"You are the alchemical Fire in the Fire phase of development. Thoroughly mix Fiery Water with equal amounts of Watery Fire, such a conjunction bodes well for all undertakings.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
As we become more level with the needs of this time, I realize that the easiest way to navigate is to allow what I need to flow toward me. If I try to gesture it free, I will only strain myself.
I need to take my heat within & mark it with a gentle phase than has been before. So much now of flow is hard at times to convey easily. We are here, but in a sense we are not, because of our need to focus more powerfully.
To create the seed of ourselves more instinctually we must know the clarity of our own fire, & the contents of its need. The pattern, newly made, can console us with its memory marks. As we focus to feel the Seed of Intent within us, we become less distracted & more aware of what is needed in this time of flow.
We no longer joust with our fate, but instead plant, plant, plant. We allow the flow to become the moisture that cracks open the Seed so it can germinate.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#3 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Molecular responsial patterns must all must be recalculated for each projectional change, in each moment in time. This expressional change requires much intensity of volume to manage the intricateness of its exact position. The exactness in this dimension has been blocked. [Visit our site for more:
Allowing the flow to come to me feels very comforting, if I do allow it...thank you for seeding that intention in my Heart!!