
Sunday, March 21, 2021

Earth Seed of Water: Boldness

Have I bent over backwards to see what I missed? Did I lose my balance just for a second? Did I miss the strolls we had, because we are trying to pick up our pace? I do not feel so up to this boldness here at this moment. I have tried to travel more under than above.

"Regardless of how you feel (your connection with moon, which waxes & wanes) or your confidence (how firmly you stand upon the ground [earthed]). You will never, ever know if you never ever Go & plough the field, pour the concrete, & make a firm start upon 'Terra Firma'. Be Bold, Be Bold, everywhere be Bold.", Edmund Spencer, The Fairie Queen, Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Well, we did talk among the seeds last night & maybe planted some rows, but not ready for bold. My body tells me I must let go, I cannot do it all & I must share, & share, & share again, even if few have this time to listen.

I will talk the layers together, so Terra Firma feels solid under my feet, & then tap myself into place. We prepare, even if we do not realize we do. There is a plan & today how I feel is part of it, not outside.

So, I will be bold in some way, even if I do not feel I can. I am not outside the Roll Exquisite of this day, I am in & it starts out with this Told. I am going to boldly stay where I have never stayed before.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#26 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprintsial Pattern creates a sound resonation deflector that will assist Body Zero in transmuting sound vibratory patterns that work with distortion of its cellular molecular balance. Imprint deeply into the sound resonation chamber located in the cerebellum & molecularly active it in the etheric fludial chambers of the heart, in all dimensions.
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you. You are not alone in this day, we all will continue to support our movements!!


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