" Fire, when combined with Ether (Space) becomes transformative, and even transmutative. Fire embodies the Soul of desire, motivation, achievement, and enthusiasm. When combined with Ether (boundless space) it produces a current of limitlessness.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
This is truly a new pattern working in my life. This position is more balanced for me, because I have become one (as a fire sign) who now gives this more time. We are transforming not only our lives, but our home and property.
Property has always been a place of own in this world, but actually it is a place of care, compassion, and love. We never really own Gaia, and the patriarch has lived in search of owning .
As we move all around in our home we intend to balance and create harmony, not only in our home but also our world and Planetary Volume. We cannot do this and own, but instead, open our hearts to new ways of seeing through our hearts.
We sit, do Yoga, Chi Gong, write, and then begin.
We move and listen, we hear what we could not hear before. We clean, we play, have some tea, and speak of the joy of a home we can move ourselves, and all we love in. The 3rd floor is becoming a whole new world of opportunity and magic.
We realize that the world's crown needs to shake itself off, dust its mind, and pull in a lot more play. The imagination of this world will take us through. We used to work until we dropped, now we take more time, dreaming our way through, and we get so much more done.
Our muscles empower us in a whole new rhythm.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#5 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Above and Below
What is said must be done, and what is done must be said, in order for one to come into clarity within oneself.
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Wow..even the pattern for today speaks of that need to give voice to what is to be moved and celebrated along within this time of rapid change...thank you for seeping ahead!?