction, of guilt, back-tracking, and fear. I call upon the brave in me and I begin boldly to see a much more vast picture. The Aqua Vita of water will nourish me and I think about the garden, Kayaking, and I sit by the small pond.
I employ a much more needed stance of the immediate day around me and ask for help to stay forward and yet letting go. I stay forward on setting down and not picking up what is not part of this now moment, day, and employ my imagination. I let go and fly free.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#15 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Sight Beyond Present Momentum Perceptional Tonality
Vibration of insight found within the harmony of clarity of the now present in life experiencing, and the ability to look from the Omnidirectional perception of sound experiencing, from within-without, above-below, side to side.
Water Seed of Ether: Synergy
"What ever you can do or dream, you can. Boldness has Genius, Power, and Magic in it." J.W. Goethe, Dr,. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Tactfulness, what is that really, and how does one employ its honesty. I must stay close to the actual moment itself and stay in touch with what is deeply intended. Yes, Intention is the key. With Intention that is truly marked no matter what will you to itself.
Reasoning alone will not create the synergy we need, but if we stop, listen, and intend, we get there faster, then we can even dream it so. The character of the need at this time cannot be figured out, it must be listened to, heard, and made available to Intention.
Synergy is when intention, desire, and allowance come together. Dare to intend and then allow it to make its way to you as synergy with yourself and others.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#16 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Vibrational Imprint of the upward life and emotional energy due to the upward lift in the ratio of quantralized speed of the Knowing and the Feeling in alignment, without distortment.
Tactfulness, what is that really, and how does one employ its honesty. I must stay close to the actual moment itself and stay in touch with what is deeply intended. Yes, Intention is the key. With Intention that is truly marked no matter what will you to itself.
Reasoning alone will not create the synergy we need, but if we stop, listen, and intend, we get there faster, then we can even dream it so. The character of the need at this time cannot be figured out, it must be listened to, heard, and made available to Intention.
Synergy is when intention, desire, and allowance come together. Dare to intend and then allow it to make its way to you as synergy with yourself and others.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#16 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Vibrational Imprint of the upward life and emotional energy due to the upward lift in the ratio of quantralized speed of the Knowing and the Feeling in alignment, without distortment.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization
Springing forth, like a leap, I move all the fire within me into a watery position of condensation. I write from the corner of my speed and realize that today I must come into consultation with the watery realm of the Mother.
The Watery tongue, Mother Tongue sources me in the layers I need, to make this thin fold of power. I relate my life from the bottom up, and compel myself to find the thread from the floor of our world, to arrange deep scores of desire, in a way that I can easily peel back the Veil of this time.
To break the soil of integrity and allow the Sophic Intelligencia to speak in a way of elemental. To now vaporize, to heal, to come from the root where the heat travels. The systemic cultural need is now reaching past the equatorial lead of past, and now sits inside the rumble of realization, as it quickens the Alchemical Rede. No pushed political fist, just organic opening of the heart.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#3 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Vibrational Imprint of color expressing harmonically forth, into light penetration directional vibration, that enables one to express Love in emotion of Joy Bliss State. This Imprint assists with eliminating Racial Conflict.
The Watery tongue, Mother Tongue sources me in the layers I need, to make this thin fold of power. I relate my life from the bottom up, and compel myself to find the thread from the floor of our world, to arrange deep scores of desire, in a way that I can easily peel back the Veil of this time.
To break the soil of integrity and allow the Sophic Intelligencia to speak in a way of elemental. To now vaporize, to heal, to come from the root where the heat travels. The systemic cultural need is now reaching past the equatorial lead of past, and now sits inside the rumble of realization, as it quickens the Alchemical Rede. No pushed political fist, just organic opening of the heart.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#3 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Vibrational Imprint of color expressing harmonically forth, into light penetration directional vibration, that enables one to express Love in emotion of Joy Bliss State. This Imprint assists with eliminating Racial Conflict.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Air Seed of Air: The Supernal Nurturer
"Relaxed alertness is desirable. Watch your P's & Q's, dot your I's and cross your T's. Do nothing superficially for the windstorm erases mere scratches in the sand." Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
This is a time of a rotational cradle and we rock forward and backward to gain direction. We consult ourselves from ahead and behind. I lower my shield to acquire a full distance that gives me an eagle eye view.
