"Water Seed of Ether presages a coming cycle of enthusiasm, followed by a temporary plateau (allowing recuperation & regrouping) & then a sudden growth spurt, ending with a conclusive settlement. Navigate each stage steadily & thoughtfully, creating a synergy with others. This is a period for solutions through meditation & mediation. Build solid bridges of communication & empathy.", Dr. John Mumford.
Last night planted moonflowers, sweat peas, & morning glories. After a day of soaking, the seeds were ready. Nasturtiums now soak to seed tomorrow. Water prepared for them with a synergy of our DNA, crystals, gemstones, cell salts, to water each seed after planted in our seed flats.
The accompaniment of light & warmth of the greenhouse will make them sing themselves awake. The conial seed flats will hold them for the next month, while they emerge & grow. Such a magical moment when seeds emerge.
We will be planting seeds the next 3 days, & it is a very magical time, as we mark our mycelial light patterns to assist in Intention. We are more governed by our awareness of light & how it feeds our mycelial network throughout our planet, world, galaxy, & universe.
Today I walk through the singing seeds of our future Garden Plan of love & compassion. This is the synergy we now need in our future world. Seeds planted with no racial conflict create a future light of compassion & brightness.
Singing our world awake, one seed at a time. "Whatever you can do or dream, you can. Boldness has genius, power, & magic in it.", J.W. Goethe.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#31 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Tribinary focus is the Imprintsial momentum of this Imprint & it focuses the tribunary axis into the exact angle, for penetrational formulation of time spent into Trinary speed calculation.
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Wow this makes the days ahead full of adventure as the seeds of future growth are ready to begin..thank you!!