"Reconciliation brings unexpected positive results and new starts. This permits you to throw out the old, making room for the new.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Moving forward into this day is my best position. I intend more of where I am and ask for more ability to see squarely what is. I take in wholly what is changing and feel a new positional hold.
What am I now grounded in and how will it serve me? Positions made should be currented in the most compassionate way, even if love is not always easy to grasp, as life changes more quickly now.
I feel the fire of heat, but I also feel the seed of water soothing, until new life separates into more meaning and understanding. Where will the next current rise? I will be prepared and ready to see and receive. I will hold my hand out more quickly and with much enthusiasm.
I must rise this enthusiasm each morning, so I can see more and realize what is not always easily seen, heard, or felt. I'll open my heart to a new pace and a more worthy position within decisions.
Even the great white shark is telling us to go Home. Does it need to grow legs and chase us to our door? Go inside and change this world Inside Out.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#1 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint works with the perceptional sequential force of thought form colloidal process, of being within the Dream power of Omnidirectional support.
Thank you...I needed some rightupness today...great help!!