Above and below matched in my choice of speed. I breathe in and out and check to see if my right nostril is open to mark my way. I curl in a ball in the morning light and rock my body till the rotational cradle begins.
I am whole in my concent and I mark my day in a way of awareness of both above and below. I character my own formula for strength. I call upon the Black Nigerian Goddess, Oya, the goddess of the storm and the Voice, and quiet myself in a way of Intention, and fold origamically into the cornered square of need that must solidify, for an even scored future, set into a squared perspective, that will allow my Intention to be materialized, crystalized, and actualized.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#14 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint forms the motivational triaxillary importment
of internal residual layering, which works in response to the external residual layering.
This enables all sight seen dimensional form to reevaluate its position and placement at hyperspace speed, resulting in the exactness of discernment of movement towards known.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Ether Seed of Water: Daring
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it's because we do not dare that things are difficult." Anonymous, Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas
The current is swift and fast at this level and we begin to encounter new steps, a new path, a different way of being. I must dare to step more forward into the unknown. I must step into my own ignorance and dare to ask for help.
We are all continents in ourselves, but we now must ask to see how we connect our own continent to others. We are not an island anymore, we are becoming many continents connecting together,
How do we ask for the hand of what we have not asked before to hold ours? In this we all become daring and I must allow breath to fold me. Like in the mythic tale of Wild Swans. We are being nettled up into the sky by our brothers and sisters who remember us from many lifetimes before.
We sit and knot and weave the herb stinging nettle into our minds, so we can heal what has been torn apart. We mend till we remember we are a coat of many colors and do not even want to be separated from black again. Black defines us, without it we are ghosts in this world.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#1 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint allows the Self to center with its vibratory patterning of Avalon. Recall is then accelerated, which brings the etheric realm into matched vibration of Intent of rememory, as guided by Highest Potential.
The current is swift and fast at this level and we begin to encounter new steps, a new path, a different way of being. I must dare to step more forward into the unknown. I must step into my own ignorance and dare to ask for help.
We are all continents in ourselves, but we now must ask to see how we connect our own continent to others. We are not an island anymore, we are becoming many continents connecting together,
How do we ask for the hand of what we have not asked before to hold ours? In this we all become daring and I must allow breath to fold me. Like in the mythic tale of Wild Swans. We are being nettled up into the sky by our brothers and sisters who remember us from many lifetimes before.
We sit and knot and weave the herb stinging nettle into our minds, so we can heal what has been torn apart. We mend till we remember we are a coat of many colors and do not even want to be separated from black again. Black defines us, without it we are ghosts in this world.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#1 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint allows the Self to center with its vibratory patterning of Avalon. Recall is then accelerated, which brings the etheric realm into matched vibration of Intent of rememory, as guided by Highest Potential.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle
The circle, such a magical shape. So round, so allowing, so holding, and expansive. Squaring the circle grounds the ideas of air and allows comfort to rearrange itself.
The sky is so blue and the garden awakens me to its silky flags of green. Now all lofty ideals must come into a precision of a square, so they can ground into our life. Freedom, consciousness expansion, compassion, love, unification must move down into the square and withstand the precision of our life.
How do I break it down till its completely part of my grounding day? I can intention each daily movement of cleaning, writing, painting, cooking, gardening, all be intentioned to create and support our airy, lofty ideals, to become a reality in our world.
This intentioning of every action makes every movement, no matter how small, huge in its power.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#4 Celtic Healing Imprintsial Light Pattern Deck
This Imprint opens the Intuitive Self of knowing and feeling into past remembered, through accessible processing.
