"This is a time to rearrange your plans and go gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant and which ones are not. This change can be very beneficial, allowing you to tie up loose ends, bury the past, and enter a new positive phase.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Waking up a bit more solid this morning, I take time to breathe in more room and constancy for myself. Things gather and fade and I wonder what is now beginning to show itself at my door. More Hope and positive forefront.
I relax into my own way and question it less. This gives me more room for transformation. I sit here inside my joy and a less disturbed reference. I am pressed at times that I am fading from the world, and this in itself is very suspicious, because I actually am feeling more solid and purposeful in myself and work.
Sometimes we fall asleep to ourselves and we do not notice it at first. We even forget the value of our deep breath, and start breathing shallower and shallower breath. Our sight becomes kind of wadded up and entangled in what blinds us to ourselves.
I must stay awake to myself and my transformative alchemical work. Robert and I are visionary alchemists and even though we are human, we must not fall asleep to our super powers, capes, and boots that fly. Age is not a destination or process, it is a gathering of wisdom and simply nothing else.
This is not a time to hold our breaths. We are safe, we are healthy, we are happy, we are strong, wise and thrive, we live easily.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#63 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Spacial deficit is equalized through this Imprint. The deficit is resolved through all time and space beyond the eclipse of the self expression of Beingness in reversal patterns.
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Wow..you have put into words what I have felt often but have criticized myself for age eyes, breath, etc etc...thank you something better to focus On!!