
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Ether Seed of Ether (Space): Rebirth

"The chick pecking its way out of the egg, is strengthening neck muscles, so the head will be supported upon escaping the broken shell. Now is the time for 'cracking the Cosmic Egg'.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Waking gently & softly from under the covers of night passage, I lower myself into this day. Each day is a travel of will to be more present than the day before.

Today we begin building the meditation yoga platform for us in the garden. Honoring the light in our garden, we move ourselves deeper into her plan. Listening carefully with both ears, we weigh the depth of current that will support the speed of this growing season.

Almost 100% germination, it amazes me how willing new life is to begin over again. I take in that willingness & match my own with that simplicity of love.

Our lives , so much like a Garden Plan, always moving over to create more elbow room. No one needs to leave, but just move over a bit. Seeds grow & imprint our world with new possibilities, fresh starts, new angles of seeing & doing.

I allow myself to open to the ever-changing scheduling of the garden as it stretches & reaches. Every year we are guided into new life & rebirth by the Garden, as She stretches & reaches for more room. We move over our set ideas & become changed & new in our own potency.

~Raven SuSane, Clarity 

#6 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint activates the cellular memory matrix on all levels. This allows the Highest Potential for Self to vibrate into manifested Wholeness , which potentates the Dream into Beingness.

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