
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation

 This is a time to recall all potential and realize this is the natural cycle for rapid growth and change. The current stress is actually a foreshadowing of successful futures. You need more room, more space. This is the season to get elbow room.

This position relates so much to my life right now. I have come to a lantern lit, and I have cornered many full positions of unusual calculations, that create large shifts in how I live and what I live for.

The rhythm of my life now becomes more birthing and rewriting my course. All is being relayed in different many ways. We are now down to the creative basics of Intention.

We intention as each layer of our home shifts, changes, peels away. We Intention the world shifts, too. Each room in our house and garden represents each country of our planet, and other planetary courses.

Our kitchen (the USA) fell apart on many levels and all was cleaned, and what fell apart was replaced with new, and a whole new foundation is established. It is a micro-macro concept and nothing in one's world is impotent.

After we shifted America, we began to shift and mix each country, to come into more balance and a completely new relationship with space and time. We are now moving all fibers, looms, textiles, and 3-D into New Zealand, which used to be our grandsons' bedroom.

This is how you stay in quarantine and still change the world, and assist it in new patterns of purpose and love. We have practiced this for 30 years. This is how small can affect large.

Nothing we do is wasted. We, as children, know this, but we forgot.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#5c Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Interdimensionary Awareness is the System Key to this Unlimited Wellness State of Being. When one is interdimensionaly Aware, one is able to perceive oneself as more than Third Dimension.

[ Visit our site for more Healing Light Images;  ]

1 comment:

  1. Wowser..this is spot on as we enter each day in a mystery worth investigating..I think that is my love of Sherlock!! Thank you for words that penetrate and move mountains!!


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