"Air feed Fire, sparkle Water nourishes Earth. Air is a two way ladder, from above to below and below to above. The atmosphere is pregnant with possibilities, if you are aware of a tension in the air, the kind that precedes an electrical storm, do not make hasty, ill considered decisions.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Yes, today is potent with decisions and they must be made with care and awareness. Don't let the world pop you out of your own center and request the time you need. "When asked to make a decision, check which nostril the air is flowing through, if the left nostril is open, wait until the right nostril is clear, before finalizing.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
This seems to indicate when your full body is aligned with your decision. I need to remember this more today in order to help me to align my heart mind. At this time most of all the heart mind should be aligned together.
It is easy to forget the one or the other in the rush of how the world is now moving. Everyone has an opinion and they are quite forward with it. The weight of the world seems to be in every direction. I must find how I move in the world I desire most.
Where do I look for guidance, it has to be within myself, and I must trust it. It seems always easier to trust someone else more powerful known and opinionated than oneself, I feel quite small in this world and my own worth seems even smaller.
Over the years I have found that is actually the opposite. So I will watch in the calm of my Heart of Gold. "The mould of a man's fortune is in his own hands." Lord Francis Bacon
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#5 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint transmutes the blocks that veil present perception. This removes blocks of misperception and mis conception, either from Self or energy fields, that would block Self movement.
[To view more Healing Light Imprintsial Patterns visit:
thank you for the opening to really take in my calm and patience for those things to come that are for future manifestation!!