This processing is accomplished by imprinted Self desiring informational matrix expansion.
The sky is so blue and the garden awakens me to its silky flags of green. Now all lofty ideals must come into a precision of a square, so they can ground into our life. Freedom, consciousness expansion, compassion, love, unification must move down into the square and withstand the precision of our life.
How do I break it down till its completely part of my grounding day? I can intention each daily movement of cleaning, writing, painting, cooking, gardening, all be intentioned to create and support our airy, lofty ideals, to become a reality in our world.
This intentioning of every action makes every movement, no matter how small, huge in its power.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#4 Celtic Healing Imprintsial Light Pattern Deck
This Imprint opens the Intuitive Self of knowing and feeling into past remembered, through accessible processing.
This processing is accomplished by imprinted Self desiring informational matrix expansion.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Air Seed of Fire: Harmony
"Success is contingent upon finding the bridge joining the enthusiastic doer with the idealistic conceiver. A shift from passion to compassion is required, take time to contemplate in the temple of the heart atop the summit mountain of the diaphragm." Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
This is why I write this each day. My beloved is Air and I am Fire. All our work comes out of this Mutual Harmony and our work is this bridge. Each day I share a pattern we have made together to bridge each day and share to bridge for others.
We are a continent in our love and we collaborate to create work that harmonizes and bridges the alchemical posture of expansion. Our time needs a bridge to mutual respect, love, caring, and harmony, and most of all, a sincere and lasting change of perspective in how we see and relate to life and each other.
I came voiced in color and Black is what all our work lands upon and speaks from. How do we ever think that we could enslave black when it is what everything is built upon. What a lie was told when what a web was woven from denying the color of the seed the mother grows us all out of.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#20 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint is a vibratory responder that opens the holograph to Sound Beyond Sound, allowing energy patterning of image from Highest Potential to occur.
This is why I write this each day. My beloved is Air and I am Fire. All our work comes out of this Mutual Harmony and our work is this bridge. Each day I share a pattern we have made together to bridge each day and share to bridge for others.
We are a continent in our love and we collaborate to create work that harmonizes and bridges the alchemical posture of expansion. Our time needs a bridge to mutual respect, love, caring, and harmony, and most of all, a sincere and lasting change of perspective in how we see and relate to life and each other.
I came voiced in color and Black is what all our work lands upon and speaks from. How do we ever think that we could enslave black when it is what everything is built upon. What a lie was told when what a web was woven from denying the color of the seed the mother grows us all out of.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#20 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint is a vibratory responder that opens the holograph to Sound Beyond Sound, allowing energy patterning of image from Highest Potential to occur.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve
Fire Seed of Fire is the alchemist's supreme Tool and conundrum. Your problem is the alchemical challenge of keeping the flame at just the right intensity, neither so low the ember dies, or so high that the "glass egg" or alembic (retort) bursts, ruining the experiment." Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
We are in this cycle of change and we must keep our own minds. I am in the center of change and I must take the fire of heart and chose love. I must stoke the fire of enthusiasm and allow the heat to lead.
I am becoming lit by my own caring life and I use this caring to create change in everything I say and do. This is hard because I must stay awake and aware. I cannot afford to start eating and consuming hate, it is a diet many of us have been assaulted for. Do not eat what hate is feeding on. Choosing love, freedom, a sincere voice that is not engaged in watching, but instead being.
I feel we are in a closure and disclosure of racial conflict. We are in the Resolve, stay awake, stay open. Covid-19 is now in the psyche level of our planet. We need to make black lives matter now, and do not feed on their pain. So stay sober, alert, loving, protective, and supportive, but don't feed on the hate, it's addictive.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#6 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint activates, the cellular memory matrix, on all levels. This allows Highest Potential for Self, to vibrate into manifested wholeness, which potentizes the Dream, into Beingness.
