"A successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective is dependent upon paying attention to details and planning carefully. It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings, and speak from deep inside. When the head occludes the heart, intuition (inner tutor) is smothered.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
The beauty of the Word, when it is given in gratefulness can move most hearts. When I speak, my gratefulness I feel the power of everything. On the tip of the tongue sits all the words not said.
I want to move my own senses to a deeper expression of my heart, and sleep at night surrounded by my words of recognition, love, and gratefulness. All the said words of caring floating in my pool of dreams.
Life is much simpler than we allow it to be. Small words making immense differences. Beauty unsaid in our awakening. To personify the love I am is to bring forward the Word-- the Logos, and its powerful projection of spirit.
I love writing this alchemical mind each morning, because I engage the grace that lies within my voice and allow it to feed my mind, with the alchemy of change and all it reaches to.
"We do not know what is really good or bad fortune.", Jean-Jacques Rousseau. This is so true, if we give life a chance it will always have a Twice Told, and for this I am so grateful.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#6 Pleiadian Creativity Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This creates the Holographic projection into dimensionalizational Thought.
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Thank you for these very early words of perspective on entering a new day....these words are a gift to be honored and actualized!!