
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

What is now seen is what is being shifted for transformation. Sometimes during this phase of the alchemy I myself become very thin. Thin is when I feel all the layers of the fields around me.

At this time I begin to unpeeled what it is I seek, and in doing this I feel the peeling away, too. Change does come from this, but total comfort is not always part of it. At these times of alchemical change I allow myself more room from the daily, and begin to move deeper into realization and motivation.

Deeper listening is needed and more insight is asked for. Each movement is made more aware and I begin to understand more than I have thought I already understood. I transform my expectation and seed a new perspective.

In these times I must be gentle with my body and deepen my practice even more. I am a Raven, so I am a bird who lives in transformation.

~Raven SuSane, Clarity

#6 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Floral Infiltration Through Cellular Molecular Structure for Maximum Release of Life Experiencing
Vibration that allows penetration of the flow of life's emotional flow to open and release, from cellular molecular stored memory misperceptions, that would limit and cause blockage of one's movement physically and emotionally.

1 comment:

  1. again, thank you for words that stimulate my heart and mind....i feel like i am always looking for the daily to complete me, while feeling that there is more of ME than I have sought....bless you!1


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