"Keep in touch with your feelings (Air) and your intuitive needs (Water). Perseverance preserves what you have already established and permits the cycle to roll over into new opportunity.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Today is a day I must narrow my vision to keep focused. This narrow focus will enable me to dig in deeper, but not become overwhelmed or scattered. One meaning at a time. One atom at a time. One movement at a time.
It is not a time to multi-task, but instead solitary tasking. Focus on the small particle, idea, item, and then break the time down into small bites of revelation, information, or vision. Taking in the invisible that is around me, I bow to the love I will receive and the guardianship I will be given.
I cannot break down my future until I break down my Present. What is before me will soon be behind me, so I must see it now. We can often become so enamored with the future, we can't create it from our present.
It is best not to leave until you get there. I realize there are always exceptions, so I also must stay flexible and sink into the calm the moment is creating. When we first thirst for a drink, we often feel it before we actually drink it.
Our mouth waters and we begin to long for what our body needs. This is the same in the other needs of our day. Wait for the physical registry and then move. Sense before you make cause, and the effect will be more of what you desire.
I close in the middle of this, so I can begin once again to feel what I most deeply long for; Joy, warmth. sense of cozy around my purpose, then I can move with it, with all my potency at my first reach. Calm.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#17 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Quantralized pattern flow is momentualized through this Imprintsial Pattern, so that actualization realization can be found present in the now, of the Is, of the Holographic Projectional sight seen beingness in dimension of 3.
[ To see more Healing Light Imprintsial Patterns visit us;
Thank you for the reminder of breaking down the present first, then the future will be as it needs...awesome to see these words with such force!!