We are in this cycle of change and we must keep our own minds. I am in the center of change and I must take the fire of heart and chose love. I must stoke the fire of enthusiasm and allow the heat to lead.
I am becoming lit by my own caring life and I use this caring to create change in everything I say and do. This is hard because I must stay awake and aware. I cannot afford to start eating and consuming hate, it is a diet many of us have been assaulted for. Do not eat what hate is feeding on. Choosing love, freedom, a sincere voice that is not engaged in watching, but instead being.
I feel we are in a closure and disclosure of racial conflict. We are in the Resolve, stay awake, stay open. Covid-19 is now in the psyche level of our planet. We need to make black lives matter now, and do not feed on their pain. So stay sober, alert, loving, protective, and supportive, but don't feed on the hate, it's addictive.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#6 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint activates, the cellular memory matrix, on all levels. This allows Highest Potential for Self, to vibrate into manifested wholeness, which potentizes the Dream, into Beingness.
Friday, June 5, 2020
Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle
The sacred folds her wings around me and I take hold of the intuited wave of real endurance. I move my square (earth) "the only womb in which the seed of an idea can be materialized, crystalized, and actualized. Squaring the Circle is the mental process of transferring an Airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension, so that conception and birth become a demonstrable Reality", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
This is where we are right now, and it is now before us. I select a more solitary space to sit with this and begin my process of Air Seed of Earth.
I enter the seed of who I amino the seed of who I want to be and then the seed of what I wish to be. Freedom of home, health, education, food, that supports the integrity of consciousness we all need to have, to save our life, our world, integrity of all that live on this planet and Galaxy.
Squaring the Circle is asking for a greater perspective, a bigger picture, a balanced precessional frame of what is now needed to create a real change that is able to set.
It all starts with me and it all starts with my heart and the hearts of all of us. We are mattered only in how much we allow black to matter.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#4b Ancient Fey Healing Imprintsial Light Pattern Deck
This Calculatorial Rotational Movement enables the form that is being brought forth, from the Will of the Substance, to balance its interdimensionary movement.
This balancing is essential for the deportment of what is not Highest Potential in manifested form to release and move out of dimensionally awareness.
This is where we are right now, and it is now before us. I select a more solitary space to sit with this and begin my process of Air Seed of Earth.
I enter the seed of who I amino the seed of who I want to be and then the seed of what I wish to be. Freedom of home, health, education, food, that supports the integrity of consciousness we all need to have, to save our life, our world, integrity of all that live on this planet and Galaxy.
Squaring the Circle is asking for a greater perspective, a bigger picture, a balanced precessional frame of what is now needed to create a real change that is able to set.
It all starts with me and it all starts with my heart and the hearts of all of us. We are mattered only in how much we allow black to matter.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#4b Ancient Fey Healing Imprintsial Light Pattern Deck
This Calculatorial Rotational Movement enables the form that is being brought forth, from the Will of the Substance, to balance its interdimensionary movement.
This balancing is essential for the deportment of what is not Highest Potential in manifested form to release and move out of dimensionally awareness.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Air Seed of Ether: Transformation
Oya, the Black Nigerian Goddess of the Wind and change. She is who the Nigerian women have looked to for guidance in mediation within their families and in the world. She is the Goddess of wind, tornados, hurricanes, gales, and she knows how to calm and ignite the winds of change.
Oya is the Black Goddess my daughter, at 14, asked to be the guardian of her voice, which she had lost and needed to reclaim. We made her an Oracle, "The Ceremony of the Voice", and called it Oya. It was grounded in gemstones and all that comes out of the Pitch of Black.
She never failed us and guided and cared for us through many storms. This is a time that She can blow through our bound Voices, so we can mediate and navigate in these storms for freedom. Lets call upon who the Black Nigerian women called upon for Voice. Oya. She will not fail us.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#9a Ancient Fey Healing Imprintsial Light Pattern Deck
This Imprint works in support of Trinary Awareness into form, so that form perception can be noted in a Concordance of Three.
