
Saturday, June 13, 2020

Earth Seed of Water: Boldness

A secret ally is within the alchemical partnership. Creating something as someone out of nothing depends upon your span of sight. I open myself to this boldness and I start putting anything trivial aside.

I close myself to distraction, of guilt, back-tracking, and fear. I call upon the brave in me and I begin boldly to see a much more vast picture. The Aqua Vita of water will nourish me and I think about the garden, Kayaking, and I sit by the small pond.

I employ a much more needed stance of the immediate day around me and ask for help to stay forward and yet letting go. I stay forward on setting down and not picking up what is not part of this now moment, day, and employ my imagination. I let go and fly free.

~Raven SuSane, Clarity

#15 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Sight Beyond Present Momentum Perceptional Tonality
Vibration of insight found within the harmony of clarity of the now present in life experiencing, and the ability to look from the Omnidirectional perception of sound experiencing, from within-without, above-below, side to side.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you this is very helpful with my day, gratitude for this


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