"A change is ensuing in which the flame is almost ready to reach across the abyss of space, on the back of the wind. Allowing yourself more freedom, extroversion, entertainment, & self-expression will assist your plan to be 'hatched out' of the Cosmic Egg (Ether).", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
I sit here at my desk preparing for a day of such that. I love our class play, because it embodies so many questions & answers, & oh so much more of what I never knew.
I am a pioneer in own way, & this I dreamed of as a young girl. To explore something very new, but as comfortable to me as old. I have climbed more fences in my life than I can even take in. I rebel limits, but in turn, create them by my exploration of more.
I love color, no color, & all colors, & this in turn limits in the amount allowed in one place & time. I am over the top to many, but just right for more than I thought.
I am so Fey that my world claps itself awake. Entering a time of words, play, study, creating, exploring, & generating speed that could possibly meet no limits.
The avatars are returning to this World & they are clapping us awake more each day.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#8 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Harmonical Balanced Center
Harmony is only found when clarity is one with your own center, then you create clarity & harmony in all your day, & all your day is without doubt, fear, & judgment.
[Visit our site for more: www.situlacodex.com/recognitional-codex ]
Yes,yes,yes...this is such a gift! This opens our sight of more!! Blessing to your rebel you and all the gifts you continue to share!!