The Concordance of Three enables sound vibratory patterns to liquidate sound waves, that create diversionary energy, into the molecular structural tonal value.
This enables the Body Zero momentum to move from Sound Beyond sound, which never works in a diversionary concordance.
Oya is the Black Goddess my daughter, at 14, asked to be the guardian of her voice, which she had lost and needed to reclaim. We made her an Oracle, "The Ceremony of the Voice", and called it Oya. It was grounded in gemstones and all that comes out of the Pitch of Black.
She never failed us and guided and cared for us through many storms. This is a time that She can blow through our bound Voices, so we can mediate and navigate in these storms for freedom. Lets call upon who the Black Nigerian women called upon for Voice. Oya. She will not fail us.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#9a Ancient Fey Healing Imprintsial Light Pattern Deck
This Imprint works in support of Trinary Awareness into form, so that form perception can be noted in a Concordance of Three.
The Concordance of Three enables sound vibratory patterns to liquidate sound waves, that create diversionary energy, into the molecular structural tonal value.
This enables the Body Zero momentum to move from Sound Beyond sound, which never works in a diversionary concordance.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation
"We don't need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What we need is to use what we have," Basil Walsh, Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
We have what we need to succeed in changing ourselves and our world. I feel each day I am given the answers and tools I need to expand and activate my perceptions. I must make time to listen, absorb, and create. In this time we must remember to sit inside our own field of Sacred Presence and from this we will shift everything from its Center.
I make a course ahead from the foundation of Being I am. Rain this morning to water the seeds we have already planted in Gaia's black rich color. Black is for room, depth, and foundation. Honor your foundation.
Every country has a foundation of a people of different color that built its foundation and then was cast aside. This is what has happened to the Mother on our planet. Recognize the ground you stand on and what color of people built it for you.
Look in your coloring box and see how many colors have built the foundation and then look at the colors they love. Are those the colors you love, too, or the ones you cannot tolerate close? I have done this practice for years and it changes you. We often have a way of treating our mothers as our servant or slave until we mature.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#19 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Momentum awareness of quantralized light body projection, into Body Zero Holographic Projection, is moved into the sight seen vibration speed rate that qualifies the notal concordial requirements of materialization form set, that will allow the known felt to move recognition into desired level awareness for manifestation.
We have what we need to succeed in changing ourselves and our world. I feel each day I am given the answers and tools I need to expand and activate my perceptions. I must make time to listen, absorb, and create. In this time we must remember to sit inside our own field of Sacred Presence and from this we will shift everything from its Center.
I make a course ahead from the foundation of Being I am. Rain this morning to water the seeds we have already planted in Gaia's black rich color. Black is for room, depth, and foundation. Honor your foundation.
Every country has a foundation of a people of different color that built its foundation and then was cast aside. This is what has happened to the Mother on our planet. Recognize the ground you stand on and what color of people built it for you.
Look in your coloring box and see how many colors have built the foundation and then look at the colors they love. Are those the colors you love, too, or the ones you cannot tolerate close? I have done this practice for years and it changes you. We often have a way of treating our mothers as our servant or slave until we mature.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#19 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Momentum awareness of quantralized light body projection, into Body Zero Holographic Projection, is moved into the sight seen vibration speed rate that qualifies the notal concordial requirements of materialization form set, that will allow the known felt to move recognition into desired level awareness for manifestation.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Ether Seed of Fire: Incubation
Taking the deeper into the Center, "change is ensuing in which the flame is almost ready to reach across the abyss of space, on the back of the Wind." Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
This is a time that will do well if the female injects love, compassion, happiness, Intention, caring, this in turn will reduce the tendency of wildfires, turning into infernos that will crack the glass of the Cosmic Egg (ether), and in turn the shift needed for all life to matter.
If black lives don't matter we have no deep mother Gaia. If yellow lives don't matter we have no sun father, if red lives don't matter we have no five no heat, if white lives don't matter we have no salt to scry our future.
