
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Air Seed of Air: the Supernal Nurturer

"The atmosphere is pregnant with possibilities, if you are aware of a tension in the air, the kind that proceeds an electrical storm, do not make hasty, ill considered decisions. Relaxed alertness is desirable. Watch your P's & Q's & for your I's & cross your T's. Do nothing superficially,  for the windstorm erases mere scratches in the sand.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up slowly this morning, very aware of the 2-way stretch needed in such 'Janus' times. I begin to feel all the directions I have been & how they feed me in this stretch of above & below.

I am more subtle now in my ways, but also others that were subtle that now is not. I am a little shaky, as I now pass through the knot of ten & begin to recline more to rest every agent of my body that now conveys more of who I am to myself.

Subtle no's & yes's mark me as a navigator & a raven totemic. I rely more now on my vision at the cross roads of life & the world as this time. I am trimming up, I am storing up all the twigs, branches, & greenery of our Christmas tree past in the Garden.

It all will be used in a blessed way, for fiber bundles. Bunches of twigs & limbs push into the fold of many things. Evergreens & pines are such consummate healers of the past memories. I breathe in the tremors & anxiousness of these times & their uncertainties that my body has collected like stories to be told, untold, & never spoken.

The quivering are only leaves rustling the wind of our giant trees. I root in the mycelial patterns & fibers of my own treeness, like some small particle of awareness.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

 #11 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Dimension of five works in support of the instantaneous potential of Body Zero Holographic Projection, to change sight seen in the dimension of three. This imprint moves the potential through the dimension of five without hesitation, & mobilizes the availability of time space portal closure, for set Holographic Projection change.

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