I feel the main factor now is how are we going to move ahead if we have no balanced Intention. Wake up in the Intention of supporting all life. This disturbance is the corona covid-19 Virus now in the psyche.
There are those who say this virus was crafted intentionally to decrease the specific population of both yellow and black males. So in the psyche level of this is rage at the Black and the Yellow, and then the Bee. Intend better each day if you deeply care. Black lives do matter.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#21 Recognition Healing Imprintsial Light Pattern Deck
Walk Up To The Light
The light will not blind you as misperceived. The light will not find you lacking in knowing. The light will not bring you forward into darkness. The light bears no stones to weigh you down, but lifts you up to walk upon the waters of the emotions of life experienced.
This is a time that will do well if the female injects love, compassion, happiness, Intention, caring, this in turn will reduce the tendency of wildfires, turning into infernos that will crack the glass of the Cosmic Egg (ether), and in turn the shift needed for all life to matter.
If black lives don't matter we have no deep mother Gaia. If yellow lives don't matter we have no sun father, if red lives don't matter we have no five no heat, if white lives don't matter we have no salt to scry our future.
I feel the main factor now is how are we going to move ahead if we have no balanced Intention. Wake up in the Intention of supporting all life. This disturbance is the corona covid-19 Virus now in the psyche.
There are those who say this virus was crafted intentionally to decrease the specific population of both yellow and black males. So in the psyche level of this is rage at the Black and the Yellow, and then the Bee. Intend better each day if you deeply care. Black lives do matter.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#21 Recognition Healing Imprintsial Light Pattern Deck
Walk Up To The Light
The light will not blind you as misperceived. The light will not find you lacking in knowing. The light will not bring you forward into darkness. The light bears no stones to weigh you down, but lifts you up to walk upon the waters of the emotions of life experienced.
Monday, June 1, 2020
Ether Seed of Ether: Rebirth
Again, oh again, wow what a time this is. Rebirth returns, because it is in so many levels, one could draw it each day after a full shuffle. Wow, this is a change that wants to fully set.
This is remarkable as people shift from violent protest to a peaceful deeper rotation of caring. All on knees to assist a new life to begin. Take a 70 box of crayola colors and sit with them and all their generations of color.
See how you can sit with each one and learn to love and tolerate each one, in all its beauty. Now sit with size, weight, and shape, how can you be with all of them? When you have done this till you have not one charge, as you put them together, you are illuminated and ready to begin to make real change.
My life work has been about this completely. All the seeds planted in dreams of a new life that still radiate Racial Conflict, pull up and start once again. I intend to make this real in my life.
Go fill your house, life, choices with no color left behind out of intolerance, irritation, but instead just ask. Protect, love, forgive, not just in public, but also alone and in your most private ways of being.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#5 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Formulatory Patterning of Highest Potential Self
Vibrational Imprint of the harmonics of each individual's highest Knowing brought forth into Feeling, and then projected forth in the Center of One's Being into Beingness from the Center.
This is remarkable as people shift from violent protest to a peaceful deeper rotation of caring. All on knees to assist a new life to begin. Take a 70 box of crayola colors and sit with them and all their generations of color.
See how you can sit with each one and learn to love and tolerate each one, in all its beauty. Now sit with size, weight, and shape, how can you be with all of them? When you have done this till you have not one charge, as you put them together, you are illuminated and ready to begin to make real change.
My life work has been about this completely. All the seeds planted in dreams of a new life that still radiate Racial Conflict, pull up and start once again. I intend to make this real in my life.
Go fill your house, life, choices with no color left behind out of intolerance, irritation, but instead just ask. Protect, love, forgive, not just in public, but also alone and in your most private ways of being.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#5 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Formulatory Patterning of Highest Potential Self
Vibrational Imprint of the harmonics of each individual's highest Knowing brought forth into Feeling, and then projected forth in the Center of One's Being into Beingness from the Center.
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